Scientists calculated, when representatives of homo sapience eliminate themselves as species of this to the Earth. In their opinion, this will occur on 31 October of 2.252.006 years. From the date of apocalypse us are separated some two with fourth of million years.
The geologists and paleonthologists came to this conclusion, studying in Spain the minerals of fossilization, whose age exceeds 22 million years.
Appraisal group established that the average life expectancy of mammals - 2,5 million years, the contemporary person of its 250.000 years already of "ottrubil".
As note the specialists from The utrekhtskeyeo university, work of whom leads Jaehn van dam, every 2,5 million years under the action of different astronomical factors occurs the shift of the earth's orbit.
This shift does not give the possibility to the Earth to approach the sun up to the necessary distance, which leads to the cooling on gigantic scales. As writes periodical Nature, the nearest glacial period is capable to destroy human life.
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