Sunday, December 24, 2006

American auto will be fed by oranges

The American company Xethanol Corporation in the collaboration with company Renewable Spirits constructs in Florida the pilot plant, which will manufacture automobile fuel-, ethanol, from the rind of citrus fruits.

Processing the rind of oranges, new plant will produce 190 thousand liters of ethanol for the following season of the collection of citrus fruits. But subsequently the power of production will be increased 10 times.
Xethanol develops a number of the technologies of the production of ethanol from the not completely usual raw material.

In contrast the widespread production of biotopliva from the grain, the company was concentrated on processing of the by-products of stock raising and woodworking industry, and also solid household trash.
Now to this list was added the rind of oranges, obviously, which is remained in the abundance from the industrial production of juice, reports MEMBRANA.

Clever knapsack will make a burden easier

As is known, one of the main difficulties in the tourist marches and the servicemen forced march is the need for bearing after the arms sufficiently difficult knapsack with the equipment and the provisions.
Having fundamentally changed the construction of knapsack, physiologist chests Rom from the Pennsylvania university knew how to considerably reduce load on the back of porter.

The fact is that with walking the human body moves vverkh-vniz in the amplitude of 5-7 centimeters, and, correspondingly, for it is necessary to raise and to lower its weight and weight of load with each step. The construction of new knapsack is based on the principle of the retention of the height of load during walking - suspended from the elastic ropes, knapsack with each step slides vverkh-vniz according to the guides of metallic frame.

It is reported that the construction decreases the additional vertical load on 86%, and the general savings of energy is approximately 40 W the basic purpose of development - to reduce risk level to suffer injury of muscles and spine.

By the way, nothing interfere withs improving knapsack, after adding the electric generator, a usable portion of the kinetic energy, for example, for the charge of batteries KPK, navigator and other mobile devices, reports iXBT. In general, the project began for this purpose, to order of the administration for sea studies OF THE USA. Control wanted to reduce the weight of the knapsacks of soldiers, after replacing backup batteries shityu "ryukzachnym" generator.

Chinese listen by right hemisphere, Europeans - by left

The left and right hemispheres of human brain fulfill their functions with the discernment of external it is sonic. Usually left hemisphere has an advantage in understanding of language, and right - better fitted out to the perception of music.

What factors do determine the differences between them? This question has already long ago been complex problem for the scientific it is circular. Two different points of view predominate at the present moment.

Research group under the management professor chen' Linya from the institute of the science about the life with the Chinese scientific and technical university was occupied by the study of the special features of perception by the Chinese of the tones of its language.

During the work they was succeeded in proving that in the early stage of discernment - 200 milliseconds after the penetration of sound into the ear - the analysis of the tones of the Chinese Language it is achieved by a right hemisphere, i.e., accurately also, as this occurs with the perception of music.

Simultaneously the results of the conducted investigation showed that the Chinese more frequently use a right hemisphere than people in the West, which speak in English.

The results of this work, writes newspaper "zhen'min' zhibao", were published on 19 December in the journal "transactions of the National Academy of Sciences".

They came into being by Karel Capek

During these days by the name "sincerely your..." was published, until now, the unpublished correspondence of writer and journalist Karel Capek.

Among 48 letters it is possible to find turnings of Capek to the former Czechoslovak Presidents - Tomasz garrigu masarik and Edvard Benes, and also premier to Milan To godzhu, writers and journalists of prewar Czechoslovakia - Frantisek peroutke and Yozefu mountain, and also to the foreign writers.

There is in the book the next-to-last message of the renowned writer, dated on 17 December, 1938. Czapek, who was being borne in 1890, died on 25 December, 1938.

In the book it is told also about the friends of Capek, with whom it was copied, there are commentaries, photographs of that time and some documents, reports radio "Prague".

The representative of the lowest caste in India will become the supreme judge

The representative of the lowest caste in India - dahllites or untouchable - in the history will for the first time become the chairman of the Supreme Court of the country.

Indian authorities reported that 61- summer Balakrishan will enter the post on 14 January. Its designation was approved by the President of India By abdulom by calamus on this week.

The population, which belongs to the caste of untouchable, composes 16% from 1,1 billion inhabitants of the country. Hindus as before relate to its representatives with the prejudice, since according to tradition they carry out dirty and hard physical works. In many regions, for them they do not still make possible to go in the temples or even to sit next to the representatives of the highest induistskikh castes.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Emergency zodiacal signs

Company for the insurance of automobiles InsuranceHotline revealed direct dependence between the zodiacal sign of driver and his chances to fall into emergency or to destroy it guided. Experts explained that thinner than all they disrupted rules and they fell in DTP Of bliznetsy (11th place) and the Leos (12th place).

The study, which by the acknowledgement of authors themselves, was started for the joke, experts InsuranceHotline approached thoroughly: they studied the almost 100 thousand private affairs of their clients to the object of their falling into the emergency also of the extracted penalties in the last 6 years.

The assembled material to the authors experiment was sufficient to whole book, which it wrote and did publish President InsuranceHotline Romanov. "I was shaken by the results of our work", it acknowledged to agency Reuters, after adding that even age less influences the probability of accomplishment DTP, than zodiacal sign.

"4 better I will sit down into the machine with 24- summer Leo, than with the 25- summer Ovnom", acknowledged chapter InsuranceHotline. In Canada automobile insurance costs the persons younger 24 years more, to become cheaper policy begins on the reaching by driver 25 years.

Analyzing the results of their study, Canadian insurers even thought: and not to calculate now the cost of policy not of the calculation of the age of driver, but on the basis of his zodiacal sign.

In this case by the first aspirants to an increase in the price of insurance will be Vesy (1st position) and the aquariuies (2-4 positions). Specifically, these two signs were acknowledged not only "emergency themselves", but also most not disciplined - drivers weights and aquariuies most frequently disrupted PDD.

Does not contribute to accident free ride the obstinacy Of ovnov (electronic unit place): "its childishness, which is expressed in the fact that" first 4 ", compulsorily will lead to the trouble", explain experts. But to amateurs to dream fishes (4th position) they advise to be povnimatel'neye during the motion in the "real peace".

The element of scorpion (5th place) - the long wide prospectus, where its instinct makes possible for driver to feel itself confidently. But this to that moment, until someone passes it. Driver- scorpions do not pardon similar - and race begins.

Problem Of tel'tsov (6th position) in their obstinacy and larger than in other signs, desire to rush by to the red light. Apparently, is shown "bull" essence.

Sagittarius (7th place) - good drivers, who accurately know that in the dense motion dare-devilishness it is better to leave to professionals. But they are very garrulous, and therefore experts advised to them to forget about the cell phone during the motion.

Capricorns located on the eighth position sincerely consider that PDD are created for other drivers, and the representatives of this sign always try to do so as to reach the station of destination as fast as possible.

the 9th line occupy virgins, which "better will press on the brakes in order to let pass squirrel", than they will think about that, will have time to stop the automobile, which goes from behind.

Thinner than all they disrupted rules and fell in DTP Of rakya (10th place), Bliznetsy (the 11ths) and the Leos (the 12ths). True, in the case of cancer the experts noted that this is the very capricious group, which greatly loves to signal by all contract practically without the reason.

Legend about chastity

Research Guttmacher Institute explained that the charges of young people in the depravity in many respects were without foundation. The representatives of elder generations also were not characterized by chastity.

Institute interrogated several ten thousands of Americans and American women of different age. Conclusion was sensational: 95% of inhabitants OF THE USA entered into the sexual connection to the official conclusion of marriage. In this case, unrestraint in practice to the equal degree are characterized by and man and woman, including the representatives of the generation, which was appeared to the light of six decades ago.

Even if young people and girls did not deal with extramarital sex, then the riper age they did not reject to themselves in this. Consequently, a similar behavior is completely normal and even it is completely traditional for THE USA. The authors of a study assert that it is possible to be by absolutely confident in the fact that this practice was formed in 1950- e years.

About the earlier time to speak it does not be necessary, because of the absence of objective data.

Woman put her grandson into the X-ray machine of the airport

In the international airport of Los Angeles, the state of California, in the X-ray machine, which is translucent the trunks of passengers, that uses revealed uncommon load. The silhouette of child distinctly was examined on the monitor of apparatus. Machine not of sovrala. The monthly baby, whom her own grandmother erected on the tape together with the remaining manual load, inside actually was located.

They urgently extracted child from the apparatus and sent into the hospital. Because of the fast response of worker, who checked luggage, the baby did not have time to obtain radiation dose dangerous for the life. The doctors reported on this, after looking around little-one.

On the statement of the executive director of urban agency with respect to operational provisions and protection of the airport of the floor Of kheyni the fault of that occurred was the inexperience of woman, who never flew in the aircraft. One additional the same case in Los Angeles was fixed in 1988.

Disabled obtained 3 millions for the sexual activity

To the man, in whom was strengthened sexual inclination as a result of accident on the work, they paid off as the compensation 3.1 million it was pounds sterling. After pious Christian left the coma, it began to be turned for the services to the prostitutes and to look pornography. The family life of 29- summer Stephen Thame fractured.

The inhabitant Of saffolka obtained the serious injury of head after drop from the height, as a result after being converted from the respectable family man into the unguided personality, it transfers Reuters. Accident occurred during January 2002, soon after wedding. In the course of two months Stephen Thame was situated in the coma, doctors said that the young person miraculously remained living. He became invalid.

The prohibitions ceased to exist for the victim: it began to speak indecent things, in the presence of women it behaved badly, it interfered in the strange conversations, than oskorblyal of those surrounding. Stephen began to also look video cassettes with the pornography, to go to such sites in the Internet and to ring into the services, which propose sex on the telephone.

