Sunday, December 24, 2006

American auto will be fed by oranges

The American company Xethanol Corporation in the collaboration with company Renewable Spirits constructs in Florida the pilot plant, which will manufacture automobile fuel-, ethanol, from the rind of citrus fruits.

Processing the rind of oranges, new plant will produce 190 thousand liters of ethanol for the following season of the collection of citrus fruits. But subsequently the power of production will be increased 10 times.
Xethanol develops a number of the technologies of the production of ethanol from the not completely usual raw material.

In contrast the widespread production of biotopliva from the grain, the company was concentrated on processing of the by-products of stock raising and woodworking industry, and also solid household trash.
Now to this list was added the rind of oranges, obviously, which is remained in the abundance from the industrial production of juice, reports MEMBRANA.

Clever knapsack will make a burden easier

As is known, one of the main difficulties in the tourist marches and the servicemen forced march is the need for bearing after the arms sufficiently difficult knapsack with the equipment and the provisions.
Having fundamentally changed the construction of knapsack, physiologist chests Rom from the Pennsylvania university knew how to considerably reduce load on the back of porter.

The fact is that with walking the human body moves vverkh-vniz in the amplitude of 5-7 centimeters, and, correspondingly, for it is necessary to raise and to lower its weight and weight of load with each step. The construction of new knapsack is based on the principle of the retention of the height of load during walking - suspended from the elastic ropes, knapsack with each step slides vverkh-vniz according to the guides of metallic frame.

It is reported that the construction decreases the additional vertical load on 86%, and the general savings of energy is approximately 40 W the basic purpose of development - to reduce risk level to suffer injury of muscles and spine.

By the way, nothing interfere withs improving knapsack, after adding the electric generator, a usable portion of the kinetic energy, for example, for the charge of batteries KPK, navigator and other mobile devices, reports iXBT. In general, the project began for this purpose, to order of the administration for sea studies OF THE USA. Control wanted to reduce the weight of the knapsacks of soldiers, after replacing backup batteries shityu "ryukzachnym" generator.

Chinese listen by right hemisphere, Europeans - by left

The left and right hemispheres of human brain fulfill their functions with the discernment of external it is sonic. Usually left hemisphere has an advantage in understanding of language, and right - better fitted out to the perception of music.

What factors do determine the differences between them? This question has already long ago been complex problem for the scientific it is circular. Two different points of view predominate at the present moment.

Research group under the management professor chen' Linya from the institute of the science about the life with the Chinese scientific and technical university was occupied by the study of the special features of perception by the Chinese of the tones of its language.

During the work they was succeeded in proving that in the early stage of discernment - 200 milliseconds after the penetration of sound into the ear - the analysis of the tones of the Chinese Language it is achieved by a right hemisphere, i.e., accurately also, as this occurs with the perception of music.

Simultaneously the results of the conducted investigation showed that the Chinese more frequently use a right hemisphere than people in the West, which speak in English.

The results of this work, writes newspaper "zhen'min' zhibao", were published on 19 December in the journal "transactions of the National Academy of Sciences".

They came into being by Karel Capek

During these days by the name "sincerely your..." was published, until now, the unpublished correspondence of writer and journalist Karel Capek.

Among 48 letters it is possible to find turnings of Capek to the former Czechoslovak Presidents - Tomasz garrigu masarik and Edvard Benes, and also premier to Milan To godzhu, writers and journalists of prewar Czechoslovakia - Frantisek peroutke and Yozefu mountain, and also to the foreign writers.

There is in the book the next-to-last message of the renowned writer, dated on 17 December, 1938. Czapek, who was being borne in 1890, died on 25 December, 1938.

In the book it is told also about the friends of Capek, with whom it was copied, there are commentaries, photographs of that time and some documents, reports radio "Prague".

The representative of the lowest caste in India will become the supreme judge

The representative of the lowest caste in India - dahllites or untouchable - in the history will for the first time become the chairman of the Supreme Court of the country.

