Paradox for the contemporary scientists consisted in the fact that was known about the presence in the cornea of the large quantity of substance, which stimulates formation of new blood vessels - factor of an increase in the endothelium of vessels Vegf- A. However, cornea remains transparent, giving to us the possibility without the interferences to see peace. On the data of researchers, the formation of vessels in the cornea prevents the protein by the name sVEGFR-1, which suppresses activity Vegf- A.
Scientists studied the genetic disease, with which is observed an increase in the vessels in the cornea. It turned out that this illness is connected with the damage of the gene, which codes protein VEGFR1. Disease easily was cured, when the preparations, which contain this protein, buried by patient.
Scientists hope that the discovery the protein, which suppresses an increase in the vessels, can lead to the creation of fundamentally new medicines for treating of cancer, heart diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, strokes and eye diseases.
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