Thursday, October 05, 2006

The ancestors of nessi are discovered In Norway

Norwegian scientists discovered in ices of the Arctic those hardened the remains reptiles that lived in the prehistoric times.

As assert scientists found remains belong to two types of animals - plesiosauri and to ichthyosauruses.

This is two largest marine predators of that epoch. Ichthyosauruses resembled by the structure of contemporary dolphins, and plesiosauri most correspond to the extended description of oleaster -Nesskogo, monster with the small head and the long neck on the imposing body.

As it has been reported by the head of the group of Norwegian archaeologists, excavations on the islands of the archipelago of sval'bard were unique. "On every 100 meters compulsorily it is located petrified skeleton, or other evidence of the life of ancient world", stated the head of expedition doctor Kherum, who named The sval'bard islands "bonanza".

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