Indian authorities reported that 61- summer Balakrishan will enter the post on 14 January. Its designation was approved by the President of India By abdulom by calamus on this week.

The population, which belongs to the caste of untouchable, composes 16% from 1,1 billion inhabitants of the country. Hindus as before relate to its representatives with the prejudice, since according to tradition they carry out dirty and hard physical works. In many regions, for them they do not still make possible to go in the temples or even to sit next to the representatives of the highest induistskikh castes.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Emergency zodiacal signs

Company for the insurance of automobiles InsuranceHotline revealed direct dependence between the zodiacal sign of driver and his chances to fall into emergency or to destroy it guided. Experts explained that thinner than all they disrupted rules and they fell in DTP Of bliznetsy (11th place) and the Leos (12th place).

The study, which by the acknowledgement of authors themselves, was started for the joke, experts InsuranceHotline approached thoroughly: they studied the almost 100 thousand private affairs of their clients to the object of their falling into the emergency also of the extracted penalties in the last 6 years.

The assembled material to the authors experiment was sufficient to whole book, which it wrote and did publish President InsuranceHotline Romanov. "I was shaken by the results of our work", it acknowledged to agency Reuters, after adding that even age less influences the probability of accomplishment DTP, than zodiacal sign.

"4 better I will sit down into the machine with 24- summer Leo, than with the 25- summer Ovnom", acknowledged chapter InsuranceHotline. In Canada automobile insurance costs the persons younger 24 years more, to become cheaper policy begins on the reaching by driver 25 years.

Analyzing the results of their study, Canadian insurers even thought: and not to calculate now the cost of policy not of the calculation of the age of driver, but on the basis of his zodiacal sign.

In this case by the first aspirants to an increase in the price of insurance will be Vesy (1st position) and the aquariuies (2-4 positions). Specifically, these two signs were acknowledged not only "emergency themselves", but also most not disciplined - drivers weights and aquariuies most frequently disrupted PDD.

Does not contribute to accident free ride the obstinacy Of ovnov (electronic unit place): "its childishness, which is expressed in the fact that" first 4 ", compulsorily will lead to the trouble", explain experts. But to amateurs to dream fishes (4th position) they advise to be povnimatel'neye during the motion in the "real peace".

The element of scorpion (5th place) - the long wide prospectus, where its instinct makes possible for driver to feel itself confidently. But this to that moment, until someone passes it. Driver- scorpions do not pardon similar - and race begins.

Problem Of tel'tsov (6th position) in their obstinacy and larger than in other signs, desire to rush by to the red light. Apparently, is shown "bull" essence.

Sagittarius (7th place) - good drivers, who accurately know that in the dense motion dare-devilishness it is better to leave to professionals. But they are very garrulous, and therefore experts advised to them to forget about the cell phone during the motion.

Capricorns located on the eighth position sincerely consider that PDD are created for other drivers, and the representatives of this sign always try to do so as to reach the station of destination as fast as possible.

the 9th line occupy virgins, which "better will press on the brakes in order to let pass squirrel", than they will think about that, will have time to stop the automobile, which goes from behind.

Thinner than all they disrupted rules and fell in DTP Of rakya (10th place), Bliznetsy (the 11ths) and the Leos (the 12ths). True, in the case of cancer the experts noted that this is the very capricious group, which greatly loves to signal by all contract practically without the reason.

Legend about chastity

Research Guttmacher Institute explained that the charges of young people in the depravity in many respects were without foundation. The representatives of elder generations also were not characterized by chastity.

Institute interrogated several ten thousands of Americans and American women of different age. Conclusion was sensational: 95% of inhabitants OF THE USA entered into the sexual connection to the official conclusion of marriage. In this case, unrestraint in practice to the equal degree are characterized by and man and woman, including the representatives of the generation, which was appeared to the light of six decades ago.

Even if young people and girls did not deal with extramarital sex, then the riper age they did not reject to themselves in this. Consequently, a similar behavior is completely normal and even it is completely traditional for THE USA. The authors of a study assert that it is possible to be by absolutely confident in the fact that this practice was formed in 1950- e years.

