Here uncommon method, as to be oriented among the continuously growing number it is file on your computer, use a sense of smell, writes periodical New Scientist.
The group of scientists from the university of glasgow to Scotland, Great Britain, in chapter with Stephen Brewster created the program and apparatus guarantee, which makes possible to appropriate for the group of images the specific smell: this can be the aroma of the new-mown grass or smelled chocolate. Then system by the name Olfoto makes possible for users to sort images in the collection, relying on its own sense of smell.
Brewster and its associates tested the abilities of volunteers to use a search for digital photographs on the smell. First each of the users appropriated to different images smells, and then attempted to reveal the specific photograph, selecting its aroma.
Researchers attempted to determine, how convenient to the subjects it will prove to be to search for images on the smell in comparison with the search on specific text TEG. Although the sorting on the smell proved to be much more slowly, results nevertheless impress, Brewster says.
"not it is ideal, but people to this are capable, it described - this amazingly and deserves wider application".
In their experiments the researchers used a collection of capsules in the form of the cubes, each of which in the case of activation by electronics emits the specific aroma, identified by the device of radio-frequency determination. With the appearance on the picture screen the user can mark by its specific smell, after presenting the appropriate cube to the wireless counter.
The ability to achieve a search on the smell is not surprising, Brewster speaks, if one considers that the smells are capable of waking up bright recollections. "sense of smell possesses interesting possibilities in so far as concerns the awakening of recollections, it explains. - A if in you on the computer were saved 10 thousand images in 10 years, then as find among them necessary?"
With a study the most varied smells were used: from the aroma it is color and grass to the smell of "sweaty feet" and the characteristic spirit of the cattle yard.
Brewster notes that the majority of people is capable of distinguishing thousands of different aromas, and it assumes that in the course of trainings it is possible to develop the skill to search for on the smell. However, according to him, serious problem remains the creation of those learned it is odor and their effective reproduction. "it cannot be simply taken and created smell, it explains. - now we work at the collection of the aromas, which most be suitable for our purposes ".
Researchers also revealed that the smells, which are contained in the cubes, a little changed on the motion of experiment.
Stephen Boyd- Davis, specialist for the cooperation of man with the computer at the university of the county Of midlseks in Great Britain, say that this study seems strange, but it has prospects. "this is the interesting and little-known region, it commented. - definitely, smells have an effect on man ".
Boyd- Davis is agreeable, that creation and reproduction it is odor it presents complexity. He also indicates that in the course of a study according to program Olfoto it was impossible to establish the difference between the smells, which simply attract attention of man, and by those, which make it possible to identify concrete phenomenon.
Brewster also recognizes, that this is the risky idea and that by some it will be perceived as tomfollery. Nevertheless, it plans to continue the studies, connected with the sense of smell. It works at the new project, which is concerned aromas, whose details thus far are not revealed.
The group of scientists from the university of glasgow to Scotland, Great Britain, in chapter with Stephen Brewster created the program and apparatus guarantee, which makes possible to appropriate for the group of images the specific smell: this can be the aroma of the new-mown grass or smelled chocolate. Then system by the name Olfoto makes possible for users to sort images in the collection, relying on its own sense of smell.
Brewster and its associates tested the abilities of volunteers to use a search for digital photographs on the smell. First each of the users appropriated to different images smells, and then attempted to reveal the specific photograph, selecting its aroma.
Researchers attempted to determine, how convenient to the subjects it will prove to be to search for images on the smell in comparison with the search on specific text TEG. Although the sorting on the smell proved to be much more slowly, results nevertheless impress, Brewster says.
"not it is ideal, but people to this are capable, it described - this amazingly and deserves wider application".
In their experiments the researchers used a collection of capsules in the form of the cubes, each of which in the case of activation by electronics emits the specific aroma, identified by the device of radio-frequency determination. With the appearance on the picture screen the user can mark by its specific smell, after presenting the appropriate cube to the wireless counter.
The ability to achieve a search on the smell is not surprising, Brewster speaks, if one considers that the smells are capable of waking up bright recollections. "sense of smell possesses interesting possibilities in so far as concerns the awakening of recollections, it explains. - A if in you on the computer were saved 10 thousand images in 10 years, then as find among them necessary?"
With a study the most varied smells were used: from the aroma it is color and grass to the smell of "sweaty feet" and the characteristic spirit of the cattle yard.
Brewster notes that the majority of people is capable of distinguishing thousands of different aromas, and it assumes that in the course of trainings it is possible to develop the skill to search for on the smell. However, according to him, serious problem remains the creation of those learned it is odor and their effective reproduction. "it cannot be simply taken and created smell, it explains. - now we work at the collection of the aromas, which most be suitable for our purposes ".
Researchers also revealed that the smells, which are contained in the cubes, a little changed on the motion of experiment.
Stephen Boyd- Davis, specialist for the cooperation of man with the computer at the university of the county Of midlseks in Great Britain, say that this study seems strange, but it has prospects. "this is the interesting and little-known region, it commented. - definitely, smells have an effect on man ".
Boyd- Davis is agreeable, that creation and reproduction it is odor it presents complexity. He also indicates that in the course of a study according to program Olfoto it was impossible to establish the difference between the smells, which simply attract attention of man, and by those, which make it possible to identify concrete phenomenon.
Brewster also recognizes, that this is the risky idea and that by some it will be perceived as tomfollery. Nevertheless, it plans to continue the studies, connected with the sense of smell. It works at the new project, which is concerned aromas, whose details thus far are not revealed.
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