The ceremonies of passage into other religions passed in Nagpur city and was timed to the 50- anniversary the adoption of Buddhism Bkhimrao Of ramdzhi By ambedkarom, which was untouchable, which became thinker well-known in the country. Now the former dahllites, at least, have the possibility to avoid the preconceived to themselves relation, with which them it usually is necessary to contend.
Ambedkar was one of the authors of Indian constitution, it attained the switching on of the system of quotas and anti-discriminational articles into the legislation of India. In spite of the presence of laws, four fifth untouchable they live in the distant regions, it is frequently isolated from the remaining population, and traditional bias to them remains.
To the ceremony into the park Of nagpura the dahllites arrived on the trucks. There were at first emotional appearances against the humiliating rotation with the representatives of the lowest castes, Reuters agency reports. Passions incandesced so, that into the park of the profit of the special unit of the police for fight with the disorders. The leader of dahllites fishes Radzh he said that during this day of approximately 2 500 people accepted Christianity and Buddhism.
Joseph d'Suz, the President of movement for the freedom of dahllites, itself in his time accepted Christianity, named subbotniye of ceremony the "holiday of faith". "in my opinion it is very important to understand that this - the call of human dignity, the cry of soul", he said. According to him, the way to the finding of merit for the dahllites lies through the adoption of Christianity, dzhaynizma, sikkhizma or Buddhism.
In the Hinduizm, in the opinion of participants in the ceremony, social equality of rights is impossible.
Similar mass ceremonies spent during October in many other regions of India.
Several states, in which in authority is located the nationalistic party BJP, introduced the laws, which impede passage into other religions. In the states of Rajasthan, Madkh'ya Of pradesh and Tamil To nadu are accepted the special laws, which limit the change of religion. For example, in the state Gudzharat Buddhism and dzhaynizm trained for a new profession in the branch of Hinduizm.
According to Hinduizm, the people were created from different parts of the body of the deity Of purusha. Belonging with the caste, and means, social position, it depends on of that, from what part godly body they occurred the ancestors of man. To caste corresponds work, and also future marriage. Dahllites this system do not fall under and, according to tradition, the dirtiest work charges by it. Hindus out of other castes even reject to drink water of one with the dahllites of source.
Untouchable Of India
- 167 million people, 16.2% of population of India
- of about 60% live in the states Of uttar Of pradesh, West Bengal, Bikhar, Andkhra Of pradesh and Tamil Nadu
- dahllites - lowest step of the caste system of India
- by it charges the dirtiest work, including the harvesting of repulsions, and also everything concerning the corpses
- physical contact with the dahllite in other castes is considered humiliating
- the dahllites, which accepted Christianity or Islam, frequently encounter with the discrimination
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