About the earlier time to speak it does not be necessary, because of the absence of objective data.

Woman put her grandson into the X-ray machine of the airport

In the international airport of Los Angeles, the state of California, in the X-ray machine, which is translucent the trunks of passengers, that uses revealed uncommon load. The silhouette of child distinctly was examined on the monitor of apparatus. Machine not of sovrala. The monthly baby, whom her own grandmother erected on the tape together with the remaining manual load, inside actually was located.

They urgently extracted child from the apparatus and sent into the hospital. Because of the fast response of worker, who checked luggage, the baby did not have time to obtain radiation dose dangerous for the life. The doctors reported on this, after looking around little-one.

On the statement of the executive director of urban agency with respect to operational provisions and protection of the airport of the floor Of kheyni the fault of that occurred was the inexperience of woman, who never flew in the aircraft. One additional the same case in Los Angeles was fixed in 1988.

Disabled obtained 3 millions for the sexual activity

To the man, in whom was strengthened sexual inclination as a result of accident on the work, they paid off as the compensation 3.1 million it was pounds sterling. After pious Christian left the coma, it began to be turned for the services to the prostitutes and to look pornography. The family life of 29- summer Stephen Thame fractured.

The inhabitant Of saffolka obtained the serious injury of head after drop from the height, as a result after being converted from the respectable family man into the unguided personality, it transfers Reuters. Accident occurred during January 2002, soon after wedding. In the course of two months Stephen Thame was situated in the coma, doctors said that the young person miraculously remained living. He became invalid.

The prohibitions ceased to exist for the victim: it began to speak indecent things, in the presence of women it behaved badly, it interfered in the strange conversations, than oskorblyal of those surrounding. Stephen began to also look video cassettes with the pornography, to go to such sites in the Internet and to ring into the services, which propose sex on the telephone.

Bill Breitwaite, the attorney of young person, stated in the law court that his client turned himself to the prostitute and brought novel with the 57- summer woman. According to judge maykl Harris, to the wife of victim it was complicated to transfer conjugal inaccuracy. "it is assumed that the conjugal inaccuracy is an example of its released the brake behavior, but it also can indicate that, as victim relates to his wife", established the representative of law. Harris expressed the opinion that their marriage hardly will be preserved, and this meant that Stephen Thame will remain without the care.

Law court delivered verdict about the payment of compensation to victim. The attorneys of the company, where Stephen Thame worked, recognized the fact that the firm must bear responsibility, but they disputed the sum assigned to the payment. In their opinion, the marriage can be preserved, and Thame in the future will be capable of working is capable of working to 16 it is hour in the week.

YouTube helped to catch the killer

The Canadian police thanked the administration of Internet site YouTube, which allows places for the arrangement of videotapes, for help in the investigation of murder.

In one of amateurish video, placed on the site, was shown the fight after youth concert, in which perished one of the participants. Incident occurred on 17 November.

YouTube declared on the site the action of the aid of the police for the identification of participants in the fight.

As the representative of the police reported, into the medium, into the police the man of 24 years was returned. "4 I cannot unambiguously say that it confessed after YouTube declared about its search, but we obtained many rotation from the users, that helped us in the investigation", said sergeant Jorge lasso.

Husbands from THE USA call world to the collective orgasm

California husbands are intended to conduct very original action for the peace in entire peace. They want so that the people of the Earth would be combined in the united impulse... of synchronous orgasm.

76- summer is ground shikhan and the 55- summer floor Of reffel they hope that on 22 December their call will support approximately one billion people, writes the newspaper Sun.

On them vebsayte - - it is contained the explanation of strange initiative. Husbands assert that the collective ecstasy "will show positive action on the energy field of the Earth through the unprecedented on the force ejection of human energy".

Pair wants so that this would occur during the day of the winter solstice, which allegedly must strengthen spiritual component of this action.
In this case they note that the day is important - time and place for its orgasm each is free to select itself, just as the degree of the security of this deystva.

