Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Britons first in the world grew artificial liver

British scientists first in the world grew under laboratory conditions from stem cells the artificial liver.

The technology, which was used with the creation of "minipecheni", by a size into the odnopensovuyu coin, will be developed further in order to create the normally functioning liver of standard size.

According to the scientists, this great reaching will once ensure physicians with all human organs, which can be used for the transplantation.

Researchers from the university of Newcastle created cloth from the blood, undertaken from the umbilical cords of babies.

Mini- organ can be used for checking the new medicines. Similar studies are capable of avoiding such negative consequences, which occurred recently with checking of one of the medicines. Furthermore, the use of the artificially grown liver will make it possible to substantially reduce the tests, conducted for animals.

For five years the small fragments of artificial cloth can be used for restoring the liver, which suffered as a result of injuries, injuries, diseases, destruction under the action of alcohol or as a result of the overdose of paracetamol.

According to the forecasts of experts, the first transplantation of the artificially grown liver can occur already into the next 15 years.

"one hundred million children yearly be born in entire peace, and this one hundred million different it is specific cloths; specifically, these children will provide with cloth me, you and any other person, who does not have its own cloth in the bank of cells ", note Colin makgukin, professor of regenerative medicine from the university of Newcastle.

Elephants possess the ability of self-identification

Scientists established that the elephants learn themselves in the mirror. Thus, they entered into the club of the realizing themselves animals, members of which are the highest primates and dolphins.

According to the psychologist from the university Of emori to Atlanta, the complex social life of the elephants, noted for their altruistic behavior and with the large size of the brain, made these animals logical candidates for checking of realization.

Mirror was placed in the cages of elephants in the zoo Of bronks in New York, in which be situated three inhabitants. The first question was, do greet they reflection, as if they meet another animal. However, elephants did not be mistaken, and was used mirror in order to examine its own reflection. For example, they moved aside trunk to the side in order to look around the internal cavity of mouth.

In contrast to the previous studies, this is the first experiment with the use of an enormous mirror, which allowed elephants to concern its surface, to rub and to be turned to it by back.

The attempt to look to itself from the back is one additional indicator of self-consciousness. One of the elephants passed the test, when it touched the mark on the tail end of the head after it looked into the mirror.

Ecstasy - panacea from Parkinson's disease

The colleague of the university of Cincinnati the jack Of lipton conducted the experiment, in course of which it was explained that ecstasy increases the viability of nerve cells under the unfavorable conditions, and it also contributes to an increase in the production of dopamine in the brain. Such properties of narcotic can be used with the treatment of a number of diseases, including Parkinson's disease.

Some scientists already conducted the studies by ecstasy, in course of which they came to the conclusion that its use is connected with sharp reduction in the production in the brain of serotonin, hormone of pleasure. However, the experiment Of liptona did not confirm this.

He studied the influence of narcotic on the development of the brain of the young of rats, that obtained it during the pregnancy. In the brain of the newly born young rats of a decrease in the level of serotonin it was fixed not; however, it was discovered, that the number of cells, which manufacture another neuromediator, dopamine, increased in the experimental three.

Action by ecstasy on the culture of embryonic nerve cells grown in the test tube increased their viability three, moreover this effect did not change with an increase in the concentration of narcotic, with exception of the very high doses, which led to the loss of cells.

In the opinion Of liptona, ecstasy it prevents the starting of the mechanism of the programmed cellular loss, which usually is activated with the neyrodegenerativnykh diseases. It proposes also that the preparations prepared on its basis can contribute to the restoration of the number of cells, which manufacture dopamine, with Parkinson's disease.

It is considered that the loss of motor coordination and the involuntary reductions of muscles with parkinsonism are connected with a deficiency in dopamine in the engine centers of brain.

A child was born with the inscription "Allah"

In Kazakhstan was borne the child, on back of the head of whom were discovered the signs, the resembling Arab band.

This phenomenon occurred in Chimkent city in the family Of musayevykh. According to the chief imam of the local mosque im. Abu raykhan Biruni Of oybeka Of ernazar of ogly, totality of these signs indicate word "Allah".

Boy was borne on 1 September of this year; however, the members of its family decided not to speak about the inscription to the expiration of forty days from the moment of generation. According to the young mother Of umidy Of musayevoy, not long before the birth of a son she saw prophetic sleep.

Parents and relatives of newborn see in the uncommon event a good sign. With the generation Of sanzharbeka unexpectedly began to be improved the material position of the family Of musayevykh. Now the members of family try to regularly accomplish namaz.

The nineteenth-year young mom Of umida is intended to learn by heart the Koran and to sing to its child as cradle.

Legendary Gudini was the English spy

80 years after the loss of the legendary American conjurer of Garry gudini to THE USA leaves his new biography, whose authors, William kalush and Larri it is broken, they assert that the magician actively collaborated with Scotland Yard and American special services, actually carrying out espionage work.

The book, by the name "secret life Of gudini" leaves into Khelluin (on 31 October) during the day of death of conjurer. Let us recall that on 21 October, 1926, in Montreal the American conjurer asked spectator to strike him into the stomach. On the official version he passed away from the impact in 10 days. However, the authors of the book propose otherwise, declaring that it could be killed in connection with the disclosure of the motion of spiritualists.

Their findings the authors of biography base on William melvil's diaries, well-known British spy, who mentioned the name Of gudini several times. Melvil, being the colleague of Scotland Yard it helped conjurer in the formation of his career in Europe. Specifically, it organized in London the known appearance, in course of which Gudini it were freed from the police handcuffs.

Concerning collaboration with the American special services, Kalush and is broken they assert that Gudini, much travelling on THE USA, helped the authorities of the country to fight with the counterfeiters.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Treatment by virgins

Myth about the "treatment by virgins" - in other words, the faith in the fact that the sex with the chaste girl can cure AIDS, is dug in as hurricane into the western rich and moved peace, it writes La stampa.

