Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Britons dethroned the sexual myths

In the first comprehensive global study, which is concerned the sexual behavior of people, British scientists established that the loss of virginity occurs not at so already early an age, married people conduct sufficiently active sexual life, and there is no stable communications whatever between the diseases, which are transmitted through sex, and by disorderly sexual connections.

A study is published into the medium by the British medical journal "lancet" within the framework of a series of articles about the sexual and reproductive health.

Professor Kay Vellings and its associates from the department of hygiene and topical medicines of London university analyzed the data, assembled in 59 countries of peace.

Experts say that the data, assembled for this study, will be useful not only for debunking of popular myths about the sexual behavior, but also for molding of the policy, which will help to improve the sexual health of people in entire peace.

Vellings notes that itself was astonished to certain of the obtained results.

Thus, the majority of men and women obtain by their the first sexual experience not in the early, but at the late teenage period - 15-19 years, girls only are earlier than youth.

Most of all with sex deal married people, in this case even in the developing countries increasingly more gathers force the tendency, when people, which live hearth by one roof, do not hurry with the conclusion of marriage.

In this case the predictable increase in the level of premarital sex, in the opinion of experts, compulsorily does not lead to the more risky sexual behavior. In certain cases married women even greater risk, than lonely.

Between the women and the men on the part of the number of sexual partners there is a larger equality in the rich countries, than in the poor. For example, men and women in Australia, Great Britain, France and USA, as a rule, have for the life nearly equal number of sexual partners. On the contrary, in the cameroons, Haiti, and Kenya, men have many partners, while women - only one-two. This instability has vital importance for public health.

"in the countries, where the women depend on their husband- partners, they cannot insist on the use of prezervativov, and, as a rule, it is small, that they know about the treasons of their husbands", notes professor vellings.

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