The fatal catch killed Greek fisherman

The Greek fisherman perished in the medium as a result of explosion: into his network entered the artillery shell, which became the reason for tragedy, the local police notes. Incident occurred on the northeast of the country.

When strong explosion thundered on the fishing vessel, 28- summer fisherman obtained serious injuries, from which he passed away along the road into the hospital, where associates urgently sent him.

Dangerous catch fell in the network not far from the coast Of maroniya city, located in Frakii. In the beginning of month in the same region two Egyptian fishermen suffered - in their networks the projectile also was tangled and exploded.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Comets transfer life in the solar system

The discovery, made by specialists NASA in the course of processing data of the comet mission Stardust, became sequential confirmation of the "comet" theory of the origin of life on the Earth.

The analysis of the models of comet substance, assembled by probe StarDust with the flight near the nucleus of comet Wild 2 in, 2004, and delivered to the earth in the descent vehicle on 15 January, 2006, led scientists to the discovery of organic matter, the possibility of existence of which out of the Earth earlier was not assumed.

The comets, which consist of the dust and ice and travelling along our solar system, as it is assumed, are unique containers for the transfer of the organic molecules, which are the components of living material. Discovery two it is specific organic molecules in the comet substance of comet Wild-2 it became sequential confirmation of the "comet" theory of the origin of life.

"the obtained results show that the comets could deliver the organic nitrogen-bearing components to the earth at the early stage of its existence and thus to contribute to the origin of life on the planet", stated the representative of the space center im. Goddard Of dzheyson Dworkin.

Two molecules of methylamine and ethylamine, discovered in comet Wild-2, are the sources of connected nitrogen - sufficiently rare product on the ancient Earth. Nitrogen fixation - process of the binding of molecular nitrogen (N2) of the atmosphere and its transfer into the biologically useful form (amine or nitrate), which is present, for example, in the fertilizers.

"we established that the comets, at least, one type could deliver to the earth a significant quantity of stable connected nitrogen in the form of methylamine and ethylamine", counts Dworkin.

Similar nitrogen-bearing molecules are for the first time discovered in the comet substance. Space probe Stardust at a high speed crossed comet tail, and the collection of containers with the aerogel located on board the probe made it possible to grasp the particles of comet dust without the evaporation of their components. Although the objective of mission Stardust consisted in the return to comet dust to the earth, scientists attempted to find organic molecules in the aerogel itself, but not in the particles of dust.

It turned out that the aerogel acted as sponge, absorbing organic gases from the comet nucleus. Scientists revealed organic molecules, analyzing the tests of water, in which were processed the particles of aerogel, with the aid of the chromatographic mass spectrometer.

Then the control models of aerogel, which did not accomplish space flight, were thoroughly studied, this was made in order to exclude the possibility of accidental entry into the aerogel of the organic molecules of planetary origin.

As a result the scientists revealed organic molecules only in the models of aerogel, returned from space, and in the quantities, which confirm their comet origin, reports CNews.

Nano-bandages will accelerate the process of the recovery

Professors Of deniel Smith and Darrell Of reneker from the university Of akrona to Ohio conduct the clinical tests of the so-called nano-bandages.
They are made from the ultrathin polymeric fibers and possess the high absorbing qualities, which makes it possible to slowly transfer medicines to the wound. It is reported that the prime cost of bandages are low, they elastic, light and capable of taking any form, without sticking to the wound.

Bandage from the nano-fiber frees the mono-oxide of nitrogen (NO), which possesses bactericidal action and impedes the process of infection. Are especially useful nano-bandages for the diabetics, in organism of whom NO is manufactured in an insufficient quantity.

At present the clinical tests of nano-bandages are conducted in Columbia, where they are used for treating of leyshmanioza, disease, caused by the parasites, that are transmitted through the bites of sandy mosquitoes.
The results of tests showed that the development reduces the time of recovery from several months and even years to the pair of weeks. Furthermore, very process of treatment much more easily in the comparison with the traditional, which requires constant intravenous injections.