Bill Breitwaite, the attorney of young person, stated in the law court that his client turned himself to the prostitute and brought novel with the 57- summer woman. According to judge maykl Harris, to the wife of victim it was complicated to transfer conjugal inaccuracy. "it is assumed that the conjugal inaccuracy is an example of its released the brake behavior, but it also can indicate that, as victim relates to his wife", established the representative of law. Harris expressed the opinion that their marriage hardly will be preserved, and this meant that Stephen Thame will remain without the care.

Law court delivered verdict about the payment of compensation to victim. The attorneys of the company, where Stephen Thame worked, recognized the fact that the firm must bear responsibility, but they disputed the sum assigned to the payment. In their opinion, the marriage can be preserved, and Thame in the future will be capable of working is capable of working to 16 it is hour in the week.

YouTube helped to catch the killer

The Canadian police thanked the administration of Internet site YouTube, which allows places for the arrangement of videotapes, for help in the investigation of murder.

In one of amateurish video, placed on the site, was shown the fight after youth concert, in which perished one of the participants. Incident occurred on 17 November.

YouTube declared on the site the action of the aid of the police for the identification of participants in the fight.

As the representative of the police reported, into the medium, into the police the man of 24 years was returned. "4 I cannot unambiguously say that it confessed after YouTube declared about its search, but we obtained many rotation from the users, that helped us in the investigation", said sergeant Jorge lasso.

Husbands from THE USA call world to the collective orgasm

California husbands are intended to conduct very original action for the peace in entire peace. They want so that the people of the Earth would be combined in the united impulse... of synchronous orgasm.

76- summer is ground shikhan and the 55- summer floor Of reffel they hope that on 22 December their call will support approximately one billion people, writes the newspaper Sun.

On them vebsayte - - it is contained the explanation of strange initiative. Husbands assert that the collective ecstasy "will show positive action on the energy field of the Earth through the unprecedented on the force ejection of human energy".

Pair wants so that this would occur during the day of the winter solstice, which allegedly must strengthen spiritual component of this action.
In this case they note that the day is important - time and place for its orgasm each is free to select itself, just as the degree of the security of this deystva.

The fatal catch killed Greek fisherman

The Greek fisherman perished in the medium as a result of explosion: into his network entered the artillery shell, which became the reason for tragedy, the local police notes. Incident occurred on the northeast of the country.

When strong explosion thundered on the fishing vessel, 28- summer fisherman obtained serious injuries, from which he passed away along the road into the hospital, where associates urgently sent him.

Dangerous catch fell in the network not far from the coast Of maroniya city, located in Frakii. In the beginning of month in the same region two Egyptian fishermen suffered - in their networks the projectile also was tangled and exploded.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Comets transfer life in the solar system

The discovery, made by specialists NASA in the course of processing data of the comet mission Stardust, became sequential confirmation of the "comet" theory of the origin of life on the Earth.

The analysis of the models of comet substance, assembled by probe StarDust with the flight near the nucleus of comet Wild 2 in, 2004, and delivered to the earth in the descent vehicle on 15 January, 2006, led scientists to the discovery of organic matter, the possibility of existence of which out of the Earth earlier was not assumed.

The comets, which consist of the dust and ice and travelling along our solar system, as it is assumed, are unique containers for the transfer of the organic molecules, which are the components of living material. Discovery two it is specific organic molecules in the comet substance of comet Wild-2 it became sequential confirmation of the "comet" theory of the origin of life.

"the obtained results show that the comets could deliver the organic nitrogen-bearing components to the earth at the early stage of its existence and thus to contribute to the origin of life on the planet", stated the representative of the space center im. Goddard Of dzheyson Dworkin.

Two molecules of methylamine and ethylamine, discovered in comet Wild-2, are the sources of connected nitrogen - sufficiently rare product on the ancient Earth. Nitrogen fixation - process of the binding of molecular nitrogen (N2) of the atmosphere and its transfer into the biologically useful form (amine or nitrate), which is present, for example, in the fertilizers.

"we established that the comets, at least, one type could deliver to the earth a significant quantity of stable connected nitrogen in the form of methylamine and ethylamine", counts Dworkin.

Similar nitrogen-bearing molecules are for the first time discovered in the comet substance. Space probe Stardust at a high speed crossed comet tail, and the collection of containers with the aerogel located on board the probe made it possible to grasp the particles of comet dust without the evaporation of their components. Although the objective of mission Stardust consisted in the return to comet dust to the earth, scientists attempted to find organic molecules in the aerogel itself, but not in the particles of dust.

It turned out that the aerogel acted as sponge, absorbing organic gases from the comet nucleus. Scientists revealed organic molecules, analyzing the tests of water, in which were processed the particles of aerogel, with the aid of the chromatographic mass spectrometer.

Then the control models of aerogel, which did not accomplish space flight, were thoroughly studied, this was made in order to exclude the possibility of accidental entry into the aerogel of the organic molecules of planetary origin.

As a result the scientists revealed organic molecules only in the models of aerogel, returned from space, and in the quantities, which confirm their comet origin, reports CNews.

Nano-bandages will accelerate the process of the recovery

Professors Of deniel Smith and Darrell Of reneker from the university Of akrona to Ohio conduct the clinical tests of the so-called nano-bandages.
They are made from the ultrathin polymeric fibers and possess the high absorbing qualities, which makes it possible to slowly transfer medicines to the wound. It is reported that the prime cost of bandages are low, they elastic, light and capable of taking any form, without sticking to the wound.

Bandage from the nano-fiber frees the mono-oxide of nitrogen (NO), which possesses bactericidal action and impedes the process of infection. Are especially useful nano-bandages for the diabetics, in organism of whom NO is manufactured in an insufficient quantity.

At present the clinical tests of nano-bandages are conducted in Columbia, where they are used for treating of leyshmanioza, disease, caused by the parasites, that are transmitted through the bites of sandy mosquitoes.
The results of tests showed that the development reduces the time of recovery from several months and even years to the pair of weeks. Furthermore, very process of treatment much more easily in the comparison with the traditional, which requires constant intravenous injections.

The following step of scientists will become the clinical tests of nano-bandages for treating the diabetic ulcers, and also their application in stomatology and cardiac surgery. Developers hope that their invention will be soon accepted by the administration for foodstuffs and medicines OF THE USA (FDA), and mass production will begin as long ago as 2008.
But the application of nanovolokon is not limited to bandages. The scientists of the same university conduct works, also, on the ceramic nanos-fiber, which will prove useful for the thermoresistant filters, and also by the fibers, covered with metals or carbon, reports iXBT.

IBM developed the system for protection from false medicines

IBM develops the new technology, which will protect users and pharmaceutical companies from the false medicines.

The built-in the packing special miniature radio-marker will transfer precise data of preparation to the computer of customer, making it possible to determine the quality of medicine.

At the basis of the new development IBM lies the technology of radios-marker (RFID). Technically novelty works as follows: to the packings with the preparations is brought the small radio-marker, which transmits by special means the coded signal. This signal codes only one time - in the production of official producer. Further this marker can be will be counted from the distance to 30-40 meter with the aid of counter RFID and if the obtained answer is differ from that declared by producer, then it will be possible to assert that one or other medicine or another - forgery.

This checking can be carried out in all stages of the transport of goods, which will allow producers and salesmen of medicines to track their location.

Company will test its novelty together with several pharmaceutical companies, whose names are not revealed.

Instead of the Orleans virgin they burnt the nameless tomcat

The ashes, allegedly which was remained after the burning of the legendary French virgin -voitelСЃiqy of Jeanne d`Ark, in reality belongs... to nameless tomcat. For the first time ashes of Orleans virgin "floated up" in 1867. Since then it is stored in the museum Of shinon city in the West of France.

According to legend Jeanne d`Ark avoided the invasion of Britons in France, but it was devoted by its companions-in-arms and burnt by Englishmen as witch in 1431, at the age 19- TI of year olds.

Carbonic analysis revealed in the ashes cat femoral bone and edges. Anthropologist Philipp Charlier, who carried out examination, notes that the finding completely answers medieval practice to throw black cats into the bonfire, on which they burnt witches in order to pacify devil; however, human ashes or some of remains is not thus far simply revealed.
"the femoral bone not of sgorela, simply a little it were charred. Chances to the fact that at our disposal they are located also the remains of French heroine, it remains increasingly less ", it notes.

However, the representative of the French Catholic church, which at first betrayed, and later than canonized Jeanne d`Ark considers that the remains of Orleans virgin can find in the ashes, allegedly assembled on the spot the auto-de-fe.

Scientists guessed the secret of the figures of the ancient islanders

The strange persons, depicted on the earthenware, discovered on different islands of Pacific Ocean from Papua- new Guinea to Samoa Islands, always remained secret for the scientists. A new study of American scientists proposes the solution of the ancient images, made more than 3 thousand years ago.

Archaeologists found the earthenware, which made the so-called carriers of the culture Of lapita, on the tropical islands, located on the southwest of Pacific Ocean. Experts studied the persons depicted on the dishes, since they wanted to find the proofs of theory, that the ancient inhabitants of Pacific Ocean islands worshipped to their ancestors.

However, the strange persons, who look on us from the articles, depict ancient marine tortoise, mother of all marine tortoises, with whom on the existing local legend, is connected the origin of the first island, first person and first woman on the earth. Thus, these portraits can describe to scientists about the religious beliefs of ancient islanders.

Scientists say that the religious beliefs of ancient did not die, when the carriers of the culture Of lapita ended to make the earthenware of approximately 2,500 years ago. The motives of their painting can be seen on the wooden vases and the dishes, which the contemporary inhabitants of the Pacific coast make.

The predisposition of women to the treasons depends on the genes

The group of scientists from the university of New Mexico conducted the study, which verified the genetic predisposition of women to the treasons.

