Monday, October 23, 2006

Fear causes cancer

The group of American scientists completed "striking", according to their own words, discovery, after demonstrating the presence of the connection between a feeling of fear and the development of oncologic diseases. Results are described in periodical Hormones and Behaviour, reports Live Science. A feeling of fear, generating cancer, does not shorten life - in the course of studies it was possible to demonstrate the absence of correlation in the lifetime between the formation of cancerous tumor and the loss of experimental animal in both groups of experimental animals - "cowardly" and "brave".

In the course of the experiments, set by the scientists of their university of Chicago under the management of doctor March Makklintok, was investigated the group of 81 female of the specific form of the rats, inclined to the development of the malignant new formations of breast and hypophysis. Was studied the "readiness" of each of the mice at the age of 20 days to study new for them, deprived of the visible threats, medium - i.e., the individual degree of the fear, to which each individual was subjected. Then, when mice reached the age (390 days) average for them, scientists verified, in what mice began the development of cancer, and in what - no.

Results proved to be impressive on the persuasiveness. Cancer was revealed in 80% of "cowardly" mice and only in 38% of those, who "brave" mastered new medium.

The results of a new study make it possible to make a conclusion about the presence of of deeper than it was assumed contemporary science before, the connection between the "personality" and the physiological processes (or, if conveniently, between the "soul" and the "body"). This makes it possible in a new way to approach the development of the connection between the development of cancer and the special features of nature in man.

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