Sunday, October 08, 2006

The principle of the magnetism prevails above the stores

Is ancient prayer about three important factors of the success of any store - place, place and again place - is confirmed by new mathematical model. It can soak to retail merchants accurately determine profitable sections for its stores.

Physicist Pablo Of khensen from Ecole Normale Superieure in Lyon, France, analyzed reports about the position pain 8.500 retail commercial points of city. He established that the stores have a tendency to form uniform groups.

For example, meat benches be nearby with the stores of delicacies, and laundries with the book stores. The stores of one and the same group, it seemed, attract each other, while different groups are attempted to run away each other.

Khensen, using theory of magnetism, calculated number Q for the stores, based on the proximity of attractive and distance of the repellent enterprises of trade. Q designates the fitness of section for the specific type of the store: the higher the number, the better the section.

In order to verify its forecasts, Khensen calculated Q for all bakeries in Lyon in 2003 and 2005. They were shut in this time of 19 enterprises of this profile, and Khensen determined, that their average number Q was considerably lower than the average number for all other bakeries. "the bakeries, which were shut, simply had unsuccessful position", notes scientist (Physical Review E, vol 74, p 035101).

The now lion Chamber of Commerce and Industry uses the developed model so that you soak to the owners to find profitable places for their stores.

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