Scientists explained that the treason was connected with the guarantee of genetic variety. The probability of female treason grows, if husbands are distant relatives.

Researchers verified the genes of complex MHC, which, as it was explained earlier, influence sexual inclination, and also they participate in the immune reaction of organism.

In the course of experiments they revealed that the higher the genetic similarity between the husbands, the less the sexual inclination of woman to its partner.

Scientists came to the conclusion that in this case the probability of treason grows, since the variety of genes MNS is necessary for healthy posterity, and women subconsiously act for guaranteeing this variety.
Other studies explained that in Great Britain one of 25 men raises strange child, without knowing about this.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

In Australia the yearly census of the fishes is passing


As notes one of the participants in the campaign - Vendi Roberts, more than 80 percent of the varieties of fishes, which dwell in the Australian waters, they are rare or nowhere more not meeting copies.

"with the support of government we created the commands of volunteer- scuba divers, ready to investigate the river and sea bottom in order to be certified in the presence of those or others it is specific, that are been famous by various forms, sizes and whimsical palette color", she emphasized.

According to the information of ichthyologists, at present the waters, which wash Australia, and also rivers and lakes inside the continent are native house for 700 varieties of fishes.

Fish- butterfly and fish- rabbit, fish- tomcat and fish- rat, fish- frog and even old wife - the here incomplete list of inhabitants is mouth rivers, molded edges, the oceanic depths of the greenest continent of planet, whose unique nature is similar not to one ecosystem in the world.

Britons call babies the rare names

Eytan, Noakh and sienna - new favorites of the list of the most popular names in Great Britain in 2006.

The name sienna, which did not enter into hundreds of popular British names into last three years, entered into the list of the best names for the girls, apparently, because of the popularity of the star of the films Of "al'fi" and "Casanova", actress siyeny Miller.

In all in the outgoing year in Great Britain it appeared to the light of 83.500 babies, moreover boys to 3 thousands greater than girls.

The representative of registration service says that in this year into the list of popular names entered the nontraditional names, for example, Khloye or biblical Noakh. It is interesting that if in parents traditionally British surname, they are inclined to give to their children rare names.

The list of 10 most popular names for the girls appears as follows:
Khloye, Sharlotta, Ella, Emilie, Oliviya, Dzhessik, Isabel, Mia, Sofi and sienna, and for the boys: Jack, Joshua, William, Lakhlan, Thomas, James, Deniyel, Noakh, Rayan and Eytan.

"great watermelon" is sold for $2.3 millions

In the American city Dallas passed the auction, at which anonymous collector acquired for 2.3 million dollars to bank note by rating thousands of dollars, printed in 1890. According to the data of the organizers of tradings, in the world today remained only two such tysyachedollarovykh notes. "this tysyachedollarovaya of bank note is one of two preserved notes of this model. The second of them is stored now in the museum of the Federal Reserve bank of San Francisco ", it described to correspondent Associated Press Greg Of rokhan, the President of the auction house Heritage Auction Galleries, who carried out tradings.

Collectors call these bank notes "great watermelon". This name, according to Grega Of rokhana, they was called because zero into the green strip on the wrong side of note strongly resemble this fruit.

"it is at present known about existence only of two" great watermelons "with the red press of the Department of the Treasury OF THE USA on the face side bank notes. Also was preserved another poldesyatka of "great watermelons"; however, on them stands the press brown color ", it is said in the press release of auction house.

Cost into 2.225 million dollars more than twice exceeded the previous sum, returned for the "great watermelon" 1890 of release. According to the data Heritage Auction Galleries, until now, record cost bank notes was the sum into 2.1 million dollars.

According to the owner of auction house, the buyer is the "elderly and experienced collector of the objects of skill and rare monetary terms from the East coast OF THE USA".

Ideas about the objects of the luxury change

Americans are not capable of manage without the automobile (so they consider 91% of adult inhabitants of the country), washing machine (90%) and drying machine for linen (83%). Also burn in the number of objects most necessary for the normal life: conditioner (70%), microwave furnace (68%), television set (64%), computer (51%), cell phone (49%) and dishwasher machine (35%). These data gave the interrogation, carry ouied Pew Research Center.

For the last time similar questions were assigned to Americans in 1996 (then a study conducted newspaper Washington Post and Harvard University). The specific changes occurred in the decade: the inhabitants OF THE USA began to somewhat less value automobile, but is considerably more - microwave furnace, computer and dishwasher machine.

Those interrogated they also requested to estimate - is one or other device or another the object of luxury or basic commodity. Interrogation confirmed known truth that the ideas about the luxury constantly change. For example, in the middle 1990- X it is annual mikrovolnovku was considered vitally important object only more than 30% those interrogated - now it is more into two and the more of times.

Now young people elderly, considerably more frequent than call basic commodities IT- goods - cell phones, computers, MP3-pleery, etc. exception is here only the television set, whose value recognize the representatives of absolutely all ages. Furthermore, it was explained that the need for the computer grows in parallel with raising formation level, and the higher the income of American, the less the quantity of devices he calls the "objects of luxury". One additional curious observation: men considerably more frequent than women call "vitally necessary" dishwasher machine and to mikrovolnovku.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The oldest person in the world died

The American woman of Elisabeth bolden, who, as they assert, was oldest of the people living now, it passed away at the age of 116 years.

The mrs. Of bolden died in the center of health and rehabilitation in Memphis, state Of tennesi, its grandson reported.

it was always oriented to the family, it gave good advice, and they listened to it. It was toiler, the large part of the life it were occupied by farmer labor , says James bolden.

In missis bolden remained two daughters (two sons they died earlier), 40 grandsons, 75 great-grandsons, 150 prapravnukov, 220 pra-pra- great-grandsons even 75 pra-pra-pra- great-grandsons.

Elisabeth bolden left marry into 19 years, its husband died 1950- m to year. In recent years of force increasingly more frequently left dolgozhitelnitsu, and the large part of the time she slept.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Concrete in the pyramids insulted the archaeologist


The head of the Egyptian Supreme Soviet for the study of the antiquities Of zakhi Of khavass named the recently published hypothesis about the use of concrete with the building of the pyramids of Guise of "idiotic and insulting".

Khavass, as reports London tabloid The Mirror, is agitated even and by the fact that he does not know, how samples of rock reach the French chemists, who advanced "concrete theory", without the permission of Egyptian government. The chief archaeologist of Egypt is convinced that the pyramids are wholly built from the blocks of limestone and granite.

Let us recall that the group of French, American and British scientists advanced the assumptionthat the ancient Egyptians used concrete for casting the large blocks, which went to the building of the upper levels of pyramids. The results of a study were published in the French periodical "Science et Vie" and were retold by the leading world newspapers, including The Times and The New York Times, on Friday, on 1 December, 2006.

Researchers assumed that the Egyptians devised their composition of concrete, mixing up the fluid solution of limestone s I will pour off, by ashes and by lime. Ancient builders spilled the obtained mixture into the forms and dried in the sun. Experimentally hypothesis confirmed chemist Joseph davidovits, for whom it was possible in ten days to obtain the large block of lime concrete, using only simplest procedures, accessible to Egyptians.

The supporters of traditional views on the technology of the erection of pyramids, including Zakhi Of khavass, which heads the Egyptian Supreme Soviet for the study of antiquities, assume that ancient used only simple mechanical devices and transported the blocks of limestone and granite from the stone quarries.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Adolescent poisoned because of the calculation for the "sex on the telephone"

Fourteen year old adolescent in China committed suicide after to him arrived calculation in the size of 1 800 yuan (230 dollars) for the "sex along the telephone".

Whether Khonbin' from the northwestern province of Gansu was excluded from the school in the past year and began to ring along the expensive "hot" lines during August. It committed suicide, after drinking the solution of pesticides after the colleague of telephone company rang its family and required to pay calculations. The most prolonged conversation, represented in the calculation on 16 pages, lasted for elongation of four it was hour.

The cost of the minute of this contact composes three yuan. Mean wage of Chinese peasants - only 300 yuan.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Scientists in a new way substantiated the usefulness of the red wine

Researchers from Great Britain revealed in the red wine the new components, which render beneficial action on the cardiovascular system. According to the data of scientists, the concentration of useful substances in the fault significantly varies depending on the technology of the production of alcoholic beverage. Report about a study is published in periodical Nature.

Data of numerous of studies attest to the fact that the moderate use of red wine considerably decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. According to one version, reason to that is the substance by the name of resveratol being contained in the red wine. At the same time the concentrations of resveratola in the fault are so small that in order to perceive its beneficial action, fault necessary to drink in gigantic quantities.

The group of the specialists of the medical school of queen Mary in London conducted a series of experiments on the culture of the cells of endothelium (inner shell of blood vessels). In the course of experiments it was explained that the connections from the group of protsianidinov, which are also contained in the fault, were capable of suppressing in the cells of endothelium the synthesis of the harmful protein of endotelina-y, which is considered one of the basic factors of cardiovascular diseases.
According to chief researcher professor Roger Kordera, protsianidiny are contained in the fault in a considerably larger quantity, than resveratol; therefore the usefulness of wine at the small doses, most likely, it is connected precisely with them.

At the same time, the concentration of useful components can be very different in the different types of wine. Thus, in the red wine, produced in southwestern France and Sardinia, the content of protsianidinov is two - four times more than in the Spanish, Australian and South American faults. In the opinion of scientists, the reason for such essential differences consists in the fact that the French and Italian viniculturists as a rule adhere to the traditional technologies of the production of wine, which are characterized by more prolonged fermentation process.

They recreated ancient achievement in 20 years

Specifically, so many - 20 complete years - spent on the recreation of unique gobelin from Bayo of britanka It annet Benks.