"barbarous" beliefs - the traditional practice not only of aborigines. It is characteristic of the cultural horizon of our rich and civilized peace and it is very close to us in the time: even at the end OF THE XIX century and in Italy, and in Victorian England was disseminated steadfast "people prejudice", if we use ourselves the language of doctors and contemporary observers, what rape of virgin or is still better - unripe girl it is possible to lead to the recovery from syphillis and the gonorrhea. Speech does not go on the irregular, single cases. There are numerous facts, described in notes and works of the doctors of that time. One of them, for example, in the medical recommendations, published in 1887, with the indignation writes that, first of all in the villages, people "solidly believe: as soon as you will reveal that it infected itself by French disease, it is necessary to complete rough report with the virgin or the girl ".

The sense of this belief consisted in the fact that the flesh of victim fulfills the function of the "sponge, capable of absorbing into itself everything". For those believed in this the defloration of girl was the same how for us are the therapeutic methods of treatment. Ignorance generated idea, that the recovery from the disease will be hundred per-cent with the aid of this means and that "the sick organism will sanitate once and for all".

And not only. On different court trials in the matters about the rape and attempt at the rape those accused in the attack on the girls were frequently justified by the fact that this for the purpose of recovery from gonorrhea or syphillis made. The Viennese folklorist Of friderik Krauss composed the collection of people erotic traditions, which consisted of several monographs, dedicated to the individual countries, including Italy ("sexual life in the beliefs, the customs and the people Italian traditions"). To Raphael korso, Italian ethnographer, who collaborated with Krauss, reported that "idea about the fact that gonorrhea and syphillis they can cure with the aid of the defloration of virgin or friction of sick penis against vaginu of virgin, it is connected with the tradition of magic nature, at basis of which belief, that the dirtiness disappears with the contact with the clean and uncontaminated flesh".

In actuality this belief became the result of the powerful stratification of information and ideas about the disease, pererabotannykh by the complex of the connection of people and scientific medicine. The concept of the "migration" of disease has old origin, it was reflected already in the medical treatises OF THE XVI century, in other words, on first - terrible - stage of the epidemic of syphillis, carried from the news-writer, probably, by the crews of Christopher Columbus. To the highest degree infectious, which was extended among the amateurs of merry life it is municipal the epoch of revival, this illness led to the appearance of an enormous quantity of publications and hygienic orders, in which was contained the innumerable number of councils how to avoid the "shafts of Venus" or as to cure. The faith in the possibility of recovery through the sexual report with the virgin was connected with the belief, which assigned therapeutic properties to contact in with warm vnutrennostyami of the recently killed animal: rabbit, pigeon, deer - the treatment, accessible for the rich, it understands. Poor it was necessary to be satisfied by frogs.

The completely not refuted, this idea traversed never centuries and was preserved in THE XIX and even in THE XX century: when the epidemic of syphillis broke out after World War II and withdrawal of forces from South Africa, large popularity enjoyed the method of "treatment by virgins". And here is step from syphillis toward AIDS: diseases change, but remain ineradicable the roots of concepts, beliefs and medical methods, after which it is actually difficult to examine the prospect for future mezhkul'turnogo public health.

Scientists developed contraceptive for men

American and Italian scientists developed the contraceptive means for the men, which stops the process of the formation of sperm.

Tests on the rats showed that new preparation they block connection with the cells, which feed spermatozoids.

Researchers say that they used relatively low doses of substance and found no obvious side effects. To now by scientist it is necessary verify preparation on the people in order to ascertain that it is effective and safe for the men.

In the seed channels, where sperm is formed, Sertoli's cells, which feed spermatozoids, are located. If connection with these cells is blocked, this can lead to the man sterility. The molecule, on basis of which is created new preparation, displaces the developing sperm from Sertoli's cells.

The method of protection without the application of hormones, which directly influences spermotogenez (process of the formation of spermatozoids), considers it very attractive, since it does not influence the work of man sexual gland.

The authorities of Portlend confiscated in the restaurant... the seagull

The agents of service on the protection of wild nature visited restaurant in Portlend city, state of Maine in order to confiscate the scarecrow of seagull, to which were carried out already 150 years.

Agents assert that the possession by 150- summer bird is illegal, according to the state laws of Maine about the migration of birds. Six months of the imprisonment and penalties in the size of 500 dollars are relied for the possession by scarecrow.

The mistress of the restaurant Of dzhoanna Of t'yuton stated that the scarecrow stands in the institution more than 20 years, and with it never it appeared problems. However, one of the visitors of restaurant rang into the service of the protection of wild nature and reminded one that the seagulls find under the protection of authorities since 1918.

In the beginning it thought that the agents joke, until they say to it what to return in order to take away bird into the local museum. Attorney advised to the owner of restaurant as fast as possible to design the transfer of scarecrow to the hands of authorities in order to avoid problems with the law.

Along the ocean - by the rubber catamaran

Five travellers -3kstremalov from Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo prepare to pass through the North coast of the Indian Ocean on the pneumatic sail catamaran.

As reported to the agency Of "interfaks" the leader of the group of novosibirets Anatoliy kulik, floating on the ocean will begin in the middle of December from the port as reported to the agency Of "interfaks" the leader of the group of novosibirets Anatoliy kulik, floating on the ocean will begin in the middle of December from the port city Of dubai (united Arab emirates) Pavel gridin (Kemerovo) - together with the catamaran and by equipment they will reach on the aircraft.

"in two months of floating in the autonomous regime we will pass on the pneumatic vessel of 7 thousand km, and let us reach The mal'divskeye islands, located on the southwest from Shri-Lanki, at the equator. Connection with the Earth we will support through the satellite systems ", said snipe.

According to him, the five of travellers yet did not have an experience of stay in the ocean; therefore are decided every ten days to replenish stocks of food and fresh water on the Andaman, Nicobar Islands, and also in the Arabian peninsula.
"the purpose of journey is simple - using improvised means, to reach from point" A "to point" B "and to remain among the living", noted snipe.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

What toilet should a deputy - transsexual choose?

