Thursday, October 05, 2006

Chinese purchase the dead brides

Chinese people very validly think of the concept of death. At the moment of the loss of relative a whole series of the conditionalities is kept, which must ensure happy-go-lucky the other world life to dead person.

However, what can you do if a young person perishes , when there is no time to test the sacraments of love? Many families from the distant regions of the country consider it necessary "to propose" to him bride.

According to ancient tradition, the relatives of dead person search for it the body of young girl for the joint burial. The cost of the body of "bride" can reach 1.500 dollars.

It is worthwhile to note that for the brides not only the parents of those be killeden pay ransom. In poor regions no family will approve marriage with the man, who cannot pay ransom to the family of their future the husbands.

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