The absence of proper standard of knowledge about the intimate life among the young people, which reached physiological maturity, unavoidably leads to an increase in the number of venereal diseases, unplanned pregnancies, abuses of alcohol and of narcotics, and also manifestations of teenage aggression, researchers prevent.
At present, according to the data of scientists, the average age of sexual ripening among the British adolescents is 12 years, and the break between the sexual and social development among them is now great never as.
According to one of the authors of the publication doctor Mark bellis, the accelerated sexual ripening of contemporary children is partly explained by the improved nourishment and sharp reduction in the prevalence of a number of children's infections.
At the same time not less important can prove to be the role of some social factors or family circumstances, notes Bellis. In spite of the absence of the reliable proofs of the fact that the children in the socially unhappy regions are developed more rapidly than their more provided for contemporaries, precisely, in these regions most sharply cost such problems as the high percentage of incomplete families and high birth rate. Doctor bellis also the results of the recently published study, according to whom sexual ripening begins considerably more rapid in girls, who grow in the families, where there is no father.
"we cannot relate to the children 21- GO of century exactly as we related to their contemporaries of 100 years ago, since they were unlike on their predecessors and are located on completely different stage of mental development", emphasized scientist.
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