Before the transplantation Jaehn to suffer could not prepare, make purchases and rummage in the garden, reports the newspaper Daily Mail. Now it from entire this obtains pleasure and even it began to divide the love of its wife for the dogs, which it earlier hardly transferred.
"possibly, this sounds ridiculously, but after the transplantation of kidney 4" it inherited "some personal features Linds. I began with the pleasure to prepare, especially furnace, earlier than 4 in this it were not at all interested. But now 4 with the enjoyment I prepare pirogues and rolls. My daughters assert that in me healthily tastefully it is obtained. But 4 more once to suffer could not walk on the stores, that now I make with happiness, especially, when me succeeds herself in finding anything from the decreased prices. 4 before never he wanted dog, but after the operation, when Lind it proposed to bring puppy, simply it jumped from happiness ", described Jaehn Gemmon to journalists.
He and close ones noted the first signs of change in the habits through several months after transplantation. According to his wife, somehow it caught itself on what Jaehn said verbatim the same as it intended to say to him.
The majorities of scientists skeptically relate to the fact that the patients, by which they reseated one or other organ or another, can inherit the traits of the nature of donor. True, a similar phenomenon has a name - "cellular memory". The number of specialists they consider that the living cells "memorize" and then they transfer to the special feature of previous body to their new owner.
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