In the sums they came to the conclusion that us, most likely, will force to laugh man with round face, small by forehead, by wide nose and soft by somewhat feminine features.
In the opinion of researchers from the university of sterling, Riki Of dzhervis - actor, closest to this type. Dzhervis itself said that it was shaken by the conclusions of scientists.
all these years I considered that my success in the line of business of comedian - these are the merit of my sharp observations, experimental the directors of ideas and sharpened actors habits. As a result it occurs that the reason for my popularity - round, fatty womanish physiognomy , says Dzhervis.
Obtained data became the result of the tests, carry ouied by doctor Anthony Little, researcher in the field of psychology.
Then scientist drove away through the computer 179 different photographs of the best 20 British comedians, made at different angles.
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