For the identification of the gustatory variety of products and beverages the robot uses analysis on basis of infrared radiation. For the analysis it is necessary to pour out 5 milliliters of wine to the tray before the robot. After this, the light-emitting diodes of device direct infrared light to the liquid, and the light reflected from it is fixed with light-emitting diodes.
Depending on that, of what components consists by fault, the wavelength of the infrared light, which was absorbed by wine, it will differ. The prototype of robot can during thirty seconds give estimation to organic components more than 30 it is quality the fault, and also isolate into the separate categories of the type of the grapevine, which went to the preparation of each concrete wine.
Since these components are unique for the different regions, in which it is produced by fault, robot can also error-free determine, in what part of the light the beverage is produced.
However, with the Japanese robot -somel6e it were connected incident. It randomly entangled man with the hors d oeuvre, about which it gaily reported to that surrounding.
Journalist, moved with curiosity, made reporting about electronic somele slipped to robot under the nose his own hand - and it was described as the bacon.
The operator removed episode made an analogous attempt - and it was acknowledged as sharp smoked ham.
Amusing error was committed by 60- centimeter taster and to somele at the current presentation.
The Japanese are not thus far intended to let out this robot for the market, but in the following year, possibly, in sale will appear its product sensor. Price is not thus far known, but developers attempt to decrease it to 1 thousand dollars (robot itself it stands as automobile).
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