The deputy of Italian parliament, in the past actress and leading, is agitated by the fact that she met in the female toilet associate -transsexual.

Elizabetta Of gardini, the press- secretary of the party eks -premera to Silvio Berlusconi, it stated that it it became badly after encounter in the toilet from Vladimir luksuri during the break between sessions on Friday.

This incident led to the stormy discussions of that, such as toilet deputy, must use.

Luksuria indicates that already many years use female toilet. According to her, if it used man toilet, then problems it would be still more. Luksuria, which they earlier called Vladimir Gaudano, bears woman's clothing; however, operations on the change of floor it not had, the BBC reports.

40- summer activist for the rights of sexual minorities became the member of parliament during April of tsentristskoy coalition prime minister Romano prodi.

The toilet matter is transmitted into the etiquette service of the parliament of Italy.

Gardinni it described about the experienced horror after encounter from Luksuria in the female toilet.

"to me and into the head arrive it could not, that I will see it there, she said. - such there was a feeling, as if I underwent sexual violence. I became bad ".

Deputy- centrists supported its call to the discovery in the House of Parliament of the third type of toilets - it is special for transsexuals.

However, the deputies of the ruling coalition accused Gardinni of the discrimination, similar to racism.

In turn, according to Luksuria, it did not expect that he will encounter so stormy a manifestation of the aggression in the parliament of the country.

The bulletproof school textbooks are invented

Bill To kroz'e, retired serviceman and candidate for the post of the chapter of the department of the formation of the state of Oklahoma, devised the very original method to decrease mortality in the American schools.

After a number of recent tragedies in the schools OF THE USA, when students opened fire according to the classmates and the teachers, mister kroz'e in earnest thought above this problem. And, as reports Internet- periodical MEMBRANA, found the solution. You do think, this better training of the growing up generation? Or an increase of the staff of guards in the schools? Completely no. It devised the bulletproof textbooks.

Kroz'e learned, which in one of the last scandalous cases of applying the firearms in the school for child miraculously was possible to rescue, although the psychopath shot running away accurately into the back. Bullet got stuck in the textbooks, which lie at ryukzachke.

Bill thought that here there is that to improve. And were conducted experiences on the firing of textbooks from the different it was specific weapon. It explained that the pistol bullets stop at 2/3 their way through the average pile of the books. But shots from the rifle and the automaton broke through entire pile right through.

"if in these textbooks were covers from sheet Kevlar, rifle bullet also could not overcome them", solved gallant serviceman.

Kroz'e did not calculate the cost of passage to such textbooks (but it, obviously, it was great), but he emphasizes that the books with the cover from Kevlar, although they will not become panacea, will give excess chance to the survival in the case of shooting in the class to schoolboys. Indeed frequently people attempt to be protected from the attack by all, which will fall under the hand.

Physicians learned to reseat the eyelashes

Lyubitel'nits plastic of the operations of every kind awaits surprise - now surgeons can it make a transplantation... of eyelashes. This operation - last mode in the region of kosmetologii, which was carried on the United States.

Clients pay 6 thousand dollars for the procedure, similar to that which is used for the transplantation of hair to the growing bald men. In this case the hair from the head reseat to the upper eyelid. Then hair takes root and it begins grow; therefore new eyelashes must be regularly cut and waved.

People with the straight hair they advise to make chemical waving of the reseated eyelashes for the more realistic form. This operation they propagandize as the necessary procedure for the women, who dream about the thicker and longer eyelashes or who transferred the "loss of eyelashes as a result of injury or abuse of additional eyelashes".

Furthermore, and among the men it collects popularity. According to the surgeons, the operation is conducted under the local narcosis, it occupies from one to two it is hour it makes it possible to attain the effect, which in the past was reached only due to the stuck artificial eyelashes, densely painted by India ink.

"long thick eyelashes - the universal sign of beauty", says doctor alan Baumann, who has a practice in Florida. the "transplantation of eyelashes for the eyes the same, that an increase in the breast - for the figure". Another surgeon the doctor Of dzheffri AN, the docent of Columbia University, on his Web site declares himself by the first American doctor, who carried out an operation on the transplantation of hair on the eyebrow and eyelashes.

In the course of this operation for the transplantation the hair from the occipital region of patient are taken and they are sewn to the upper eyelid on one hairspring. Each hairspring - them to one eyelash depart about 50 - grinds to the slender tip before they implant and implant it to the place with the aid of the resolved threads.

This operation, by the cost of the order of 1600 pounds for one eye, was initially developed for the patients, who transferred burn or suffering the inherent defects of the form of eye. But rumors about this were extended, and now approximately 80% of such operations are conducted through the the kosmetologicheskim to reasons.

27-year Erik Lynn, model from Florida, which by surgical way increased to itself breast and changed the form of nose, three ago passed operation on the transplantation of eyelashes, since to it it tired to use artificial eyelashes. "as soon as 4 about this it learned, 4 I could not this but make, she says. - everything, coma 4 about this told, also they want to make to itself this operation. Eyelashes never there is too much ".

Chinese created the resistant to the electricity robot

The colleagues Of the shan'dunskeyeo scientific and technical university in China developed the robot, capable of performing the repair of electric brushes for the high-tension current.

Robot was created on the basis of its own Chinese technologies, he corresponds to the specific character of Chinese electric brushes, and it also answers world standards in the region of analogous products, notes publication "zhemin' zhibao".

At present in the province Of shan'dun is created production group on the development, the production, the testing and applying the robots, capable of working for the high-tension current

Fried "Coca-Cola" - the new dainty of the Americans

Ebl Gonzalez, 26- summer computer analyst from Dallas have all chances to become millionaire, because of the new dainty devised by it. Fried in frityure balls from the thick syrup "Coca-Colas", watered by cream and strawberry jam, conquered enormous popularity at the large fair of food products in Texas.

Gonzalez says that he tested 15 combinations of this dish before to arrive at the final formula. How many calories in the dainty, culinary specialist does not report. However, everything indicates that the dessert is not clearly dietetic food. However, this did not prevent Gonzalez during 24- X of fair days from selling off 35 thousand portions of fried "Coca-Colas".

