Friday, October 06, 2006

The Pope will reexamine the concept of purgatory

Before to become the Pope Benedict THE XVI in the past year, cardinal rattsinger knew in the church by questions of dogma. He would want to free Catholic study from the ambiguous theological judgments.

The international theological commission of Catholic church, as it is expected, will recommend to the Pope to introduce changes in ideas about purgatory, reports V.V.S.

For the elongation of several it is age-long catholics they believe in the fact that the souls of newborns, dead persons to the baptism, forever remain in purgatory. However, this concept is not the part of the official study of Catholic church, and the Pope Benedict expresses the desire to put an end to this idea BY THE XVI.
Recently he named this concept of hypothetical.

Theory about purgatory was presented into the Middle Ages as answer to a theological question, that occurs with the souls of the babies, who did not have time to be cleaned by means of the baptism from the "first-born sin", without having completed in this case "its own" sins.

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