Sunday, November 26, 2006

Merciless Indians sue Microsoft

Chilean Indians from the tribe To mapuche are judged with company Microsoft, which translated to the mapuzugunskiy language interface OS Windows, reports CNN in this language they speak about 400 thousand people in South America, who consider that it belongs to them, and only by them.

Representatives Microsoft before the starting into sale to the localized version of their operating system stated that everything is done in order finally to open to Indians gates into the digital century, and to all remaining people to grant access to the rich cultural heritage of this tribe. Leaders to mapuche, however, accused corporation of the illegal use of their cultural and public values. They moreover they sent to the founder of corporation, To billu to Gates, the letter, in which to firm it was imputed into the fault intellectual piracy.

One of the leaders of tribe, Aukan Of uilkaman, said that its people is very distressed by that fact that Microsoft decided to study this problem, without having consulted with the carriers of language and even without having inquired by their opinion. Representatives Microsoft refused to give commentaries before process on business will end.

Corporation previously transferred Windows to many languages of American Indians, including to the adverbs of mogavkov, kechua and inuitov. This nonacceptance of its actions Microsoft, however, yet it did not meet, although, if we recall the history of tribe, then everything becomes in its places. Actually, to mapuche they was famous by their mercilessness and to the latter resisted Spanish colonizers during three centuries.

It is reasonable to assume that, once already they undertook Microsoft, then already in earnest. First leaders turned themselves into the law court Of temuko city, but the matter was transferred into the capital law court in Santiago. In the subsequent two weeks the law court must deliver verdict about that, corporation will come out in the role of responder. Indians threaten company with the fact that, if in Santiago their application they do not satisfy, then they turn into the Supreme Court of Chile. According to Uilkamana, mapuzugnskiy it follows to generally recognize as the second official language of Chile, in order to its not postigla the fate of Latin language.

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