The following step of scientists will become the clinical tests of nano-bandages for treating the diabetic ulcers, and also their application in stomatology and cardiac surgery. Developers hope that their invention will be soon accepted by the administration for foodstuffs and medicines OF THE USA (FDA), and mass production will begin as long ago as 2008.
But the application of nanovolokon is not limited to bandages. The scientists of the same university conduct works, also, on the ceramic nanos-fiber, which will prove useful for the thermoresistant filters, and also by the fibers, covered with metals or carbon, reports iXBT.

IBM developed the system for protection from false medicines

IBM develops the new technology, which will protect users and pharmaceutical companies from the false medicines.

The built-in the packing special miniature radio-marker will transfer precise data of preparation to the computer of customer, making it possible to determine the quality of medicine.

At the basis of the new development IBM lies the technology of radios-marker (RFID). Technically novelty works as follows: to the packings with the preparations is brought the small radio-marker, which transmits by special means the coded signal. This signal codes only one time - in the production of official producer. Further this marker can be will be counted from the distance to 30-40 meter with the aid of counter RFID and if the obtained answer is differ from that declared by producer, then it will be possible to assert that one or other medicine or another - forgery.

This checking can be carried out in all stages of the transport of goods, which will allow producers and salesmen of medicines to track their location.

Company will test its novelty together with several pharmaceutical companies, whose names are not revealed.

Instead of the Orleans virgin they burnt the nameless tomcat

The ashes, allegedly which was remained after the burning of the legendary French virgin -voitelСЃiqy of Jeanne d`Ark, in reality belongs... to nameless tomcat. For the first time ashes of Orleans virgin "floated up" in 1867. Since then it is stored in the museum Of shinon city in the West of France.

According to legend Jeanne d`Ark avoided the invasion of Britons in France, but it was devoted by its companions-in-arms and burnt by Englishmen as witch in 1431, at the age 19- TI of year olds.

Carbonic analysis revealed in the ashes cat femoral bone and edges. Anthropologist Philipp Charlier, who carried out examination, notes that the finding completely answers medieval practice to throw black cats into the bonfire, on which they burnt witches in order to pacify devil; however, human ashes or some of remains is not thus far simply revealed.
"the femoral bone not of sgorela, simply a little it were charred. Chances to the fact that at our disposal they are located also the remains of French heroine, it remains increasingly less ", it notes.

However, the representative of the French Catholic church, which at first betrayed, and later than canonized Jeanne d`Ark considers that the remains of Orleans virgin can find in the ashes, allegedly assembled on the spot the auto-de-fe.

Scientists guessed the secret of the figures of the ancient islanders

The strange persons, depicted on the earthenware, discovered on different islands of Pacific Ocean from Papua- new Guinea to Samoa Islands, always remained secret for the scientists. A new study of American scientists proposes the solution of the ancient images, made more than 3 thousand years ago.

Archaeologists found the earthenware, which made the so-called carriers of the culture Of lapita, on the tropical islands, located on the southwest of Pacific Ocean. Experts studied the persons depicted on the dishes, since they wanted to find the proofs of theory, that the ancient inhabitants of Pacific Ocean islands worshipped to their ancestors.

However, the strange persons, who look on us from the articles, depict ancient marine tortoise, mother of all marine tortoises, with whom on the existing local legend, is connected the origin of the first island, first person and first woman on the earth. Thus, these portraits can describe to scientists about the religious beliefs of ancient islanders.

Scientists say that the religious beliefs of ancient did not die, when the carriers of the culture Of lapita ended to make the earthenware of approximately 2,500 years ago. The motives of their painting can be seen on the wooden vases and the dishes, which the contemporary inhabitants of the Pacific coast make.

The predisposition of women to the treasons depends on the genes

The group of scientists from the university of New Mexico conducted the study, which verified the genetic predisposition of women to the treasons.

Scientists explained that the treason was connected with the guarantee of genetic variety. The probability of female treason grows, if husbands are distant relatives.

