Friday, November 24, 2006

Parents must lie to their children

British parents love to retell to their children the same rasskazki, which by them it had the occasion to hear from its dads and moms.

Interrogation showed that almost nine of 10 parents transfer by the relay race the same inoffensive lie, with which them fed in the infancy - many decorate it to the extent of their own imagination and fantasies.

Among similar fabrications the most popular, for example such: when in man in the van with the ice cream plays music, this means that ice cream ended; or Pope is connected with all policemen; therefore you must conduct well, where not send.

However, out of the competition go rasskazki about grandfather Frost (Santa Klausa) and dental fairy, the reference of the latter is usually accompanied by story about the benefit of carrot or need for eating bread crusts so that the teeth milk more rapidly would fall out.

The general national interrogation, conducted for periodical Readers Digest, showed that of 89 % adult Britons, which the parents in their time told different ridiculous or instructive lie, in 83 percent of the cases makes the same with respect to our own children.

Parents from the north of England more frequently lie to their offsets, them follow the Englishmen from the south, after whom go the inhabitants of Wales. Scotsmen, as it was explained, most rarely vtyukhivayut to children different moralizing lie.

Childrens psychologist Richard balkli considers that similar rasskazki are very important, they help to create the magic aura of childhood; therefore parents must not feel fault for a similar inoffensive lie.

general fantasies stimulate well childrens brain, helping it to develop lingual habits. They contribute to the development of creative abilities and feelings, which in further life is very important , it notes.

And at conclusion of 10 most extended of parental chips (it understands those that they exist on the British islands):

1. Santa Klaus

2. the dental fairy

3. if there are bread crusts, will be twisted the hair

ya.Esli are a carrot, you will be able to see in the darkness.

5. if changes wind, your face will thicken

6. Easter hare (rabbit)

7. children find under the bushes of the gooseberries (variation they are possible)

8. if we eat apple grains, they will germinate in the stomach

9. if we frequently pull itself by the nose, is possible to make hole in the brain or nose can fall off

10. lie is fraught with the fact that the pip or ulcers can appear in the language, and that generally language will fall off.

But now turn after you: compose your own impact of 10- ku of childrens rasskazok.

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