Several important American companies already interested themselves in new dish. Among them - Moon- park from North Carolina. Itself Gonzalez tells that he does not be going to stop on the achievement and it plans already in the following year to let out fried balls "sprayta" and in dietetic "Coca-Colas".

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Poker with James Bond in the company of the corpses

German artist Gunter von khagens, scandalously known by his compositions from the corpses, is again located under the fire of criticism - this time he is intended to use corpses in order to recreate scene from the new film about James Bond.

Von khagens must select the corpses, similar to Deniyela of Craig and other actors, who play into the poker during the scene in the "casino piano"

The protestant church of Germany arrived into the horror after artist showed that it will precisely become the aspect of his new project.

It is expected that daily more than 5.000 people will come into the the four-storied Plastinarium to the exhibition, which is opened in three weeks.

But Local Priest Michael domke Complains: "human bodies are converted into the commodities, prepared on the factory conveyor. This is terrible ".

How much are eggs at Uncle Sam's?

What do cost my eggs? And how much I must obtain for them? These such similar questions have different answers. First: what do cost my eggs? If you would know me personally, you would say that they cost nothing. But the egg cell of 20-year woman can give the priceless possibility to have a child to barren conjugal pair. Thus, to the human "eggs" simply it cannot be established price list.

In this case the women nevertheless obtain for them money. And this seems correct, because with the extraction of egg cell they undergo sufficiently unpleasant procedure with the potential side effects - no longer to say nothing of the fact that they transfer their genes to the child, whom they, possibly, never will see nor learn.

At the annual meeting of the American society of reproductive medicine, which took place in new Orleans on this week, commission for ethics declared, that the women, who became the donors of egg cell, must obtain not less than 5.000 dollars. Smaller sum - this simply scandalous is incorrect with respect to the woman. But here the sum, which exceeds 10.000 dollars can impel it to make this unjustifiably and use as a long-term source of income. A similar price can lead to the vulnerability of the women, whom they will simply constrain to similar procedures.

Committee on ethics interrogated the women, who endowed their egg cells in the past, and it established that none of them used the obtained money to the purchase of the objects of luxury.

Majorities used a sum of reward to the payment of school expenditures, repayment of loan for automobile or simply they placed their bank to the deposit. With this 90 % came out by donors one, maximum two times.

American museum was forced to change the rules of the purchase of the artifacts

The museum of floor To getti, which conducts the negotiations with the Italian government about the return of several questionable exhibits, stated on Friday that from now on it was intended to buy only those works, which were officially registered, find on the territory OF THE USA during not less than 36 years or imported into the country with the observance of all juridical standards.

The director of the museum Of maykl Of brand promised recently, that will be soon accepted the more specific and clear instructions on the acquisition of new exhibits.

The new rules, accepted by museum To getti, provide for the purchase of the artifacts, which were exported after 17 November of 1970 from the country, where they in their time were created. Export is considered legally substantiated and legitimate, if it is accompanied by the appropriate documentation.

Date (November of 1970) was accepted in accordance with the agreement about averting of illicit traffic in archaelogical antiquities, which was accepted by the United Nations.

The previous instructions of museum To getti allowed the acquisition of the artistic and historical values, which were properly documented and find on the territory OF THE USA since 1995.

The former moderator of the antique values of museum, Marion I rub, from November of the past year it is located in Rome under the consequence on the charge in the fact that it acquired for the museum objects of ancient skill illegally the extracted from raskopov or illegally delivered in THE USA. It denies the charges produced to it and indicates that honestly it approached the acquisition of new exhibits.

The club of vampires declares the enrollment of the new members

Approaches Khellouin and in London wander the vampires in the searches for the new "victims", those, who want to participate into somewhat dikovatykh parties, it will leave for transylvania and to study the search for bats on the most terrible moonless nights.

Statements from those, who prefer to sleep in the coffins and to drink the human blood, do not start. Finally, it is necessary to soblyudat' decency, indeed vampires also evolved.

Then those start with happiness, who have a tendency to show off in the canine teeth prepared to order, the stunning cosmetic and the Gothic clothing. The members of London vampirskoy group (LVG) say that them most of all it draws charm and romantic of histories about the vampires, but not the dark intentions of krovososov in the human appearance.

"invite all, who consider that they do not die already hundred years, or that they must drink the blood (if them it interests the dark side of things)", notes 57- summer Mik Smith from club LVG, which gave the interview for correspondent to agency Reuters in one of London pabov.
By the way, instead of the blood here propose "bloody Mary" or other cocktails of noble- ruby nuance.

"as far as pitiya of the blood is concerned, this - taboo. Usually, we are not inclined to stick out this point of view, but we assume that it must be clearly and clearly formulated ", emphasizes Smith, robed in the gloomy black suit.

In the daytime all these attorneys and programmers can be conservative dressed, but, assuming the appearance of vampires with the onset of dark, they change. Uncommon clothing they save up for the "ball of cursed vampires" and the "requiem of revival" with the Gothic dance of stomach.

The main event of vampirskogo calendar has long ago become the "Gothic ball", which is conducted into Khellouina in the northern English city Of uitbi, where Brem Of stouker inspired to write its "Drakulu". Furthermore, the members of club plan the trips to the Gothic locks and the tombs of Czech republic, and also into new Orleans, where are turned the events of novel it is unspecified Rice "interviews c by vampire".

They sold Hendricks's heritage for 15 millions

The unnamed buyer spent 15 million dollars on the acquisition of rights to entire catalog of legendary Jimmy Hendricks's songs. However, the family of star reported that the part of the music, including such a classics as "violet fog" and "witchcraft of Chile", as before belongs to it.

Rights to the songs of fate- musician were sold from the auction by the former manager Hendricks - Frank dzheffri's Mayklom. On this reported the representative of the auction house Ocean Tomo Auctions. Who precisely acquired rights to the songs of surprising guitarist, she refused to describe.