The embroidered fabric with size of 16 it is meter to 58 centimeters it depicts seizure by the Normans of England in 1066.

Bens hopes to place its work in exposure of one of the British museums.
By the acknowledgement of vyshival'shchitsy, made to the correspondent of newspaper Sun, it specially visited French Normandy, where the original of unique gobelin was advanced. Moreover, it lengthened the border of its embroidry, after making it to 1,5 meters longer.
Benks worked at gobelin on 11 it was hour during the day.

Famous gobelin from Bayo includes 56 scenes, on which zapechatleno battle between Wilhelm and Harold for the English throne. Now the work of skill is placed in the former palace of bishop, and accompanies it the exhibition of the works, which explain different details, personified in the embroidry.

Polonium can be ordered in the Internet

Radioactive polonium -210 on the price of 69 dollars American company, which placed advertisement in the Internet, proposes to sell to any person or organization.
As reported into Thursday the British newspaper "Times", declaration of company "United Of nyuklear" from Albuquerque, state of New Mexico, it says: "if to you are necessary the clean, reliable and passed certification sources of radiation, then here are they. All isotopes are obtained recently in the nuclear reactor and they will be sent directly to you ".
the "Times" does not refine, what quantity to the highest degree of the toxic substance, which killed the former colleague OF FSB of Russia Aleksandr litvinenko, can be acquired for the price indicated, but it gives endurance from the advertising declaration of the American firm: "we specialize in the small orders".
Company certifies clients, that they "do not risk fact that about them will be informed the ministry of domestic security OF THE USA". "the suppliers of chemicals, it is said in the declaration, as a rule, inform the representatives of government, the ministry of domestic security, but we do not inform them and never let us become. We respect your secrets and we will fight for this ".
Company reports that assume only the orders through the Internet, and radioactive toxic substances can be sent only by the address in THE USA. "but it is not difficult, notes in regard to this" the Times ", to organize on obtaining of order its adjustment into other country".

Most expensive things in the world

In Germany the list of the most expensive things in the world is comprised. In it only 23 points, but there enter not only the most expensive automobile and the most expensive suit, but also the most expensive bundle cigarette, or the most dear woman and the most dear football player.

"most expensive foot-wear in the world became the shoes on the high heel, prepared by jeweler Stewart Vaytsmanom and decorated with 642 rubies" by the most expensive series automobile it became Maybach 62, it stands "altogether only" 360 thousand Euro-. Its seats are transformed into more recumbent the position, there is DVD-pleer and Doulby Surround Sound.

Most expensive clothing in the world, in the opinion of newspaper Bild, became suit, shoes and brassiere. Thus, the most expensive suit - suit of American astronauts. Its cost - 9 million dollars. Most expensive foot-wear in the world became the shoes on the high heel, prepared by jeweler Stewart Vaytsmanom and decorated with 642 rubies, their price is equal to 1.6 million Euro-. The most expensive brassiere costs 12.5 million dollars. It it demonstrated Khaydi Of klum on one of the demonstrations in New York.

The most expensive dinner in the world became the dinner of David aynkhorn (head of firm Greenlight Capital) with its idol by multi-millionaire by Warren Baffetom, right to whom it acquired on the tradings for 250 thousand 100 dollars.
Most expensive food products acknowledged potatoes types La bonnotte from France, which is sold on the price of approximately 500 Euro- for the kilogram, and the coffee of type Kopi Luwak, which grows on the island Sumatra. Fourth of pound cost about 75 dollars.

The most expensive cigarettes acknowledged the cigarettes of brand Treasurer, their one bundle stands approximately 24 Euro-, and they are sold only in the specialized stores.

Tokyo, as before, remains the most expensive city in the world. Hotel Burj Al arab in Dubaye is acknowledged as road itself, since for the night in the most modest number of this hotel it is necessary to pay 770 Euro-. However, royal apartments stand 7700 Euro-. Stade de France, where in 1998 the team of France won the championship of peace, was named the most expensive stadium in the world. Its building managed in 460 million Euro-.
The journey of the American businessman of Dennis Tito and millionaire from REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA of Mark shattluort to the international space station is also acknowledged most expensive, since for it each of them paid 20 million dollars.

The picture of Pieter Paul Rubens "beating of babies" was sold in 2002 for the record sum of 73.5 million Euro-. Of lednardo.da.vinchi also it entered into this list; however, not as artist, but as the author of most expensive book. "Lesterskiy code. Treatise about the water, the earth and the celestial matters ", executed by specular type on the paper with the linin finish, acquired for 24 million dollars Of bill Gates. The most expensive comics in the world became comics about the boy of Tim and his trigger Of shtruppi. For the original of the title picture of release the "black island" of this comics one collector paid 100 thousand Euro-.

By most expensive favorite of all girls, the doll Of barbi, became Barbi, on which the dress, decorated with present diamonds, is put on. Its price - 100 thousand Euro-.

The most expensive election campaign became the campaign Of maykla Of blumberga, which was a candidate to the post of the mayor of New York in 2001. For each voice, returned for it, For blumbergu it was necessary to lay out 86.10 Euro-. But most expensive advertising campaign acknowledged the advertisement of firm Pepsi 2002. For the 90- per-second roller with the participation Of britni Of spirs the company laid out 7.53 million dollars.
Actions Berkshire Hathaway are acknowledged most expensive, since one stock exchange action of this American investment firm stands more than 64 thousand Euro-.

Most expensive trade mark named Coca-Cola, its cost is equal to 68.9 million dollars, this composes approximately 60% of the cost of entire firm.
"titanik" confidently leads among the most expensive films of peace. To its creation it is shrewd more than 200 million dollars.
Well and finally, most dear woman acknowledged Dzhennifer Lopez, whose "fifth point" it was insured for the sum of 1 billion Euro-. The most dear football player acknowledged finished in this year its sport career Of zinedin Zidan. In 2001 Madrid "real" outbid French half-back in "yuventusa" for the record sum into 68.7 million dollars.

Fuel- from the new source of energy

Fuel- from the new source energyCanadian company develops the alternative ecologically clean of energy fuel- from the new source, which all this time was under the nose, from the human excrements, he writes The Guardian.

Scientists from the group of the development of the biological fuel Dynamotive assert that fuel-, obtained from the human dirtiness, can be used instead of other organic materials for obtaining of heat and energy in diesel motors and steam boilers. They successfully carried out transformation at the level of a pilot study and they want to bring process to the commercial level of volumes.

Andrews Kingston, the President and Director-General Dynamotive, he says: "now there are no technical complexities whatever, which would prevent us from using human excrements. If we be able to supply fuel-, people will it use ".
During February 2005 the company opened the production of the commercial level in Ontario - enterprise it produces 22 thousand tons of biological fuel from the chips of wood per year it sells to its local enterprises.
Kingston indicates that as the base for preparing the fuel it is possible to use more than hundred varieties of biological withdrawals. Company already derived on the commercial level the production of fuel from the wood, obtained from the construction withdrawals and the shell of coffee grains. "now we examine dirtier withdrawals, like the hen dung, cow's manure and everyday rubbish", he says.

Withdrawals are led by rapid heating to the temperature of 400-500 degrees according to Celsius in the oxygen-free medium (method of pyrolysis), after which the carbon-containing gases are condensed, being converted into the dark brown dense oily liquid. Other hot gases are processed and are used in the process of heating, leading its efficiency approximately to 80%.

The biological forms of fuel are considered ecological, since carbon, which is freed during the combustion of fuel, earlier was absorbed from the atmosphere by the plants, used for its production.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New scenario of the development of living organisms on the Earth

The number of scientists from the Massachusetts technological university headed by Khaymanom by Hartmann they proposed the new scenario of the appearance of living organisms on the Earth. In the opinion of specialists, the appearance of the diverse forms of vegetation, capable of photosynthesis, became possible because of the layer of ice, which covered the earths surface of 2,3 billion years ago.

The subsequent melting of the glaciers freed the large masses of strong oxidants into the waters of world ocean and the atmosphere of planet, after marking the beginning of chain of events, that made possible the appearance of organisms, capable of living under the conditions of the saturated by oxygen atmosphere, and photosynthesis in its present form.

The evolution of oxygen photosynthesis for a long time was riddle for the scientists. The primitive microorganisms, which existed in the medium with the absence of oxygen, also manufactured energy with the aid of photosynthesis; however, oxygen for them was disastrous. Hartmann with the associates they came to the conclusion that hydrogen peroxide, which was obtained as a result of the action of solar rays on the molecules of water, played the significant role in the adaptation of organisms to the oxygen conditions. Ultraviolet rays penetrated through the thickness of ice, in which hydrogen peroxide existed in small quantities prior to the beginning of melting of the glaciers.

It is remarkable, what hydrogen peroxide was discovered by scientists on the satellite of Jupiter - Europe, which, as the Earth many years ago, is at present covered with the layer of ice.

Melting led to the gradual liberation of the accumulated volumes of hydrogen peroxide into the ocean and into the atmosphere. Oxidants were dissolved in the water, which helped to survive the primitive organisms, which then in the course of evolution acquired the ability to manufacture the ferments, which saved from the action of oxidants. Because of the presence of data of ferments became possible oxygen photosynthesis, which is considerably more effective than the anaerobic.

This theory has enemies. In particular, By the dzhim Of kasting from the university of the state of Pennsylvania, specialist for the evolution of the earths atmosphere, notes that the sterols, which be present in the stones, whose age is about 2,7 billion years, could appear only in the oxygen medium. If the version Of kastinga is accurate, then these stones appeared to 400 million years of earlier than icing the Earth, and Hartmanns theory was unfounded, reports New Scientist.

Scientists trained bees to find the explosive

This can seem by improbable, but American scientists assert that they trained bees to reveal explosives with the aid of it was proboscidian.

