But even with the normal "load", man after the computer subjects himself to danger to fall ill not to the joke because of the "position itself", into which he falls. In those, who much sit, between the seat of chair and the body is formed the thermal compress, which leads to hemostasis in the pelvic organs and gives beginning sadly to known disease - haemorrhoid.
In the normal state the haemorrhoidal knots, which there is in the organism of each human, no one interfere: the protuberances must be smoothed out with the defecation in order not to interfere with the passage of feces. Hemostasis in to basin and excessive straining they disrupt position it is main, they slip down downward and is created that, about which by words you will not describe - it is necessary to test. Then reconstruction and ischemia occurs, this leads to an increase in the sizes of haemorrhoidal it is main, to their buckling outside. Now not one ointment will help.
Haemorrhoid - one of the most extended diseases. 40% of turnings to doctors apropos of bowels are connected with the haemorrhoid. Proktologi consider that 70% of people sooner or later encounter with the haemorrhoidal symptoms. They risk everything! Each of us can earn haemorrhoid. But if you the whole day (or night) sit before the computer, probability to secure haemorrhoid is begun still above.
Proktologi advise each hour of continuous seat to make squattings, "squeezing" or any gymnastics.
But if THIS already happened, then the main thing - not to be occupied by self-treatment! Diagnosis "haemorrhoid" must be confirmed by specialist - proktologom: the more serious diseases of thick gut can be hidden under the mask of haemorrhoid.
Reject false shame and not boytes'! Clever people fear disease, but not doctor. Today there are procedures of the treatment of haemorrhoid without the operation, which are not caused be ill and those troubles, with which is usually connected surgical treatment.
In the international network of clinics SUN the treatment of haemorrhoid consists of several visits to the doctor with the interval approximately during 3-7 days. Each visit of doctor occupies in patient not more than half-hour, after which the patient can return to the work and even news the active means of life. Secret - in the use of force of laser beam and advanced technology of treatment, developed by the specialists of clinic. For the patients, undertaken the treatment, the complete elimination of haemorrhoid without the hospitalization and the surgical intervention is guaranteed.
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