Hendricks, whose career was broken with death of musician in 1970 - it died in London of the overdose of narcotics - it created several unforgettable compositions, which in the y9'0-ye years entered into its albums Electric Ladyland, Axis: Bold As love And Are You Experienced?

Special services lose to terrorists the war of the technologies

Western special services "ever more and more risk, coming out as deaf and blind" in the fight with the terror, by them difficultly, because they often lag behind the rapidly developing technologies. This statement it made on Friday, on 27 October, the chapter of the service of the reconnaissance of Canada.

By dzhim Judd, director of the Canadian Of intellidzhens service (CSIS), note that for the preparation for attacks, transfer of information and samomaskirovki the fighters have an access to the diverse methods to the means, created on the basis of high technologies.

"the rate of the development of technologies, especially in the sphere of tele-communications, becomes present problem for the services of reconnaissance, safety and protection of law, which already experience complexities in the part of the effective interception", it noted in its presentation.

"we ever more and more risk, coming out as deaf and blind in the environment, where the creators and the suppliers of telecommunication means regularly change their systems so that those would relate to the interests of clients. But, improving maintenance, they literally deprive us main possibilities and of advantages, since the part of the changes is not recorded ".

In this year CSIS and the royal Canadian mounted police, working in the close collaboration, conducted the important anti-terrorist operation, which was completed by arrest approximately 20 people, who produced charges in planning of terrorist attacks in Ontario region.

Horticulturists recreated Van Gog's picture

In Ashkhabad was opened the third according to the calculation exhibition it was color "flowers - the ambassadors of peace". It was organized on the initiative of the consulate of the kingdom of the Netherlands and ministry of culture and tele-radiobroadcasting of Turkmenia.

Uncommon exposure was placed in the foyer of the main dramatic theater of the country. In its preparation and formulation the chief horticulturists were begun to operate.

Among the exclusive flower compositions - "bloomed" national musical tool of dutar, original wind mill, which swims on the fragrant waves the boat, made in the original genre the copy of the famous picture of van gog "sunflowers" and others.

In the creation of these masterpieces were used thousands of living it was color: rose, carnation, chrysanthemum, orchid, khelikonii and, certainly, tulips - world acknowledged symbol of Holland.

Bloody festival

The festival of vegeterians, which passed in Thailand, draws the inhabitants of the country by the possibility to pouchastvovat' in the tradition of participants to subject itself to the inventive tortures, and tourists by the possibility to take a look with own eyes as the adherents of holiday "decorate" their faces and bodies with extreme piercing.

Participants in the holiday believe that the extreme piercing, walking on the fire and other methods of putting to themselves mutilations will ensure with them the "increased sympathy" of gods. "mazokhisty" participating in the festival consider that the gods will protect believing, that proved their faith thus barbarous, from all misfortunes, scars and deaths from the loss of the blood.

Friday, October 27, 2006

The girl borne in the streetcar obtained lifelong travelling pass

That bearing in the Warsaw streetcar of spirit Izmail obtained the right of free passage in the municipal transport to entire its life. The authorities of the Polish capital thus solved.

In the native of Sudan Sulafy Izmail unexpectedly began strong struggles during the trip on the streetcar. Driver it stopped him at the stage and together with the two additional women knew how to accept special kinds.

Everything occurred very rapidly - the girl, whom they decided to name spirit ("light" on one of the Sudan dialects), it were borne literally for a few minutes prior to the arrival of first aid.

This already the sixth child Of sulafy Izmail.

Besides the lifelong free passage for perfumes, Warsaw authorities also granted the right of free passage to all its brothers and to sisters before reaching by them of 18- summer age.

Samsung created 3d- display

The group of South Korean companies and scientific research institutions, headed by Samsung Electronics, developed flat HD- display, on which it is possible to examine volumetric images without the special glasses.

The special feature of the technology, proposed Samsung, consists in the fact that its creation is deprived of that deficiency, which encountered the remaining developers of volumetric screens.

The created technology makes it possible to work with the image both in the usual two-dimensional and in the three-dimensional regime without any special filters.

To 2009 South Korean electronic giant promises to let out its first commercial 3d- display, which moreover it will differ significantly from all shown at the present time analogous devices in terms of its universality.

As they declare in Samsung, the created prototype is capable rapidly and, that most important, without the loss of quality to be switched between regimes 2D and 3D A by possible this became because of the use of matrices, which are of the light-emitting diodes the size of less than 100 microns.

In Samsung has already been today located the working prototype of display by the diagonal of 17 inches, however, in further plans of company - production of 19- one inch model.

To the project, which started in 1999, it was at the present time spent 23 million dollars.

In this case the state plans to continue financing for the already two years. As a whole, the evaluated volume of the market for three-dimensional displays in 2010 can be 8,1 million pieces.

In Burma they found 100 million year old bee

Discovery coincided in the time with the promulgation of the genetic diagram of honeybee, which demonstrates the unexpected connections with the mammals and the man.

The prehistoric insect, captivated in the drop of wood juice, at least, to 35-45 million years is older than the most ancient of all known, until now, fossilizations of bees. It was found in the mine on the north of Burma and was called name Melittosphex burmensis.

Insect has the characteristic features not only of bee, but also osy, in particular, thin hind legs how it confirms the theory of bee evolution.

Experts consider that the bees being fed by pollen occurred from the predator- wasps, and that precisely the appearance of bees could lead to the stormy propagation of the efflorescent plants over the earth's surface. The conifers, which scatter their seeds downwind, ago in the plant peace reigned of up to 100 million years.

"this very trying of all bees, which we succeeded herself in identifying, and it has some signs of osy, says George Poynar, the professor of zoology from the American Oregon state university, which together with the associates reported discovery on the pages of periodical Science. - but nevertheless this is more bee, than wasp, and it allows for us with a sufficient portion of probability to speak about the time, when were radiated the evolutionary ways of these two types of insects ".