Scientists from Los -Amalossko1 to national laboratory to New Mexico stated that the specially trained bees feel the smell of explosive in automobiles or belts of suicide terrorists. Thus, this discovery can be used effectively by security forces in THE USA and Iraq.

Training insects to the aroma of the explosives, mixed with the sugar water, scientists learned bees to learn different explosives - from the plastic explosive to the charge of rocket propellant, frequently utilized with the production home-made explosive devices. Insects can be useful in the airports, on KPP or with the neutralization of the unexploded roadside bombs.

Only, what remained - to develop movable beehives and to train specialists for army and security forces.

Bottle from the perfumes for 200 thousand dollars

The American collector, whose name is not called, laid out 217 thousand dollars for the new empty bottle from the perfumes for his collection. The discussion deals with the bottle, in which once were located rare perfumes tresor of de l measures (treasure of sea).

Bottle was developed by well-known designer even before World War II. In all were created about 50 such copies, from which to the present day were preserved only two.

The owner of lead, who put out bottle to the auction - 90- summer American woman, by whom the perfumes were reached into the gift from the husband in the distant 1939. Because of the fact that the artifact remained in the soundness and the safety, old lady will be able to ensure truly worthy old age to itself.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Fan required from the idol to sign on... the vibrator

Il Divo - perhaps, one of the quite strange projects in contemporary pop music. Four singers from the different countries were selected on the sounding, more precise to accord it was vocal.

Soon are planned the tours of the association of that consisting of David Miller - American, Sebastian izambard from France, Carlos sea-schape from Spain and Ursa Of bukhlera from Switzerland.

Group already had time to fall into the sexual scandal. Even not scandal, but so, incident.

The fact is that young people were selected into the project not only according to vocal data, but also on the external. Miller, Izambard, sea-scapes and Bukhler dress in Dzhordzhio Of armani and completely we could descend for manekenshchikov. They personify fashionable now flow - metroseksualizm.

the culprit of scandal Sebastian izambard.

One of latter-day fanatok of musical four, during the sequential concert, after climbing the scene, required from the Frenchman Of izambarda to sign... electric vibrator. she said that each time, when it sees me is excited. I confused and refused to girl in the request , says singer.

Global warming threatens the crocodiles

Climatic changes can have an effect not only on the living environment of animals, but also on their floor.

Basic factor, which determines floor in many reptiles - temperature. The kind of crocodile is determined by a temperature, at which ripen the eggs. The male is developed at a temperature of the nest of 32-33 degrees, if medium warmer or cooler - be born females. Usually temperature changes from the top of nest to the base, leading to the sexual variety.

Global warming can lead to a decrease of the number of man individuals in crocodiles and an increase in the number of females. This course of events will place these reptiles before the threat of disappearance.

Scientists assume that the climatic changes were one of the reasons for the disappearance of the dinosaurs of 65 millions. Analysis showed that the global temperature drop, caused by the clouds of ashes and dust as a result of volcanic activity, could lead to the suppressing predominance of males among the newly born dinosaurs.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Hindus consider God manager, but not nurse

The majorities of Hindus believe that the God governs the processes of universe, but it does not follow the actions of individual people.

According to the interrogation, carry ouied by the Indian version of newspaper The Times, the Hindus do not believe that the God governs their lives. In their opinion, in conducting of celestial office find such processes, as the rotation of the Earth around the sun and cycle of life and death.

Although India is considered as the very religious country, interrogation showed that only third of Hindus oshchushchayut the presence of God in the idols, 46 percent they believe that the Lord controls people and does not interfere in their matters, and 80 percent they doubt, that the God can assume human appearance.

In the interrogation participated the representatives of all religious konfessiy, represented in India - Christians, Moslems, induisty and Sikhs.

Ziggi - tomcat passed the school of the survival

Seventeen days without the water and the food snowy handsome man tomcat on the name Of ziggi travelled in sorokafutovom container. In this time Of ziggi it was possible to cover distance into three thousand seven hundred kilometers and to reach from Israel to Great Britain.

The fact is that, most likely the tomcat wandered on the storage of plastic articles in the Israeli city Of afula, when containers with the load were prepared for the sending. Apparently Ziggi it managed to select into the container before the misprint, then plastic box was sent for Khayfu, from where on 31 October satisfactorily it swam off to the side of the United Kingdom.

after arriving in the misty of albion Ziggi it decided not to surrender simply so into the hands of local loaders. Ogolodavshiy tomcat five is hour it terrorized people of those attempting to catch lost senses from the thirst Ziggi, after it was escape from the port of container revealed by workers.

it got emaciated incredibly, but it is immediately evident that it was once domestic. When he saw, that we will not cause to it evil, then of beginnings fawns itself and then in the exhaustion it fell to hands of one of the veterinary surgeons, caused on this case , described the official for local administration for the matters of animals Colin Barton.

On tele- Ziggi it is discovered neither the electronic chip nor of what or another marker of the capable of determining his masters. It will conduct half a year in the quarantine in the hospital of Great Britain, and then control according to the matters of animals will solve its further fate.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Merciless Indians sue Microsoft

Chilean Indians from the tribe To mapuche are judged with company Microsoft, which translated to the mapuzugunskiy language interface OS Windows, reports CNN in this language they speak about 400 thousand people in South America, who consider that it belongs to them, and only by them.

Representatives Microsoft before the starting into sale to the localized version of their operating system stated that everything is done in order finally to open to Indians gates into the digital century, and to all remaining people to grant access to the rich cultural heritage of this tribe. Leaders to mapuche, however, accused corporation of the illegal use of their cultural and public values. They moreover they sent to the founder of corporation, To billu to Gates, the letter, in which to firm it was imputed into the fault intellectual piracy.

One of the leaders of tribe, Aukan Of uilkaman, said that its people is very distressed by that fact that Microsoft decided to study this problem, without having consulted with the carriers of language and even without having inquired by their opinion. Representatives Microsoft refused to give commentaries before process on business will end.

Corporation previously transferred Windows to many languages of American Indians, including to the adverbs of mogavkov, kechua and inuitov. This nonacceptance of its actions Microsoft, however, yet it did not meet, although, if we recall the history of tribe, then everything becomes in its places. Actually, to mapuche they was famous by their mercilessness and to the latter resisted Spanish colonizers during three centuries.

It is reasonable to assume that, once already they undertook Microsoft, then already in earnest. First leaders turned themselves into the law court Of temuko city, but the matter was transferred into the capital law court in Santiago. In the subsequent two weeks the law court must deliver verdict about that, corporation will come out in the role of responder. Indians threaten company with the fact that, if in Santiago their application they do not satisfy, then they turn into the Supreme Court of Chile. According to Uilkamana, mapuzugnskiy it follows to generally recognize as the second official language of Chile, in order to its not postigla the fate of Latin language.

The anti-haemorrhoidal chair is invented

Not one visitor of the international exhibition of inventions could indifferently pass past the stand with prezervativom, into which sharp-witted inventor from Taiwan managed to build-in vibrator.

The second place on the caused interest is engaged the anti-haemorrhoidal chair, designed by designer from South Korea. The seat of chair sheds the fluids of medicinal grasses, podogrevayemye by spark plug. On the idea of the author, this crafty construction will free rider from such troubles as bolt, haemorrhoid and poor blood circulation.

Generally, with this haemorrhoid - continuous haemorrhoid. Important international pharmaceutical company let out press release with reminding: cream from the haemorrhoid is intended not for face, but for the opposite part of the body. Program on the television became occasion for the unplanned lesson of anatomy. In it participated the invited stylist, who by chance blurted out, that many fotomodeli use cream from the haemorrhoid in the mornings in order to decrease swelling around the eyes. Sales of medicine immediately went off scale, so that for pharmacists it was necessary to appear with the warning. In particular the physicians request not to allow the entry of cream into eyes.

Alas, if we are introduced to the statistics, then it becomes not to the laughter. On our prevalence let us compare haemorrhoid with a cold, and many suffer this illness, even without suspecting about this, but indeed under the mask of haemorrhoid, especially with the isolations of the blood from the rectum, frequently flow such illnesses, as polyps and kolorektalnyy cancer.

Meanwhile diagnostics, both the haemorrhoid and other proktologicheskikh illnesses for the specialist -proktologa it does not represent difficulty with the presence in it of the corresponding diagnostic equipment.

Apparatus by the name computer video- rectoscope makes it possible repeatedly to increase and to process the image of rectum for the development of the smallest changes, imperceptible with the usual checking. This gives the possibility to reveal and to treat the diseases of rectum also at the earlier stage, when they yet do not cause sufferings.
For treating the proktologicheskikh diseases medicine proposes a today whole series of effective methods. In particular, the method of treating the haemorrhoid without the operation with the aid of the laser and the sclerosing therapy.

The latter is to the injection of the substance, skleivayushego haemorrhoidal knots. Ceased to function knots no longer cause uneasiness and gradually generally they disappear. This is effective even in the heavy, neglected cases, when other doctors direct to the operation.

The treatment of haemorrhoid consists of several half-hour visits to the doctor with the interval approximately during 3-7 days. During the treatment the patient completely preserves his ability to work and conducts the active means of life. If patients arrived not too late, the complete elimination of haemorrhoid without the hospitalization and the surgical intervention is guaranteed.

The international network of clinics SUN conducts free consultations both in the departments of clinic, located in 8 cities of Israel, and in regime on- Lina.

Omsk left-hander created alphabet with size the papaverous grain

Omsk micro-miniature-painter Anatoliy konenko printed 14 books with the alphabets of the peoples of peace, each of which is accomodated in the papaverous grain.

