Clients pay 6 thousand dollars for the procedure, similar to that which is used for the transplantation of hair to the growing bald men. In this case the hair from the head reseat to the upper eyelid. Then hair takes root and it begins grow; therefore new eyelashes must be regularly cut and waved.
People with the straight hair they advise to make chemical waving of the reseated eyelashes for the more realistic form. This operation they propagandize as the necessary procedure for the women, who dream about the thicker and longer eyelashes or who transferred the "loss of eyelashes as a result of injury or abuse of additional eyelashes".
Furthermore, and among the men it collects popularity. According to the surgeons, the operation is conducted under the local narcosis, it occupies from one to two it is hour it makes it possible to attain the effect, which in the past was reached only due to the stuck artificial eyelashes, densely painted by India ink.
"long thick eyelashes - the universal sign of beauty", says doctor alan Baumann, who has a practice in Florida. the "transplantation of eyelashes for the eyes the same, that an increase in the breast - for the figure". Another surgeon the doctor Of dzheffri AN, the docent of Columbia University, on his Web site declares himself by the first American doctor, who carried out an operation on the transplantation of hair on the eyebrow and eyelashes.
In the course of this operation for the transplantation the hair from the occipital region of patient are taken and they are sewn to the upper eyelid on one hairspring. Each hairspring - them to one eyelash depart about 50 - grinds to the slender tip before they implant and implant it to the place with the aid of the resolved threads.
This operation, by the cost of the order of 1600 pounds for one eye, was initially developed for the patients, who transferred burn or suffering the inherent defects of the form of eye. But rumors about this were extended, and now approximately 80% of such operations are conducted through the the kosmetologicheskim to reasons.
27-year Erik Lynn, model from Florida, which by surgical way increased to itself breast and changed the form of nose, three ago passed operation on the transplantation of eyelashes, since to it it tired to use artificial eyelashes. "as soon as 4 about this it learned, 4 I could not this but make, she says. - everything, coma 4 about this told, also they want to make to itself this operation. Eyelashes never there is too much ".
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