Researchers verified the genes of complex MHC, which, as it was explained earlier, influence sexual inclination, and also they participate in the immune reaction of organism.

In the course of experiments they revealed that the higher the genetic similarity between the husbands, the less the sexual inclination of woman to its partner.

Scientists came to the conclusion that in this case the probability of treason grows, since the variety of genes MNS is necessary for healthy posterity, and women subconsiously act for guaranteeing this variety.
Other studies explained that in Great Britain one of 25 men raises strange child, without knowing about this.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

In Australia the yearly census of the fishes is passing


As notes one of the participants in the campaign - Vendi Roberts, more than 80 percent of the varieties of fishes, which dwell in the Australian waters, they are rare or nowhere more not meeting copies.

"with the support of government we created the commands of volunteer- scuba divers, ready to investigate the river and sea bottom in order to be certified in the presence of those or others it is specific, that are been famous by various forms, sizes and whimsical palette color", she emphasized.

According to the information of ichthyologists, at present the waters, which wash Australia, and also rivers and lakes inside the continent are native house for 700 varieties of fishes.

Fish- butterfly and fish- rabbit, fish- tomcat and fish- rat, fish- frog and even old wife - the here incomplete list of inhabitants is mouth rivers, molded edges, the oceanic depths of the greenest continent of planet, whose unique nature is similar not to one ecosystem in the world.

Britons call babies the rare names

Eytan, Noakh and sienna - new favorites of the list of the most popular names in Great Britain in 2006.

The name sienna, which did not enter into hundreds of popular British names into last three years, entered into the list of the best names for the girls, apparently, because of the popularity of the star of the films Of "al'fi" and "Casanova", actress siyeny Miller.

In all in the outgoing year in Great Britain it appeared to the light of 83.500 babies, moreover boys to 3 thousands greater than girls.

The representative of registration service says that in this year into the list of popular names entered the nontraditional names, for example, Khloye or biblical Noakh. It is interesting that if in parents traditionally British surname, they are inclined to give to their children rare names.

The list of 10 most popular names for the girls appears as follows:
Khloye, Sharlotta, Ella, Emilie, Oliviya, Dzhessik, Isabel, Mia, Sofi and sienna, and for the boys: Jack, Joshua, William, Lakhlan, Thomas, James, Deniyel, Noakh, Rayan and Eytan.

"great watermelon" is sold for $2.3 millions

In the American city Dallas passed the auction, at which anonymous collector acquired for 2.3 million dollars to bank note by rating thousands of dollars, printed in 1890. According to the data of the organizers of tradings, in the world today remained only two such tysyachedollarovykh notes. "this tysyachedollarovaya of bank note is one of two preserved notes of this model. The second of them is stored now in the museum of the Federal Reserve bank of San Francisco ", it described to correspondent Associated Press Greg Of rokhan, the President of the auction house Heritage Auction Galleries, who carried out tradings.

Collectors call these bank notes "great watermelon". This name, according to Grega Of rokhana, they was called because zero into the green strip on the wrong side of note strongly resemble this fruit.

"it is at present known about existence only of two" great watermelons "with the red press of the Department of the Treasury OF THE USA on the face side bank notes. Also was preserved another poldesyatka of "great watermelons"; however, on them stands the press brown color ", it is said in the press release of auction house.

Cost into 2.225 million dollars more than twice exceeded the previous sum, returned for the "great watermelon" 1890 of release. According to the data Heritage Auction Galleries, until now, record cost bank notes was the sum into 2.1 million dollars.

According to the owner of auction house, the buyer is the "elderly and experienced collector of the objects of skill and rare monetary terms from the East coast OF THE USA".

Ideas about the objects of the luxury change

Americans are not capable of manage without the automobile (so they consider 91% of adult inhabitants of the country), washing machine (90%) and drying machine for linen (83%). Also burn in the number of objects most necessary for the normal life: conditioner (70%), microwave furnace (68%), television set (64%), computer (51%), cell phone (49%) and dishwasher machine (35%). These data gave the interrogation, carry ouied Pew Research Center.