As reports agencyinterfaks- Siberia, the size of each book composes 0,8 to 0,8 millimeters. On each page it is printed on 4 lower-case and 4 capital letters.

Besides cyrillic alphabet and roman alphabet Konenko published Greek, Hebrew, Arab, Armenian, Georgian, Korean, Tibetan alphabets.

Book it is possible even to poly-become, true, by special tool, also, under the strong microscope.

most complex was print the alphabet of devanagari, on which were written many ancient Indian texts and ancient-Egyptian alphabet. In the alphabet of devanagari of 48 signs. Therefore book with this alphabet quite volumetric , it described Konenko.

Chinese swindlers earned on the ants

Credulous Chinese put 198 million pounds into the fictitious company in the south of China, which promised enormous profit from the realization of project on breeding of ants.

Financial pyramid by the name Donghua Ecological Breeding Co promised to investors dividends in the size from 35 to 60 percent, transfers Reuters with the reference to the Chinese agency Xinhua.

Swindlers used the popularity of black ants among the inhabitants of South China, where they use the insects into the food and is used as medicine for arthritis.

According to the estimation of the ministry of public safety of China, this diagram shows that the swindlers become ever more inventive.

In China a 10-percent increase in the economic crimes is observed. State confiscated the illegally nazhitykh means for the sum more than billion dollars in the course of the approximately 60 000 criminal cases about the swindle and the financial pyramids.

Singapore pairs are approaching the open sex

Every two months, the set of pairs are encountered in the Singapore bar in order after party to study group sex.

In sydney or Seattle no one would turn on this attention, but these pairs - illegal svingery in the country, where was forbidden oral sex and periodical Playboy. In spite of this, in Singapore there are about 10 clubs, whose members be fascinated by group sex, and the association of svingerov in the Internet (one of the large in the world) includes 6 thousand members.

One of the members of club asserts that a little openly tell friends and members of family about their enthusiasm, which is illegal in Singapore. According to him, the majority of the inhabitants of the country consider svingerov izvrashchentsami. It also considers that the Singapore authorities carry out the hypocritical policy: they adhere to extremely conservative principles, although in the words from all forces they try to get rid of the reputation of bigots.

Danish drivers will listen to the exposed blonds

The colleagues of Danish road inspection decided to use the exposed on the belt blonds for warning the motorists about the danger of exceeding speed.

As it reports the BBC, in the specially taken witty videotape the beauties exposed on the belt hold in the hands road signs with the designation of a maximally speed limit, which in Danish kingdom is 50 km an hour.

Road inspektory consider that in Denmark 25% deaths on the roads they are cmbined with exceeding of speed. The police hopes that video, placed in the Internet, will draw the attention of young drivers.

The first observations of the effectiveness of innovation showed that 50% of interrogated drivers began more frequently to think about the need for driving according to the rules.

Danish inspection assumes that in the future can appear video with the image of exposed sinewy krasavtsev, in order to draw the attention of woman- motorists.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Newly-weds decided to have wedding on the iceberg

A New Zealand couple decided to play wedding... on the iceberg. Attorney Bridzhit Bayers and builder Donald uayat they decided to arrange marriage on one of the icy chunks, which float on the East coast of island southern about this with the reference to the New Zealand press it reports agency Reuter. The pilot of the helicopter, which must deliver newly-weds and priest to the iceberg, named this undertaking of that been risky.

The icebergs, which swim in into these latitudes, lose the large part of their mass; therefore to find durable place for the landing of helicopter and for ceremony itself - is problematic. Moreover according to the local laws, the marriage will be acknowledged officially - only, if wedding they play not further than for 12 nautical miles from the coast, but distance from the island - is two times more to the nearest iceberg.

New robot will replace the nurse for children

The small likable robot CUBO, presented by company IZI Robotics, enraptured the visitors of the taking place in Korea exhibition, dedicated to the electronic devices of new generation.

This creation on the little wheels possesses high intellectual abilities and it can replace nurse for small children.

Because of the technology of the optical recognition OID (Optical Identification Device), CUBO it can read the books children, teach English, draw off from the Internet news and weather forecast and associate on the electronic mail with other robots. It also can follow the order and with the aid of video- observation system transfer information about proceeding in the house.

Creators hope that the new invention will bring happiness to people and will not lead to the riot of machines, as it is described in the classical fantastic subjects.

Parents must lie to their children

British parents love to retell to their children the same rasskazki, which by them it had the occasion to hear from its dads and moms.

Interrogation showed that almost nine of 10 parents transfer by the relay race the same inoffensive lie, with which them fed in the infancy - many decorate it to the extent of their own imagination and fantasies.

Among similar fabrications the most popular, for example such: when in man in the van with the ice cream plays music, this means that ice cream ended; or Pope is connected with all policemen; therefore you must conduct well, where not send.

However, out of the competition go rasskazki about grandfather Frost (Santa Klausa) and dental fairy, the reference of the latter is usually accompanied by story about the benefit of carrot or need for eating bread crusts so that the teeth milk more rapidly would fall out.

The general national interrogation, conducted for periodical Readers Digest, showed that of 89 % adult Britons, which the parents in their time told different ridiculous or instructive lie, in 83 percent of the cases makes the same with respect to our own children.

Parents from the north of England more frequently lie to their offsets, them follow the Englishmen from the south, after whom go the inhabitants of Wales. Scotsmen, as it was explained, most rarely vtyukhivayut to children different moralizing lie.

Childrens psychologist Richard balkli considers that similar rasskazki are very important, they help to create the magic aura of childhood; therefore parents must not feel fault for a similar inoffensive lie.

general fantasies stimulate well childrens brain, helping it to develop lingual habits. They contribute to the development of creative abilities and feelings, which in further life is very important , it notes.

And at conclusion of 10 most extended of parental chips (it understands those that they exist on the British islands):

1. Santa Klaus

2. the dental fairy

3. if there are bread crusts, will be twisted the hair

ya.Esli are a carrot, you will be able to see in the darkness.

5. if changes wind, your face will thicken

6. Easter hare (rabbit)

7. children find under the bushes of the gooseberries (variation they are possible)

8. if we eat apple grains, they will germinate in the stomach

9. if we frequently pull itself by the nose, is possible to make hole in the brain or nose can fall off

10. lie is fraught with the fact that the pip or ulcers can appear in the language, and that generally language will fall off.

But now turn after you: compose your own impact of 10- ku of childrens rasskazok.

Each fifth is ready to make the plastic operation

According to the data of the international konsaltingovoy company AccNielsen, each fifth woman in the world is ready to make a plastic operation.

In this case the researchers note that more than all to these new-fashioned tendencies are subjected the Russian women, predominantly balzakovskogo age.

Almost half of Russian women is morally ready to make a cosmetic operation. After Russian women go Greek women and inhabitants of the countries Of baltii.

At the same time, 94% of inhabitants Of gonkoga categorically against such conversions. 92% of Indonesian women also do not greet surgical improvements. Among the Japanese and malaziyek are not ready to lie on the knife 91%.

Nevertheless, young people at the age to 20 and even adolescents are much more receptive to the idea of plastic operations in the future (its, certainly), than elder generation.

In all in the interrogation participated 22 780 Internet- users of 41 country of peace.

British college assembles Smiths and twins

In the college of the county Of derkhem learns the entire collection of twins, troynyashek and even chetvernyashek with one and the same surname - Smith.

The sport college Of konsetta has six additional students with the surname Smith, plus of two instructors and two class assistants.

13- summer Rebecca and Victoria - uniovular dvoynyashki as 14- summer troika - Laura, Tony and Sheron.

In order to guaranteed give to children separate tasks and to place marks to each, but not to someone one of them, instructors took as the rule to seat of similar as the drops of water children in different angles of classroom.

Chetvernyat to teachers to distinguish more easily, since this two boys - Neil and Deklan - even two girls - Kortni and Zoe.

Cristina Parker notes the director of school: to have in one school this quantity of twins, troynyashek and chetvernyashek is very uncommon, but it is even more uncommonly, that they all bear one and the same surname.

sometimes this circumstance introduces disorder, but we nevertheless consider that this, in a certain kind, privilege, and, furthermore, they all - first-class students, adds it.

To baby danko heart was returned in the supposed place

Using a part of cloth Gore- those in the form of shielding sack, doctors conducted the complex corrective surgical operation: to child, who was being borne testily outside, the main blood pump of organism they put into the chest. According to the physicians, who made this unique operation, the boy will be in the state of news life close to the normal.

Tiny Nasima Of khasni they extracted to the light with the aid of the cesarean section, this occurred on 31 October in the childrens clinic Holtz (By mayyami), and after only doctors they began complex operation on the return of heart to the assumed to it place. According to the information, obtained into the medium, the state of little-one remains critical, but stable.

it will not be able to play into the specific forms of the sport games, where it is possible to obtain the impact into the breast. I think, for it simply it is necessary to forego a number of single combats , notes kardiokhirurg Eliot Rosenkrantz. - but other forms of activity to him not will be counter-indicative .

To the operation the heart Of nazima was similar to the purified plum, which sits from above its pink small pile, aorta in this case departed under the skin. However, heart itself was beaten normally.

During the six hour operation the surgeons first wrapped up the heart Of nazima into cloth Gore- those, then by the layer of its own skin in order to replace the missing pericardium - the sack, which covers heart. Then they accurately put heart into the breast bone.

The inherent defect doctors detected with the ultrasonic checking at the end of September after mother, 33- summer of Michel khasni, felt the uncommon motion of child in the womb.

The rare form of anomaly - Ectopia cordis - occurs in 5,5-7,9 cases for each millions of normal generation. The percentage of survival after surgical operation - is less than 50 percent.

