On Monday the colleagues of the museum of the Vatican together with the archaeologists conducted the first tourist group on recently open nekropolyu, in which the rich and influential citizens of great Roman empire were concealed.
Soon any desiring will be able to visit the halls, forced by urns and sarcophaguies. Through the special glass- it is possible to see the skeleton of the child, into whom thoughtful parents put chicken egg - as the symbol of new generation. Skeleton, just as symbol, they were restored by archaeologists.
"to us it is long ago known, where the mausoleums of the emperors of Andrian and August are located; however, until now we not had idea about how they buried the representatives of middle class", says the director of museum Dzhanzhdomeniko Of spinola. "you cannot understand history, knowing only about the tsars and the generals", it adds the chapter of the group of archaeologists Paolo liverani.
The floor of nekropolya is decorated with the black and white mosaic and other decorations, including the figures of satires and Dionisa. The sculptures are established near some sarcophaguies.
In the initial stage into nekropol' will be allowed only the organized groups of tourists, which received the permission of the Vatican. If the excursions will prove to be popular, access to the burial of ancient Romans will be extended.
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