Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Finesses of the female orgasm

Traditionally scientists do not leave at rest female orgasm. This time it underwent the fixed study of specialists from the universities of Melbourne and Sidne and English university Of sasseksa.

Researchers carry ouied the interrogation of 19 307 Australians, which made it possible to establish that those women, which used "the sex- toys during the past year" and "they were occupied by the sex of more than two once a week in the last month before the interrogation", they considerably increased probability to feel highest enjoyment from the sex.

The completely not social and economic factors serve as the fundamental moment of female dissatisfaction: everything depends on the appropriate attention, exerted by man to the female partner during the sex: "orgasm during the usual vaginal relation was achieved with the minimum group of women - 50%. A quantity of satisfied women sharply grows to 70%, if during the sex was used manual'naya or oral stimulation ".

It is possible to consider that the fact that a maximum quantity of women (76%), who successfully reached orgasm, is locatedamong the pairs of nontraditional orientation interesting fact.

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