Saturday, October 07, 2006

Astronomers could glance inside the quasar

Astronomers Sin'yuy Dai from the university of Pennsylvania and Kristofer Of kochanek from the university of Ohio they made that the fact that very recently could not be represented: they glanced inside the quasars, they examined their structure and we could confirm the presence of black holes in these objects.

For a period of decades the quasars remained riddle for the scientists. Their nature became more- less clear if and only if was formed idea about the fact that quasar - nothing else but the active galaxy, in center of which is located massive black hole.

However, these space "in' and Jan", in which were mixed the brightest itself that not on are black objects, for long was brought into question the correctness of the existed ideas.

Moreover although the quasars emit very strong emission, they are so distant (at a distance of billions light years), that even in the most powerful telescopes they appear by point luminous sources.

Problem in the fact that to increase image so is not simple: as is known, each additional device creates deviations, and the improvement of this technology - separate question, which requires time and means.

There are no these deficiencies does not have the "natural" method of gravitational linzirovaniya, which used Dai and Kochanek for investigating the quasars Rxj1131-1231 and Q2237+0305.

It is interesting that the images, which in this study came out because of the linziruyushchim galaxies, proved to be such informative which, according to the scientists, was possible even to examine the internal structure of each quasar and to see, where in them black holes are located.

In order to explain these details, by scientists it was necessary to conduct mathematical processing of data (information, obtained in the optical and X-ray ranges) with the aid of software, which developed Kochanek. This stage of work was conducted on the 48- processor computer, and calculations for each quasar continued approximately one week, reports MEMBRANA.

By the way, according to the researchers, neither Rxj1131-1231 nor Q2237+0305 nothing uncommon as quasars represent - furthermore that they are well increased by gravitational lenses.

By the way, the scientist and his group collect information on twenty such means to the "linzirovannym" quasars, which are already undertaken the note. So that soon, possibly, we learn the new details, connected with these little studied objects.

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