For the last time similar questions were assigned to Americans in 1996 (then a study conducted newspaper Washington Post and Harvard University). The specific changes occurred in the decade: the inhabitants OF THE USA began to somewhat less value automobile, but is considerably more - microwave furnace, computer and dishwasher machine.

Those interrogated they also requested to estimate - is one or other device or another the object of luxury or basic commodity. Interrogation confirmed known truth that the ideas about the luxury constantly change. For example, in the middle 1990- X it is annual mikrovolnovku was considered vitally important object only more than 30% those interrogated - now it is more into two and the more of times.

Now young people elderly, considerably more frequent than call basic commodities IT- goods - cell phones, computers, MP3-pleery, etc. exception is here only the television set, whose value recognize the representatives of absolutely all ages. Furthermore, it was explained that the need for the computer grows in parallel with raising formation level, and the higher the income of American, the less the quantity of devices he calls the "objects of luxury". One additional curious observation: men considerably more frequent than women call "vitally necessary" dishwasher machine and to mikrovolnovku.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The oldest person in the world died

The American woman of Elisabeth bolden, who, as they assert, was oldest of the people living now, it passed away at the age of 116 years.

The mrs. Of bolden died in the center of health and rehabilitation in Memphis, state Of tennesi, its grandson reported.

it was always oriented to the family, it gave good advice, and they listened to it. It was toiler, the large part of the life it were occupied by farmer labor , says James bolden.

In missis bolden remained two daughters (two sons they died earlier), 40 grandsons, 75 great-grandsons, 150 prapravnukov, 220 pra-pra- great-grandsons even 75 pra-pra-pra- great-grandsons.

Elisabeth bolden left marry into 19 years, its husband died 1950- m to year. In recent years of force increasingly more frequently left dolgozhitelnitsu, and the large part of the time she slept.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Concrete in the pyramids insulted the archaeologist


The head of the Egyptian Supreme Soviet for the study of the antiquities Of zakhi Of khavass named the recently published hypothesis about the use of concrete with the building of the pyramids of Guise of "idiotic and insulting".

Khavass, as reports London tabloid The Mirror, is agitated even and by the fact that he does not know, how samples of rock reach the French chemists, who advanced "concrete theory", without the permission of Egyptian government. The chief archaeologist of Egypt is convinced that the pyramids are wholly built from the blocks of limestone and granite.

Let us recall that the group of French, American and British scientists advanced the assumptionthat the ancient Egyptians used concrete for casting the large blocks, which went to the building of the upper levels of pyramids. The results of a study were published in the French periodical "Science et Vie" and were retold by the leading world newspapers, including The Times and The New York Times, on Friday, on 1 December, 2006.

Researchers assumed that the Egyptians devised their composition of concrete, mixing up the fluid solution of limestone s I will pour off, by ashes and by lime. Ancient builders spilled the obtained mixture into the forms and dried in the sun. Experimentally hypothesis confirmed chemist Joseph davidovits, for whom it was possible in ten days to obtain the large block of lime concrete, using only simplest procedures, accessible to Egyptians.

The supporters of traditional views on the technology of the erection of pyramids, including Zakhi Of khavass, which heads the Egyptian Supreme Soviet for the study of antiquities, assume that ancient used only simple mechanical devices and transported the blocks of limestone and granite from the stone quarries.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Adolescent poisoned because of the calculation for the "sex on the telephone"

Fourteen year old adolescent in China committed suicide after to him arrived calculation in the size of 1 800 yuan (230 dollars) for the "sex along the telephone".

Whether Khonbin' from the northwestern province of Gansu was excluded from the school in the past year and began to ring along the expensive "hot" lines during August. It committed suicide, after drinking the solution of pesticides after the colleague of telephone company rang its family and required to pay calculations. The most prolonged conversation, represented in the calculation on 16 pages, lasted for elongation of four it was hour.

The cost of the minute of this contact composes three yuan. Mean wage of Chinese peasants - only 300 yuan.