Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Miracle- liquid stops hemorrhage in seconds

Leykoplastyrnaya bandage in the house and tampons in the operating room can leave into the past because of the surprising invention of the group of scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and university of Hong Kong. They created the liquid, which consists of the specific collection of peptide. With the entry to the surface of the open wound these peptide automatically are collected into the gel, which reliably shuts damage. Experiences on the hamsters and the rats showed that the hemorrhage ceases less than in 15 seconds.

In this case in the course of time the gel is decomposed into the amino acids, which are used by an organism for restoring the damaged section of cloth.

Researchers successfully tested this liquid for the rapid stoppage of hemorrhage with the open wounds on the skin, the brain, the liver, the spinal cord and the bowels of experimental animals. Almost in all cases it was possible to rapidly stop hemorrhage.

This liquid, naturally, will prove useful to people. In particular, with its aid it is possible to stop hemorrhage during the cavity operations, causing in this case no side-line damages of organs. "the time of conducting operation can be reduced to 50%" ", asserts the chief author of a study of Ellis- Behnke Ratledzh from MIT.

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