Fossilization is in splendid state; in insect separate hairsprings were preserved, not injured remained the fragments of small pile, abdomen and head. Are well visible also paws and wings, the BBC reports.

It is very small according to the size: the diameter of its abdomen hardly reaches 3 millimeters, and this proves theory about the fact that the first flowers were also very small.

"this fossilization can soak to us understand, when osy, which are been in essence carnivorous, began to be converted into the bees, that pollinate plants and fulfilling completely different biological functions", says professor poynar.

Today in the world are counted about 20 thousand varieties of bees, which feed its posterity with pollen.

Do you work at the computer? You are in the risk group

The discussion deals not with that situation, when you include computer, but it appears at the screen: "Disk C: not found "or" Boot sector is failure "... Your state at this moment psychologists call "sharp stress", and it can lead to the infarction.

But even with the normal "load", man after the computer subjects himself to danger to fall ill not to the joke because of the "position itself", into which he falls. In those, who much sit, between the seat of chair and the body is formed the thermal compress, which leads to hemostasis in the pelvic organs and gives beginning sadly to known disease - haemorrhoid.

In the normal state the haemorrhoidal knots, which there is in the organism of each human, no one interfere: the protuberances must be smoothed out with the defecation in order not to interfere with the passage of feces. Hemostasis in to basin and excessive straining they disrupt position it is main, they slip down downward and is created that, about which by words you will not describe - it is necessary to test. Then reconstruction and ischemia occurs, this leads to an increase in the sizes of haemorrhoidal it is main, to their buckling outside. Now not one ointment will help.

Haemorrhoid - one of the most extended diseases. 40% of turnings to doctors apropos of bowels are connected with the haemorrhoid. Proktologi consider that 70% of people sooner or later encounter with the haemorrhoidal symptoms. They risk everything! Each of us can earn haemorrhoid. But if you the whole day (or night) sit before the computer, probability to secure haemorrhoid is begun still above.

Proktologi advise each hour of continuous seat to make squattings, "squeezing" or any gymnastics.

But if THIS already happened, then the main thing - not to be occupied by self-treatment! Diagnosis "haemorrhoid" must be confirmed by specialist - proktologom: the more serious diseases of thick gut can be hidden under the mask of haemorrhoid.

Reject false shame and not boytes'! Clever people fear disease, but not doctor. Today there are procedures of the treatment of haemorrhoid without the operation, which are not caused be ill and those troubles, with which is usually connected surgical treatment.

In the international network of clinics SUN the treatment of haemorrhoid consists of several visits to the doctor with the interval approximately during 3-7 days. Each visit of doctor occupies in patient not more than half-hour, after which the patient can return to the work and even news the active means of life. Secret - in the use of force of laser beam and advanced technology of treatment, developed by the specialists of clinic. For the patients, undertaken the treatment, the complete elimination of haemorrhoid without the hospitalization and the surgical intervention is guaranteed.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Scientists understood, why we see world without interference

The association of scientists from THE USA, Japan, Italy and Australia, into which enters the group under John kollinson's management from university to Aberdeen, made the important discovery: was discovered the substance, which impedes the formation of vessels in the cornea of eye - the front transparent part of outer covering.

Paradox for the contemporary scientists consisted in the fact that was known about the presence in the cornea of the large quantity of substance, which stimulates formation of new blood vessels - factor of an increase in the endothelium of vessels Vegf- A. However, cornea remains transparent, giving to us the possibility without the interferences to see peace. On the data of researchers, the formation of vessels in the cornea prevents the protein by the name sVEGFR-1, which suppresses activity Vegf- A.

Scientists studied the genetic disease, with which is observed an increase in the vessels in the cornea. It turned out that this illness is connected with the damage of the gene, which codes protein VEGFR1. Disease easily was cured, when the preparations, which contain this protein, buried by patient.

Scientists hope that the discovery the protein, which suppresses an increase in the vessels, can lead to the creation of fundamentally new medicines for treating of cancer, heart diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, strokes and eye diseases.

British soldiers will be converted into zombi

The Defense Ministry of Great Britain examines the possibility of use in field conditions of the preparation, which makes it possible to manage without sleep in the course several days without reduction in the mental and physical abilities. On this at the conference of committee on science and technologies of British parliament it reported doctor Anna kezi, the representative of the company- contractor of the Defense Ministry of Great Britain Qinetiq.

The preparation of modafanil, produced under the trade mark Of provigil, is approved in a number of the countries as the means of the treatment of narcolepsy - the disorder of sleep, that is characterized by the insurmountable assaults of sleepiness. On the illegal market for the medicines of modafanil it is known also by the name "zombi". In THE USA "zombi" it is popular among the habitues of night clubs, and American students frequently misuse by it during the preparation for the examinations.

According to doctor kezi, the Defense Ministry of Great Britain isolated significant means to studies of those increasing endurance and military characteristics of the soldiers of preparations and food additives, moreover as one of the most promising preparations at present is examined modafanil.

"the search for the means, which make it possible to enlarge the possibilities of personnel of warheads, it is conducted constantly", it added Kezi, after noting that the limitations, accepted by the International Olympic Committee, do not apply to servicemen. Modafanil and number of similar to it preparations is included MOK in the list of forbidden for the participating in the competitions athletes stimulators.

The results of the carried out tests show that modafanil contributes to a considerable increase in the mental and physical possibilities of soldiers, it said Kezi. In also the time a number of other known stimulators, for example ephedrine, they were rejected by servicemen because of such side effects as the increased anxiety.

"we continue studies in this region, but this does not mean that these preparations has already been used. However, we examine this possibility ". - it said Anna kezi.

Representative Qinetiq she separately emphasized that collaborating with the Defense Ministry of company do not carry out experiments with the forbidden and narcotic substances.

In the conversation with journalist BBC doctor Kezi it refined also that in the course carried out Qinetiq tests of modafanil it were tested in combination with the caffeine. At present company directed into the Defense Ministry demand about the additional financing of these studies.

Analogous studies of modafanila were carried out by the previously military departments OF THE USA and France.

