In the novel Of akunina ring of Porfirius Petrovich (precisely thus deciphered mysterious P.P. in engraving of ring) together with the manuscript of the unknown version of the novel crime and the punishment becomes the purpose of hunters after the treasures, whose all searches proved to be vain. The location of ring was encoded in the quatrain.
After the output of novel F.M. publishing house OLMA Of media of groups and Boris akunin declared all-Russian competition. To the readers it was proposed to select key to the the mysterious by chetverostishyu, and prize the conqueror of competition had to become legendary ring. More than 5 thousand letters were sent to the competition; however, to open secret for the readers so did not succeed.
After the readers voting, carry ouied on the Internet site of the novel F.M., unique relic it was decided to transmit to the charitable purposes. Today ring will appear at the largest Russian Internet- auction Molotok.Ru. Action will continue during two weeks. The starting price of ring, which corresponds to expert estimation, will be 600 thousand rubles. Means from sale of this unique and only in its kind adornment will be enumerated directly to the calculations of sick children, who need urgent operation. Together with the ring the conqueror of auction will obtain the original of expert conclusion, which certifies his authenticity, and also the copy of novel F.M. with the personal autograph and the grant inscription of Boris akunin.
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