The five-month sister- twins Of alisiya and the jasmine Of zingerl already simultaneously turn the heads, when parents leave with them to the street. However, is amazing in this case the fact that Alisiya black and kareglazaya, and jasmine blue-eyed and white.
Dvoynyashki were borne in the Australian town Of berpengeri in the family of 35- summer Natasha Knight with the jamaica- English roots and its husband, the 34- summer thoroughbred German Of mikaelya Of zingerla.
"this is amazing, they such different, says the mother of bliznyashek. - when we are afterward ancestral they saw, that they different color, we could not believe in this ".
"when we with them go for a walk on the street, people stop and do ask, they are actual twins, it continues. - others they look, but nothing they say. Maybe, they think that 4 it is simple nurses in one of them ".
According to the specialists in the field of genetics, in the majority of the cases of the egg cell of the woman of the mixed race they will possess the mixture of the genes, critical for the black and white skin, as a result of which be born the mulattos.
The cases, when one of the genes in the egg cell is dominant, much more rarely are observed. Then to the light appear either dark-skinned or belokozhiye twins. In this case there were two such egg cells, in one of them prevailed the gene with the dark pigmentation, while in another - with the white.
As speaks geneticist Stephen uizers, a similar phenomenon occurs extremely rarely. "the probability of such can be one to million. This is terribly rare phenomenon ", he said.
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