Before beginning war in Iraq in the British press appeared the information about the purchase by the Defense Ministry of the large party of modafanila, allegedly which was being intended for the soldiers, who will participate in the combat operations. The representatives of the ministry repeatedly denied these reports.

For a while back on the initiative of Defense Ministry in Great Britain was created the new consortium Haldane Spearman, basic task of which is the development of the means of an increase in the endurance, and also the accelerated adaptation of soldiers to the fulfillment of combat missions under the extreme conditions. Consortium is occupied also by the development of the systems of remote monitoring, which would make it possible to track the status of the health of soldiers directly in the battlefield.

My dear is a fury in the mornings, men acknowledge

That about which man have long ago they suspected and about which it is folded so many anecdotes, it is confirmed. As shows a new study, in the mornings the women are more quarrelsome than man. They frequently arise "not from that foot" and longer they remain in the poor arrangement of spirit.

13 percent I will give they be "not in the spirit" hour four after awakening in comparison with 10 % all men, it is spoken in report Sleep Council. As it is explained, strong floor on the part of the irritability strongly does not lag.

"entire the fact is that many more men, than women they have daily valuable seven-hour sleep; therefore something to be surprised, that more women, than men they be from the morning in the poor mood", note Dzhessika Alexander, representative of the organization, which conducted a study.

40% of those interrogated consider that the main reason for their morning irritability - restlessly carried out night, 24% indicate the stresses and the problems.

Most irritable proved to be londontsy: only 7 percent of them have valuable sleep.

Following GPS the German brought down the street toilet

German motorist too literally perceived the command of the navigation system of his automobile.

After command "now turn to the right" he it sharply turned control it cut into... the booth of street toilet. The turning, necessary for driver, was located in 30 meters further.

the 53- summer inhabitant of German city Freiburg it did not confuse, that its extra-road builder left to the pavement, but is later to the construction site the flight of stairs, where it cut into the toilet cabin.

Incident managed to nevezuchemu to German more than into 2500 dollars. For the repair of stairs it paid 2000 Euro- (2500 dollars), small breakdowns in the automobile cost approximately 100 Euro-. Furthermore, from the German took penalty in the size of 35 Euro-.

By the way, in the beginning of October 80- summer motorist from Hamburg also too clearly soblyudal of the command of navigation system ignored sign "closed to the reconstruction". He cut into the heap of sand, but, fortunately neither driver nor passengers did not suffer.

Apocalypse will begin in 2050

In report WWF Living Planet Report, are presented five possible scenarios of the development of planet the Earth. On the very worst scenario, which received name "everything as always", apocalypse will begin in 2050, it writes La stampa.

Report is comprised with the collaboration with the London society Zoological Society and the scientists Global Footprint.

Scientists made the sad conclusion that the ecological collapse was close and many can become the witnesses of most serious catastrophe in the history of humanity, more scale in comparison with that preceding, when microorganisms and gigantic animals perished.

Last alarm signal about the future of planet entered on 9 October, when the research center OF USA Global Footprint Network established fact of "ecological debit", i.e., the inhabitants of the Earth absorb more resources how planet in the state to produce.

If we are continue to waste depths, to soil water and air, to cut down forests and to devastate seas with the same speed as now, less than after it will not half a century remain that that it would be possible to burn, to poison and to use for the subsistence, the journeys and the entertainments.

"in the period from 1970 through 2003, it is said in the report, the living beings it became to 31% less". This means that bioraznoobraziye (variety of all coexisting together organisms) is reduced. BY THE USA, Finland and UNITED ARAB EMIRATES are located at the very beginning of the list of ecological destroyers.

"this decline never earlier it was observed", assert scientists, speaking about the state of planet, although it survived five mass destructions, into the period between 444 and 65 million years ago, when last catastrophe led to the loss of tirannozavrov and tritseratopsov. But this time the discussion does not deal with the fault of man and his immeasurable expense of resources. Not randomly Nobel prize winner Paul kruttsen named our era "anthropocene". If earlier geologists gave the names, which characterize the evolution of the Earth, then this term designates new era - completely artificial and technological.

This is why, prevent scientists, we proved to be at the point of no return. Cities, power stations and dwellings, which we is constructed at present, involve the countries in the process of super-consumption, although we must orient our generation and future generations in the direction of the ekosovmestimoy reality, with which to us it will be sufficient one Earth.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Blue-eyed men prefer blue-eyed women

In Norway, It understands. This scientific countries not only explained that the blue-eyed women draw blue-eyed men, but also they found to this scientific explanation.

According to the laws of genetics, if both partners are blue-eyed, in them is borne blue-eyed child. But if dark eyes - result is not so single-valued in one of the husbands.

But by all it is known that man they do not love to doubt the belonging of their posterity. Them it is desirable to be confident, that they are the true fathers of child. Thus, at the subconsious level, Norwegians select excellent half in such a way that the doubts it would not appear.

Scientists asked 88 students to sort out according to the degree of the attractiveness of the photograph of models. Blue-eyed men gave preference to blue-eyed girls, whereas it was not observed among the temnoglazykh men of this tendency.

Criminals "robbed" the empty bank

The band of robbers broke into the bank, which is located in the center of Rumanian city constant, planning to ensure itself for life. Under cover of night three people in the masks forced open the door of institution. Disappointment expected the mountain- robbers, when they illuminated accomodation by their flashlights. Bank was absolutely empty.

The central branch Nova Bank was shut to the repair in three days to the robbery; however, bandits, in all likelihood, did not find time to be prepared for the planned crime.

The disappointed criminals attempted to remove from the walls of the battery of central heating in order although something to carry out from the bank; however, this for them did not succeed, steel tubes were too strongly welded to each other.

At the output from the bank the robbers were noted by local residents, and although the police did not succeed herself in catching bandits on the spot of crime (which on the whole that did not take place), inspectors already composed the list of those suspected.

