Osteoporosis appears, as a rule, in elderly people. However, besides age it can be caused by some other reasons. For example, several conducted investigations showed that in those, who suffer depression, bone density is noticeably reduced. But for no direct connection between these states established could not be.
In order to find this dependence, scientists conducted experiences on the laboratory mice. Created for experimental animals the special conditions, as a result of action of which were observed the behavioral signs, similar to the depression in people, for example, mice manifested no activity, which could provide pleasure, and did not assume participation in social interactions with each other.
Significant decrease in the bone mass was revealed in four weeks of the maintenance of this state in mice. As a study of their bones showed, reason became worsening in the renovation of bone material - the process, which supports bone density at the healthy level. This was evinced by the decrease of the number of osteoblasts - the cells, which manufacture bone tissue.
As researchers they showed in their work, entire matter in disruption of the work of sympathetic nervous system, "including", as a rule, with the stress reactions. During its making more active is separated the hormone the noradrenaline, which disastrously acts on osteoblasts. This making more active is strengthened with the depression, and the mentioned problems with the structure of the bone appear after a certain time.
In the confirmation the scientists demonstrated, that the treatment by the preparation, the locking action of noradrenaline in the bone tissue, stops her disturbance, proceeding with the depression.
Researchers hope that their work will mark the beginning of development of new medicines for treating the depression. In connection with this company Yissum, which works with the Jerusalem university, studied the patenting of the method of treating osteoporosis with the aid of the antidepressants.
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