Thursday, October 05, 2006

Islam scolds itself in the Transarctic

In Murmansk they plan to build the Transarctic's first mosque, the mayor of city Mikhail Savchenko reported at the briefing.

According to him, the place for the mosque is already isolated.

At present in Murmansk region live about 30 thousand Moslems. A question of the building of mosque was placed with different national diaspores long ago; however, the authorities of city rejected the projects proposed previously.

In particular, authorities and orthodox cities and region spoke against the building of mosque, which by height "suppressed" the main church of Murmansk, reports "interfaks".

At present, according to Savchenko, "all debatable questions are regulated. I is confident, that the inhabitants of our multinational city will support the idea of the building of mosque ", said mayor.

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