Sunday, December 17, 2006

"great watermelon" is sold for $2.3 millions

In the American city Dallas passed the auction, at which anonymous collector acquired for 2.3 million dollars to bank note by rating thousands of dollars, printed in 1890. According to the data of the organizers of tradings, in the world today remained only two such tysyachedollarovykh notes. "this tysyachedollarovaya of bank note is one of two preserved notes of this model. The second of them is stored now in the museum of the Federal Reserve bank of San Francisco ", it described to correspondent Associated Press Greg Of rokhan, the President of the auction house Heritage Auction Galleries, who carried out tradings.

Collectors call these bank notes "great watermelon". This name, according to Grega Of rokhana, they was called because zero into the green strip on the wrong side of note strongly resemble this fruit.

"it is at present known about existence only of two" great watermelons "with the red press of the Department of the Treasury OF THE USA on the face side bank notes. Also was preserved another poldesyatka of "great watermelons"; however, on them stands the press brown color ", it is said in the press release of auction house.

Cost into 2.225 million dollars more than twice exceeded the previous sum, returned for the "great watermelon" 1890 of release. According to the data Heritage Auction Galleries, until now, record cost bank notes was the sum into 2.1 million dollars.

According to the owner of auction house, the buyer is the "elderly and experienced collector of the objects of skill and rare monetary terms from the East coast OF THE USA".

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