Thursday, October 05, 2006

In Lithuania they search for commoners for supper with the queen

The forthcoming in the middle of October visit of her majesty Elizabeth II forced not only capital authorities to be moved emotionally , but also people from the secular distant villages.

The fact is that the English queen, in honor of whom the embassy of Great Britain arranges reception in the Vilnius town hall, wished to see among the guests simple citizens of her age, born in 1926.

Embassy sent out into all regions of Lithuania request to send to the encounter one person, who complies with the criteria dependent on age. In the regions they were aroused: by the representative of community must be not only the educated and irreproachable in every respect person, but also possessing excellent health, in order to reach Vilnius, and clear mind, in order to support conversation in the case of necessity.

Practically all regions selected candidates from the number of former teachers. Only Vilnius region differed, after advancing to the encounter simple woman, the inhabitant of boarding house for the aged. True, it from the former deportee and will be able much to describe to queen from her rich in events life

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