Thursday, December 21, 2006

Emergency zodiacal signs

Company for the insurance of automobiles InsuranceHotline revealed direct dependence between the zodiacal sign of driver and his chances to fall into emergency or to destroy it guided. Experts explained that thinner than all they disrupted rules and they fell in DTP Of bliznetsy (11th place) and the Leos (12th place).

The study, which by the acknowledgement of authors themselves, was started for the joke, experts InsuranceHotline approached thoroughly: they studied the almost 100 thousand private affairs of their clients to the object of their falling into the emergency also of the extracted penalties in the last 6 years.

The assembled material to the authors experiment was sufficient to whole book, which it wrote and did publish President InsuranceHotline Romanov. "I was shaken by the results of our work", it acknowledged to agency Reuters, after adding that even age less influences the probability of accomplishment DTP, than zodiacal sign.

"4 better I will sit down into the machine with 24- summer Leo, than with the 25- summer Ovnom", acknowledged chapter InsuranceHotline. In Canada automobile insurance costs the persons younger 24 years more, to become cheaper policy begins on the reaching by driver 25 years.

Analyzing the results of their study, Canadian insurers even thought: and not to calculate now the cost of policy not of the calculation of the age of driver, but on the basis of his zodiacal sign.

In this case by the first aspirants to an increase in the price of insurance will be Vesy (1st position) and the aquariuies (2-4 positions). Specifically, these two signs were acknowledged not only "emergency themselves", but also most not disciplined - drivers weights and aquariuies most frequently disrupted PDD.

Does not contribute to accident free ride the obstinacy Of ovnov (electronic unit place): "its childishness, which is expressed in the fact that" first 4 ", compulsorily will lead to the trouble", explain experts. But to amateurs to dream fishes (4th position) they advise to be povnimatel'neye during the motion in the "real peace".

The element of scorpion (5th place) - the long wide prospectus, where its instinct makes possible for driver to feel itself confidently. But this to that moment, until someone passes it. Driver- scorpions do not pardon similar - and race begins.

Problem Of tel'tsov (6th position) in their obstinacy and larger than in other signs, desire to rush by to the red light. Apparently, is shown "bull" essence.

Sagittarius (7th place) - good drivers, who accurately know that in the dense motion dare-devilishness it is better to leave to professionals. But they are very garrulous, and therefore experts advised to them to forget about the cell phone during the motion.

Capricorns located on the eighth position sincerely consider that PDD are created for other drivers, and the representatives of this sign always try to do so as to reach the station of destination as fast as possible.

the 9th line occupy virgins, which "better will press on the brakes in order to let pass squirrel", than they will think about that, will have time to stop the automobile, which goes from behind.

Thinner than all they disrupted rules and fell in DTP Of rakya (10th place), Bliznetsy (the 11ths) and the Leos (the 12ths). True, in the case of cancer the experts noted that this is the very capricious group, which greatly loves to signal by all contract practically without the reason.

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