Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ancient Egyptians respected the dentists

Pilferers led Egyptian archaelogical command to the burial of three dentists pharaoh's, which was discovered in the territory of the complex of the pyramids Of sakkara to the south of Cairo. This finding proves, that the ancient Egyptians worried about their teeth.

"it seems, for the first time, it was explained that the ancient Egyptians constructed tombs for the dentists", stated the leader of council for the ancient monuments of the culture Of zakhi Of khavass.

On the door of tomb are drawn two hieroglyphs - eye and canine tooth - the symbols, which designate dentists.

Pilferers carried out their "excavations" in the archaelogical section, until not are arrested two months ago. However, scientists must be grateful to the plunderers of tombs. They, probably, did not note curse on the door aperture, which leads to the grave of chief dentist - hieroglyphs of crocodile and snake.

Archaeologists consider that are discovered only 30 percent of burials, hidden under the sands of Egyptian desert. They believe that in the section of their Sakkary expect other surprising discoveries.

The pyramids Of sakkara are located approximately in 20 kilometers to the south of Cairo and are one of the most popular tourist places of Egypt. "guests pharaoh's" arrive here in order to look around temples, graves and funeral complexes.

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