Sunday, October 08, 2006

Author SMS- communications they learn on the "handwriting"

Scientists attempt to analyze the ways of writing by people SMS- communications, considering that in the future the police will be able to use correspondence of criminals as evidences and proofs of their fault.

In contrast to the manuscript handwriting, to determine authorship in electronic communication is extremely heavy. However, here, according to the scientists from the university of Lester, there are its finesses. How frequently the author of communication uses the reductions, such as words and phrases enter into his "SMS- language", etc.

"everything that we want to understand - this of difference in the style of letter. We must determine, can these differences reveal the author of message ", say linguist, doctor Tim Grant. According to him, today, after intercepting communication, the police can present it as evidence against the owner of mobile apparatus. However, is counted scientific, this approach it is incorrect. Indeed it is unknown, in whose hands was located the telephone, when message was written.

Today linguists study more than one-and-a-half thousand copies of the individual Sms- it is text. "we note that some authors frequently pass words, others are more loquacious. We also came to the conclusion that the style of two people, which are copied for the duration of long time, becomes similar ", stated doctor Grant.

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