The killer of old men hooked on... the dates site

The American Kevin Benett, suspected of the cold-blooded murder of elderly couple, several weeks was situated in the runs from the police. His own stupidity helped to find criminal. Benett, after deciding to study the search for the lady of heart, published declaration on one of the site of acquaintances. In its form it not only indicated the address of electronic mail, but also hung out photograph.

26- summer American is charged with the murder of Pierce and Mary odeley, bodies of which were found on 30 October not far from their house in Arkansas.

Recently into the police entered the bell from the woman, who saw the photograph Of beneta in the program the most searched for criminals of America and recalled that it saw killer on the site of acquaintances. After only Benetta it expected romantic meeting with the detectives.

The police turned herself to the owners of site, who helped to calculate criminal. As it was explained, For benettu it was possible to be introduced to the girl, and after brief novel it moved to live to it. There it was arrested politsay. In the course of examination the criminal confessed in that effected.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Bakery for the dogs. To people entrance is prohibited

In Germany the bakery, where exceptionally canine dainties are produced was opened. Pancake coils of manual work, meat pirogues, myusli, sponge cakes and other viands.

Bakery is located in Wiesbaden city, not far from Frankfurt on Mayne. The undertaking of local confectioners enjoys rabid success both in the inhabitants of city and in the visiting owners of dogs.

The former flower girl Of dzhanin Of sariniti-Ladzherina worries about her clients. Any dog, that arrived into the store personally, will be able to prodegustirovat all forms of the production, advanced on the counter.

the basic criterion of the taste of one or other innovation or another is the opinion of my labradorite Of rondzha. It known to entire to region gourmet and not will be that which to it is unsavoury , says the mistress of bakery.

some our clients specially drop in to us before the departure into the airport in order to purchase our dainties and to transport to its their favorites into other country, is added Sariniti-Ladzherina.

American created ball... from the pharmaceutical elastic

Stiv Milton of the American state of Oregon it created rubber ball of more than hundred seventy five thousand pharmaceutical elastics.

The experts of the Guinness book of records fixed reaching Milton after conducting by typical in such cases of the dimensional control and volumes of artificial monument.

26-year Milton began the work on the creation of his creation during November 2005 from several small experimental balls. And only after a certain time American passed to the embodiment of present project.

this was the largest project, at which we worked together with my son, six year old Bryce as Milton. Still us helped the son of my bride seven-year-old Austin Johnson , described Milton at the presentation of ball.

American met with the dead father

The inhabitant OF THE USA floor Iversen for several years did not see his parents. When he nevertheless returned home, immediately two impacts expected it. Mother with the tears told to it, that its father passed away three ago, after which it led into the room, where, as it was explained subsequently, all this time it stored the corpse of husband.

For son it was necessary to summon the police and physicians. The body of father was sent for the judicial examination.

The neighbors of elderly woman say that she never told about death of husband, asserting that it is located in the departure. The inhabitants of house felt the smells of decomposition from the first floor, where the vein of vapor, and even they complained into the municipality,; however, the source of stink then so they did not find.

British invention will show the world the other Hitler

The new technology of the interpretation of phrases on the motion of lips will present the others of the dictator of the third Reich Adolf Hitler to peace.

The invention of expert in the region of the recognition of the speech Of frenka Of khabnera the received name ALR, makes it possible with the aid of the computer to convert the motion of lips into the sound.

Scientists used new technology for the interpretation of the silent films from the domestic archive of Hitler, which were removed Eva Brown.

In the domestic records the dictator criticizes his those approximated for the servility, and he flirts Brown. It appears by good-natured person, who loves children, and by the large judge of skill.

Among the guests it unconstrainedly jokes and tells about its love for the cinema. It is necessary to say that Hitlers tastes were not limited to the ring of Nibelungen, it with the pleasure looked the films of Chaplin and cartoons about Mikki Of mausa. In one of the domestic scenes, he speaks Brown: I know, the film, which we looked yesterday in the evening, was not pleased to you. You would prefer those taken away by wind .

In another film the Fuehrer, flirting Brown, throws the phrase: why you do remove old man? This I must remove you .

Last personnel of the life of great dictator became most interesting for the researchers. Toward the end of the war Hitler is not troubled to criticize his those approximated. He extremely disparagingly spoke out about studies of Himmler about the appearance of Arian race, and he condemned Hering. I looked on them through the dinner table, and he understood: everyone that about them speaks - correctly. Pigs devour each other , he says on one of the films.

Russia represents: golf in open space

Russian cosmonaut is prepared for the impact on ball for the golf during the space walk from the international space station (S).

Flight engineer Mikhail Turin will strike by club for the golf the light ball from the area, established above the attachment point S.

As the BBC reports, for this impact the Canadian producer of clubs for the golf will pay to Turin. The sum of contract, however, is not revealed.

The American space agency OF NASA - NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION put aside this experiment several months contract, until experts on the safety studied the possible flight trajectories of ball in order to ascertain that it will not return to S.

I play into the hockey and, how I understand, it is very similar to the golf, said Turin, intensively training before the critical impact, which was outlined for the medium.

The flight engineer said in response to a question about the safety: there are no doubts whatever, that this is safe.

Kholli Of raydings, crew S approach this experiment extremely seriously and much it is trained according to the director of the flights OF NASA - NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION.

there are absolutely no fears that the ball can return to the space station, she said.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

English artist "cut off" memory about his wife

This was the report of vengeance, on which was capable only creative person, slave by the desire to erase memory about the wife, who, apparently, left artist. To art critic and for antiquary it was possible to find cut off half of the unfinished family portrait of the brush of the English artist OF THE XVIII century of Francis Hayman.

The newspaper The Independent reports that now, on the expiration of 300 years, two halves of picture will be reunited and advanced in the London gallery.

Experts on the painting always was surprised at Hayman's self-portrait, on whom there is no part of its feet. Philip Mould, the merchant of the works of skill from Eksetera, found answer - self-portrait was left half, and he revealed right side - leg of artist and his wife.

Mould assumes that Hayman almost finished the picture, when his marriage was decomposed, and it reduced linen two, after deciding not to leave memory about the wife.

Antiquary purchased the picture of another English artist - Thomas Gainsborough - at the auction in the American state new -X3mpwir. After the clearing of linen, he revealed the remote elbow of man in the brown trousers and female portrait.

After learning Hayman's style, it examined all reproductions of the pictures of artist and came to the conclusion that the discovered by it picture - "lost half" of self-portrait.

However, the plan of artist succeeded to erase memory about its wife from face of history. On the first wife of Hayman nothing it is unknown, furthermore that the marriage of artist was decomposed in 1735. Even name of this woman was not preserved. Although it also left not one picture with the portrait of its second wife.

Francis Hayman was one of the most prominent painters of the epoch of kings the Georg, founder of the Royal Academy of skills and teacher outstanding painter Thomas Gainsborough.

Americans took submariners with the load of cocaine

The Coast Guard OF THE USA arrested three members of the command of the home-made submarine, on board which were located about three and one-half of the tons of cocaine.

the 15- meter submarine, capable of being immersed at the depth to two it is meter, they intercepted in Pacific Ocean in Costa Rica it was coast. Submariner- Columbians could pass on it several hundred kilometers from it was coast their country in the direction OF THE USA.

Boat they towed away into the kostarikanskiy port Of puntarenas, and they sent its crew into the United States for the subsequent consequence and the law court.
The patrols of the American Coast Guard frequently intercept the sea deliveries of cocaine from the Latin American countries to THE USA, but use by smugglers of submarines they encounter extremely rarely, notes agency Reuters.

Cocaine and acts of terror - basic reasons for the infarctions

In spite of the existing myth, the sex does not increase the risk of heart attack, as Australian scientists explained. However, the use of cocaine increases the probability of infarction 20.

Researchers from the universities of sydney and Harvard analyzed all incentives for heart attacks, including occupations by sex, the use of cocaine, fatty food and stresses, for example, terrorist attacks.

Professor Dzheffri Of tofler says that the traditional long-term measures, as diet and the regime of day, are important for averting the heart attacks; however, other reasons often are ignored.

For example, cocaine sex, much greater than influences heart activity, increasing the risk of heart attack 20 times.

40% of heart attacks occur on such external circumstances as sudden stress or physical load. Tofler indicates that the earthquakes or such events, as acts of terror, sharply increase the risk of infarction.

Tofler considers that the rescue units must have an equipment in order to render assistance in the case of heart attack, but not only in the case of solid damages.

Professor tofler and its associate from Harvard James Muller used results of this study in order to manufacture new approach to averting of infarction.

They assert that people must understand, what reasons can lead to the problems testily, then they can govern their own health.

Scientists criticized severely the recommendations, which were based on the common sense, but not on the results of studies. For example, council, that the people predisposed to the heart problems must not mow lawn during the hot day. They likened these recommendations, in detail described in the cardiological periodical Circulation, to the tarpaulin, which was stretched far from the rain.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Do not catch shark by the tail

South African boatman fell into the large trouble, by mistake after gripping for the tail the dangerous shark of zambezi.

Richard tebbutt swam on his of kanoe along Nakhun river, when he saw on the shore of fisherman, who attempts to pull, obviously, very large ribband. Richard jumped out from kanoe with the intention soak to fisherman, reports Dispatch.

I dived and gripped fish for the tail. Which there was my horror, when I saw, what ribband - is the large shark of zambezi. It rapidly turned itself and gripped me for the left hand. Through the fraction of a seconds I saw in the water the blood.

there was output not and 4 of all forces it struck shark by right hand in order to force it to let go me - it recalls. For victim it was possible to drive off three-meter predator, but several instants after it attacked again. I had time to jump out from the water, it would be otherwise already dead.

He already understood on dry land Of tebbutt that it lost much blood. Its son, who arrived in time to the aid from the boat, called the friend of family, who delivered victim into the hospital. On the injured hand they there put 50 seams.

