On that the people do not only go, in order to fall on the pages of the world famous Guinness book of records. Sometimes for those desiring to become famous it is necessary even to risk life. Their number includes snake-charmer from Thailand Of kkhum Of chaibuddi. It kissed 19 royal cobras on the eyes in the amazed public in the health resort city Of pattayya (140 km to the southeast of Bangkok).
Dare-devil entered into the terrarium with poisonous reptiles and on the turn kissed each asp. This gripping spectacle was passed under the fixed observation of others of the snake-charmers, prepared to arrive for aid to its comrade in such a case, when any of the cobras not correctly would understand the good intentions Of kkhum To chaibuddiyu. Was on duty next the brigade of doctors to the snake antidote at call, but everything managed without the incidents.
Show organized pattayskiy museum "you want believe, you want no". According to its representative, the results will be podany to the examination of the commission of the Guinness book of records. The previous world record was established in 1999 by the American, who kissed 11 poisonous snakes.
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