Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Scientists trained bees to find the explosive

This can seem by improbable, but American scientists assert that they trained bees to reveal explosives with the aid of it was proboscidian.

Scientists from Los -Amalossko1 to national laboratory to New Mexico stated that the specially trained bees feel the smell of explosive in automobiles or belts of suicide terrorists. Thus, this discovery can be used effectively by security forces in THE USA and Iraq.

Training insects to the aroma of the explosives, mixed with the sugar water, scientists learned bees to learn different explosives - from the plastic explosive to the charge of rocket propellant, frequently utilized with the production home-made explosive devices. Insects can be useful in the airports, on KPP or with the neutralization of the unexploded roadside bombs.

Only, what remained - to develop movable beehives and to train specialists for army and security forces.

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