You do not know, does how much cost love? You will ask in Herman blinov, whom the law court of the state of Illinois bound to pay off $4802 on the action of the unhappy husband, from whom it took away wife.
Artur Friedman podal into the law court to blinov, being guided little to whom by known state law about the division of family, which foresees the possibility of the compensation of damage to husbands, who lost a feeling of love.
Incorrect wife Natal Friedman stated at the court trial that the husband forced it to be occupied by sex with other men, with blinov including in order to add sharpness in their conjugal relations. In the process of contact with blinov in woman feelings arose to it.
Responder does not deny, that he has the romantic relations Friedman. But the fact that for this it is possible to fall under the law court, threw down him into the shock. The attorney blinov erected his line of protection on what Friedman it was unhappy in the family life.
In spite of entire awkwardness of situation, judge made the decision, on which Friedman will obtain compensation.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Hollywood "Madame" opened the laundry

Of kheydi, the prisoner in 1995 for the organization of the network of girls on the call in Hollywood, opened in Las-Vegase... automatic laundry by the name "dirty linen". According to "Madame herself", she decided to study something new after death of its domestic favorite, parrot.
Kheydi Of fleys sequential time it stated about its intention to organize public house for the women in the state of Nevada. "not less than forty women will become members of club, as soon as it will be opened", stated American woman, after adding that an enormous quantity of men they were ready to begin to work in bordele. Which is however not surprising. to the "colleagues" of new public house they will pay on 250 dollars per hour of "contact" with the clients.
Let us recall that in 1995 for its offense Of kheydi it was necessary to conduct after the lattice 21 months.
To soldiers they propose to freeze the sperm
Soldiers, who sign will to the use of our own seed at the discretion of relatives in the case of the tragic course of events, ceased to be rarity. "this becomes faster conventional model, say the initiators of project on the creation of the bank of sperm for the soldiers OF TSAHAL. - state cannot deprive its citizens of the right to have posterity ".
According to the project, proposed by organization "new family", each man, who joined the ranks of the armed forces of Israel, will be able to return to the storage into the special "soldier" bank his own sperm, which will be frozen before reaching by him of 45 years. In the case of premature death to relatives will reveal the container, which they can use according to the will of the killed soldier at their discretion.
Immediately after the second Lebanese war, 150 soldiers, being the witnesses of death of its comrades, they signed a similar will. "the entire wave of those desiring to use by this service gave a ride after the events of past year, says the head of organization iritis Rosenblum. - the 17- summer boys and 30- men, xwho do not have children, came to me in order to officially design the possibility to leave after themselves posterity in the case of premature death ".
Today entire procedure costs about three thousand shekels, what is not obstacle for many soldiers. In the "new family" they consider that this responsibility must take upon itself the state, which bears responsibility not only for the life of soldiers, but also for their death.
According to the project, proposed by organization "new family", each man, who joined the ranks of the armed forces of Israel, will be able to return to the storage into the special "soldier" bank his own sperm, which will be frozen before reaching by him of 45 years. In the case of premature death to relatives will reveal the container, which they can use according to the will of the killed soldier at their discretion.
Immediately after the second Lebanese war, 150 soldiers, being the witnesses of death of its comrades, they signed a similar will. "the entire wave of those desiring to use by this service gave a ride after the events of past year, says the head of organization iritis Rosenblum. - the 17- summer boys and 30- men, xwho do not have children, came to me in order to officially design the possibility to leave after themselves posterity in the case of premature death ".
Today entire procedure costs about three thousand shekels, what is not obstacle for many soldiers. In the "new family" they consider that this responsibility must take upon itself the state, which bears responsibility not only for the life of soldiers, but also for their death.
They searched for explosive - they found the cologne
In the suspicious packet, because of which was evakuirovan one of the terminals of international airport im. Kennedy, was located cologne, but not explosive, it presented no danger for the passengers, reported to journalists the representative of the administration of the airport of New York and New Jersey Stiv Koulmen.
According to him, the field-engineer brigade for the police administration of New York, which arrived on the anxiety in the airport, rapidly verified suspicious object and podala signal about the absence of danger. Now airport again works in the normal mode.
The representative of airline American Airlines, which he attends the evakuirovannyy to the period ninth terminal, reported that the delays of voyages it did not occur.
The administration of airport im. Kennedy decided to take the increased safeguards in connection with the recent act of terror in the international airport of the glasgow, when the burning automobile cut into its terminal.
According to him, the field-engineer brigade for the police administration of New York, which arrived on the anxiety in the airport, rapidly verified suspicious object and podala signal about the absence of danger. Now airport again works in the normal mode.
The representative of airline American Airlines, which he attends the evakuirovannyy to the period ninth terminal, reported that the delays of voyages it did not occur.
The administration of airport im. Kennedy decided to take the increased safeguards in connection with the recent act of terror in the international airport of the glasgow, when the burning automobile cut into its terminal.
Malicious piran'i proved to be by the large cowards
In spite of ominous reputation, piran'i in reality not too are terrible. And even on the contrary, they themselves in all to fear. To this conclusion came the researchers of university St Andrews (Scotland) and institute Mamiraua (Brazil).
Previously scientists assumed that piran'i are collected by flocks in order to attack its victims. Now, after conducting the more in-depth research of the means of the life of sadly famous small fishes, scientists understood that piran'i are completely peaceful. They feed by small small fry, algae and insects, not on whom they will attack nor are gathered never into the flocks in order to be protected from the predators, such as river dolphins and caimans. Moreover, the greater the danger in them it threatens, the greater the flocks they form. The largest accumulations of piraniy are noted in the shallow sections of the Amazon, where it is too small place in order to be hidden from the predators.
Previously scientists assumed that piran'i are collected by flocks in order to attack its victims. Now, after conducting the more in-depth research of the means of the life of sadly famous small fishes, scientists understood that piran'i are completely peaceful. They feed by small small fry, algae and insects, not on whom they will attack nor are gathered never into the flocks in order to be protected from the predators, such as river dolphins and caimans. Moreover, the greater the danger in them it threatens, the greater the flocks they form. The largest accumulations of piraniy are noted in the shallow sections of the Amazon, where it is too small place in order to be hidden from the predators.