Each third britanka at the age from 17 to 30 years falls under for the determination of the inveterate of drunkard, that uses not less than 4 strong beverages for one march into the bar. It is necessary to say that according to the results of investigating britanki they go in the saloon institutions not thinner than the time in 2 weeks.
These indices 11 times exceed analogous in Germany and Italy. Physicians beat alarm in connection with the increased in frequency cases of the diseases of the liver, and also the increase in the number of cancerous diseases, and premature deaths.
Female alcoholism also disturbs the colleagues of law-enforcement agencies and officials, since he leads to the asocial behavior, and to the loss of ability to work. In the police they emphasized that it is more than 80% of those subjected to sexual attacks, they find under the action of alcohol, and we could provoke opressor by their behavior.
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