Report is comprised with the collaboration with the London society Zoological Society and the scientists Global Footprint.
Scientists made the sad conclusion that the ecological collapse was close and many can become the witnesses of most serious catastrophe in the history of humanity, more scale in comparison with that preceding, when microorganisms and gigantic animals perished.
Last alarm signal about the future of planet entered on 9 October, when the research center OF USA Global Footprint Network established fact of "ecological debit", i.e., the inhabitants of the Earth absorb more resources how planet in the state to produce.
If we are continue to waste depths, to soil water and air, to cut down forests and to devastate seas with the same speed as now, less than after it will not half a century remain that that it would be possible to burn, to poison and to use for the subsistence, the journeys and the entertainments.
"in the period from 1970 through 2003, it is said in the report, the living beings it became to 31% less". This means that bioraznoobraziye (variety of all coexisting together organisms) is reduced. BY THE USA, Finland and UNITED ARAB EMIRATES are located at the very beginning of the list of ecological destroyers.
"this decline never earlier it was observed", assert scientists, speaking about the state of planet, although it survived five mass destructions, into the period between 444 and 65 million years ago, when last catastrophe led to the loss of tirannozavrov and tritseratopsov. But this time the discussion does not deal with the fault of man and his immeasurable expense of resources. Not randomly Nobel prize winner Paul kruttsen named our era "anthropocene". If earlier geologists gave the names, which characterize the evolution of the Earth, then this term designates new era - completely artificial and technological.
This is why, prevent scientists, we proved to be at the point of no return. Cities, power stations and dwellings, which we is constructed at present, involve the countries in the process of super-consumption, although we must orient our generation and future generations in the direction of the ekosovmestimoy reality, with which to us it will be sufficient one Earth.
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