These mountains covered the prehistoric supercontinent Of gondvana, which more lately was decomposed, after forming modern Australia, Africa, Antarctica, New Zealand, South America and Arabia, counts Rik squire from the department of geophysical studies Of the mel'burnskeyeo university Of monash.
Doctor skvayr together with other three scientists studied the formation of the deposits of gold in the mine Of steyvell in the West of the staff of Victorias. Specifically, there was made discovery.
Researchers with the aid of the spectrometer determine the age of the mineral of zircon. The tracks of zircon, very similar by the age and the composition, were found in the sandstone on all continents, which there is no time composed Gondvanu.
Scientists consider that probably this sand - part of the now destroyed super-mountain, which arose with the collision of the eastern and western parts Of gondvany, approximately 500-650 million years ago.
The subsequent erosion of the mountain range contributed to the discharge into the ocean of an enormous quantity of chemical elements, including iron, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. "gigantic rivers washed away this entire sand, partially washed off it into the ocean, and partially they detained on the coast Of gondvany. This changed the chemical composition of ocean ", count researchers.
"we assume that this process ensured the large inflow of the nutrients, which led to the bloom of gigantic algae and plants, which became the source of food, and it means and by possibility for a radical increase in the animal life".
In detail the results of a study are published in the last number of the geological periodical Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
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