The stones, found on the West of Africa, at first glance were differed in no way from usual, and only radio carbon analysis showed that the discussion deals with the scientific sensation. It occurs, chimpanzee possessed the habits, which, until now were considered exclusively the privilege of man. This refutes the famous theory, which they presented to Soviet schoolboys as truth in the last instance.
The Stone Age - one of the most prolonged epochs in the history of humanity. This was the bloom of primitive communal system. Stone was used for preparing different instruments, be it knife or axe.
Undoubtedly, the implements of labor and weapon from the tree were also disseminated, but they were not preserved to the present. Therefore into the hands of archaeologists fall only the roughly polished pieces of silicon, rock plates and other objects of the daily custom of ancient person.
However, rock instruments, as now it is explained, used not only people. Scientists assume that the stone- hammers, found on the West of Africa, belonged to chimpanzee, since on their form they most be suitable for the large hand of this monkey.
Now experts break head, as generally in chimpanzee appeared this habit. Two versions are proposed - either this special feature was inherited from the general with the man, now died out ancestor or it developed in monkeys in the process of evolution parallel with the man.
Paleonthologist Julio merkader and its associates made their discovery in the territory of republic tomcat -d'Ivuar in the earliest prehistoric "settling" of chimpanzee.
The stones obtained there, are at first glance, they are remarkable in no way, and after thoroughly study it became clear that 4 300 years ago them used prehistoric chimpanzees.
Apparently, monkeys used them in order to split nuts. To this conclusion the researchers came after the comparison of finding with the rock tools of ancient person and the instruments of contemporary chimpanzees. This version confirms the fact that in the cracks of rock hammers grains of starch are discovered.
"the rock culture of chimpanzee has long prehistory and deep roots, which only begin to be opened. The age of rock tools was determined because of the radio carbon analysis ", write researchers in their article, published into Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Thus, the driven into into head of Soviet schoolboys assumption of Engels about the fact that the labor made from the monkey of man, sequential time is disproved. It is complicated to answer a question, that generally it follows to consider labor. The obtaining of food with the use of different tools is inherent not only in mammals, but even birds. But some humourists completely declare, that not the labor made from the monkey of man, but precisely the opposite - idleness it made from the man a monkey.
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