British ladies organized the charitable... strip tease

Noble British matrons and mothers of families were exposed with the very noble aim - to gather money for the families, which suffered in connection with the destruction to company for the production of container Farepak.

By those exposed of lady they were removed for the calendar, which was called name appetizing mummies (Yummy Mummies). Inspired them to this exploit another similar calendar with the beauties, which lets out the well-known firm Rylstone WI.

Idea belonged Anna Stewart, to the nurse in the profession, who conducts occupations in the group of mother and child in Kumbrii, where that ruining Farepak became the reason for miserable situation, as a minimum, five mothers even 14 children.

It hopes to sell hundreds of copies of calendar. Assembled thus means will go in the form of donations suffered from destruction Farepak, reports the newspaper News and Star.

The special photo-session of obnazhenki organized the mother of three children. Survey passed in studio Venture in Carlisle, management of which, after learning about the noble aim of measure, it serviced clients completely free of charge.

German gynecologist they will be forced to pay alimony... for the carelessness

German doctor they bound to pay out benefit to the child to the patient, who became pregnant despite the fact that the gynecologist placed to it contraceptive implantant.

A similar precedent is accepted by the federal law court of Germany and gives the right to obtain benefit to the child up to the maturity of their son to both married parents from the doctor.

The unnamed gynecologist from Zyudbadena placed contraceptive implantant in the hand of woman in 2002. However, late woman revealed that beremenna, and is located on such period, when to make abortion is already too late.

25- summer woman, also not named from the juridical considerations, drew gynecologist to the law court on the ground, that, being pregnant female, she cannot continue work as the educator of kindergarten, and, which means, it cannot contain herself and child.

The highest law court of Germany carried out the verdict: gynecologist is obligated monthly to pay out to the injured through its fault woman of 500 Euro- before the reaching by the child of 18 years.

The judge of concentration table Mueller it refused to consider the fact that after the supply of action the woman bore already second child.

The drunk moose terrorizes Swedish children

Students of one of the Swedish schools to the period became real hostages - them terrorizes... drunk moose. Policemen say that animal, probably, ate till full in the garden of the wandered apples, reports Sky News.

Jaehn caiman, policeman from Molndala will sweep aside, to deal concerning the drunk moose can become present problem. First, adult mature moose weighs more than 500 kilograms, and the management of school reported that it behaves completely madly.

children are very frightened, they cannot leave the building of school, it writes newspaper Gothenburg Post.

The police has already been connected with the hunters: if moose not protrezveyet even it will not be quieted, it is necessary to shoot down it.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Google stands after the scientific discovery

Elderly Australian, who constantly lives in Canada, made a scientific discovery with the aid of the World Wide Web, namely prospector Google.

53 year lod Lynn Khikoks in the photograph from the satellite, found with the aid of Google, examined strange outlines of one of the mountain peaks in Albert (populated area in Canada).

The outlines of finding are similar to the traditionally depicted head of Indian soldier. Previously stone sculpture not was known neither to the wide circle of community nor even specialists.

I devote its discovery to all those researchers, who were forced for a long time to go, to subjugate space and to achieve their goal by the price of incredible efforts. However, 4 I sit at home after being armed by mouse and computer, and to me these tools be sufficient , said Khikoks, which recently took to itself it was no (Internet- pseudonym) Superbabulya.

On the satellite image, obtained from south the Alberts, is clearly visible the profile of Indian with iPod with head set in the ear. Thus, from the height of bird flight appears the path, which leads to the source of natural gas.

Khikoks arrived to Canada of Australia more than thirty years ago. It married the inhabitant of the small town Of gravelburg. Khikoks the mother of four children and the grandmother of two little-ones of three and four years.

Scientists declassified the composition of the espionage inks

The formula of invisible inks, utilized by an East-German secret by the police in order to transfer communications during the Cold War, until now, remained undeciphered.

It is more than fifteen years after a drop in the Berlin Wall and reunification of East and West Germany, scientists assume that finally they found the chemical composition of these inks.

The agents of German special services brought text to the paper through the similar to the carbon paper film, impregnated with chemical substance. Message could read only that person, in which there was another liquid, which makes it possible to appear invisible letters.

A few agents even in the limits of the service of state security knew complete formula both for the writing and for the reading of secret letters from the fear that they can transmit this information to other country.

The confidential archives of German special services were declassified after a drop in the Communist regime and destruction of the Berlin Wall in 1989, but in them not there was instruction, which describes the process of invisible letter.

The historian of the Univeristy of Michigan To kraysti Makrakis and its command, in composition of which worked the chemists, via tests and errors deciphered formula. Chemical reaction was described in one of the documents, discovered in the archive, but it was incomplete. Scientists experimented with different quantities of chemicals. It turned out that pH the factor was decisive for obtaining the secret substance.

Green tea conquers AIDS

The study, carry ouied by the specialists of the university of Sheffield and Meditsinskiy of the college Of beylor, proves, that the use of green tea blocks the propagation of the virus of immunodeficiency.

According to the results of a study, forming part of green tea polyphenol 3pigallokatexin-3- gallate (EGCG) protects immune system from the virus.

In the course of a study, the scientists used the technology of the nuclear-magnetic resonance, which made it possible to pronablyudat after action EGCG, which stops the propagation of virus.

Bosnians will establish monument to the dear vegetables

The administration of the bosniyskogo city Of biyelina plans to establish massive monument to most important food product in this Balkan country.

Mayor biyelina says that the local farmers, who rear cabbage, want to return honor to the vegetables, which is the osnovym ration of bosniytsev.

It gave permission to the building of monument, since it was agreeable with the opinion that this vegetables deserves acknowledgement.

Monument to cabbage will be developed by local sculptors, its building will begin next year.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Britons with the pleasure will drink and smoke

In the very near future British users can buy European alcohol and cigarettes on the decreased prices, without leaving house. This will become possible, because of the extraodinary experiment, which threatens to make multibillion hole in the budget of treasury.

As they expect, on the following week the European law court of validity will take the solution about the fact that the goods, purchased in other states THE EUROPEAN UNION and delivered to you home, are assessed only those taxes, which are accepted in the country of the producer of goods. But this is only the part of the collections, which it is accepted to collect in Great Britain.

If the verdict of law court crosses the previous judicial solution, then buyers will free for the acquisition of different goods use Internet- stores or companies, which carry out the delivery of goods with the aid of the post transfers. Now it will be sufficient it suffices look the most acceptable prices and conditions.

Potential savings - simply gigantic: let us say 200 cigarettes, purchased in Latvia, they cost only 7,20 it is pounds sterling, which makes possible for Briton to save 43 pounds, but still some countries of Europe do not assess tax the exported wines.

>From other side, such gigantic losses await the British treasury. Yearly it obtained from the taxes to cigarettes and alcohol 15 billion it was pounds sterling. This sum it is sufficient in order to pay the current expenditures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and also department on the culture, the media and the sport.

Sun returned to Italian village

The village, located in foothills of the Italian Alps, which three months in the year is practically deprived of sunlight, decided to brighten its winters with the aid of the gigantic mirror, which will reflect light to its central area.

On this week of 197 inhabitants Viganelly (Viganella), by that buried in the narrow valley of anthrone, to the north of Torino, will be collected on occasion of the arrival of the made to order steel sheet with a width of 8 it is meter and by height - 5. It they will deliver by helicopter to the fixed point on the slope of mountain.

The mayor of village, Perfranko Of midali, who leads project, it is confident, what village more not will suffer from the complete absence of straight sunlight during 83 days in the year - from 11 November through 2 February.

With weight more than one ton the mirror will be placed among the pine trees on the peak of Swedish coal, its height reaches 1.080 it is meter. The motors controlled by computer will allow mirror to follow the sun, reflecting its rays to the rural area and illuminating during six it is hour during the day area in 270 square it is meter.

The cost of entire project - almost 100.000 Euro- - partly covered particular bank, the remaining part of the money introduced rural and local councils. The producer of mirror guarantees, that it is capable of maintaining the highest winds, and will serve, at least, 30 years.

Blind obtained chance to again see the world

The new method of treatment, which will allow to return sight thousands of people, is found.

British scientists restored sight to the mice, that suffer from the dystrophia of yellow spot (AMD) dependent on age. For this they used fundamentally new technology with the use of stem cells. AMD - one of the main reasons, which lead to blindness, notes the newspaper Sun.

Doctor Robert maklaren from university college to London notes: this investigation for the first time showed that a similar transplantation of cells is completely possible. Now we are assured: this is - main way for further studies and restoring the sight to thousands of those, who it lost .

The pigment epithelium of retina plays the significant role for our sight, forming the external barrier of retina and supporting the function of the cells, which assume light. The damage of pigment epithelium is present in many illnesses of retina, including the dystrophia of yellow spot dependent on age, which, for example, in THE USA suffer more than 1,75 million people.

Britons created the portrait of the ideal comedian

Scientists connected the characteristic features of 20 chief comedians of Britain in order to create the portrait of ideal comedian.

In the sums they came to the conclusion that us, most likely, will force to laugh man with round face, small by forehead, by wide nose and soft by somewhat feminine features.

In the opinion of researchers from the university of sterling, Riki Of dzhervis - actor, closest to this type. Dzhervis itself said that it was shaken by the conclusions of scientists.

all these years I considered that my success in the line of business of comedian - these are the merit of my sharp observations, experimental the directors of ideas and sharpened actors habits. As a result it occurs that the reason for my popularity - round, fatty womanish physiognomy , says Dzhervis.

Obtained data became the result of the tests, carry ouied by doctor Anthony Little, researcher in the field of psychology.

Then scientist drove away through the computer 179 different photographs of the best 20 British comedians, made at different angles.