Ekaterina aragonskoy's entreaties will leave from the hammer

The letter to Ekaterina aragonskoy with the entreaty about the aid to preserve its marriage with the king Heinrich BY THE VIII will be advanced on auction Sotheby`.s, which will take place on 11 December in New York.

This letter - only part of the uncommon collection, where enter 31 objects. The name of collector, who wished to part with its treasures, is not called.

At the same auction is proposed to sale the document, written by Michelangelo buonarroti's hand, in whom the artist writes about some of important church commission in Rome. But also, according to the auctioneers, it will be possible to acquire document- autographs and things, which belonged to Beethoven, Chopin, Napoleon and Stalin.

Ekaterina, the first of six wives of king Heinrich OF THE VIII, it wrote to its nephew, to the emperor of the Roman Empire Charles V it requested him to use their influence in order to convince the Pope Klementa OF THE VII not to give to British monarch to cancel their marriage. Letter is dated on 8 February, 1534.

Clement OF THE VII heard the entreaties of queen and did not want to cancel bark, then Heinrich forewent BY THE VIII the Papal authority, but this, as we remember on the history, it led to the creation of Anglican Church.

Unique letter propalo out of sight since it was purchased for 38.000 dollars on one of the auctions of 1987. Now the starting price of document is 100.000 dollars, but auctioneers consider that they sell it still more expensive.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Teenagers began to earlier reach sexual maturity

The sexual training of schoolboys must begin by several years earlier, since at present the adolescents reach sexual maturity considerably earlier than their contemporaries, the living 100 years ago. So assume the British scientists, whose article is published into Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

The absence of proper standard of knowledge about the intimate life among the young people, which reached physiological maturity, unavoidably leads to an increase in the number of venereal diseases, unplanned pregnancies, abuses of alcohol and of narcotics, and also manifestations of teenage aggression, researchers prevent.

At present, according to the data of scientists, the average age of sexual ripening among the British adolescents is 12 years, and the break between the sexual and social development among them is now great never as.

According to one of the authors of the publication doctor Mark bellis, the accelerated sexual ripening of contemporary children is partly explained by the improved nourishment and sharp reduction in the prevalence of a number of children's infections.

At the same time not less important can prove to be the role of some social factors or family circumstances, notes Bellis. In spite of the absence of the reliable proofs of the fact that the children in the socially unhappy regions are developed more rapidly than their more provided for contemporaries, precisely, in these regions most sharply cost such problems as the high percentage of incomplete families and high birth rate. Doctor bellis also the results of the recently published study, according to whom sexual ripening begins considerably more rapid in girls, who grow in the families, where there is no father.

"we cannot relate to the children 21- GO of century exactly as we related to their contemporaries of 100 years ago, since they were unlike on their predecessors and are located on completely different stage of mental development", emphasized scientist.

Keys from the memory are stored in... the strawberries

As is considered scientists, strawberries not simply tasty berry. The one who eats it regularly, at the elderly age does not suffer from the loss of memory.

Researchers conducted laboratory experiences on the mice even they note that the powerful antioxidant, which is contained in the strawberries, strengthens the work of the brain.

The group of California specialists studied the properties of the natural substance of fisetin (complex glucoside), which protects cells from the degeneration.

As reported doctor pamela Maer, fisetin can prove to be presently "svyashchenny graalem" for strengthening the memory; however, in order to give precise answer and to open all special features of this unique substance, additional studies are necessary.

As writes the newspaper Sun, by one strawberries memory not to improve. Indeed so that the fisetin, which is contained in the strawberries, would act entirely, necessary to eat during the day to five kilograms of berries. But so allergy to not long earn. Experiences continue.

Britons let out the steam

Britons will establish new record for the ground-based specific transport, that work on the steam-powered motors. The previous speed record for given transportation means was 200 miles an hour (322 km/h).

Command British Steam Car Challenge built the steam engine with a power of 300 hp, which will be established on the new super-lightweight streamlined steam car by the name "inspiration", reports Avto.ru. Proof tests will be carry ouied in the desert Of vernyuk, in South Africa during July 2007.

Final verdict for this automobile will be carry ouied on the bottom of the dried lake Bonneville in THE USA during August of the same year.

Command British Steam Car Challenge was based by Charles bernett III- them to the money of his father - local prospering and the lord, who was vpechatlen the project of students of one of the British universities. The design of automobile developed the doctor of the clays Of bousher, which is also the technical director of project British Thrust SSC - established the speed record, which acts at present.

Record for the steam-powered automobiles was for the first time established By fredom Marriotom in 1906, then it could develop the speed into 205 km/h. In 1985 bean Barber attempted to beat the established record and even made this, after developing the speed of 233 km/h. However, to show the same result in the second round, as this requires regulations, did not know how.

Australian bore twins with the different color of the skin

According to the experts, the chances to the generation of twins with the different color of the skin be equal to one to million, he writes The Daily Mail.

The five-month sister- twins Of alisiya and the jasmine Of zingerl already simultaneously turn the heads, when parents leave with them to the street. However, is amazing in this case the fact that Alisiya black and kareglazaya, and jasmine blue-eyed and white.

Dvoynyashki were borne in the Australian town Of berpengeri in the family of 35- summer Natasha Knight with the jamaica- English roots and its husband, the 34- summer thoroughbred German Of mikaelya Of zingerla.

"this is amazing, they such different, says the mother of bliznyashek. - when we are afterward ancestral they saw, that they different color, we could not believe in this ".

"when we with them go for a walk on the street, people stop and do ask, they are actual twins, it continues. - others they look, but nothing they say. Maybe, they think that 4 it is simple nurses in one of them ".

According to the specialists in the field of genetics, in the majority of the cases of the egg cell of the woman of the mixed race they will possess the mixture of the genes, critical for the black and white skin, as a result of which be born the mulattos.

The cases, when one of the genes in the egg cell is dominant, much more rarely are observed. Then to the light appear either dark-skinned or belokozhiye twins. In this case there were two such egg cells, in one of them prevailed the gene with the dark pigmentation, while in another - with the white.

As speaks geneticist Stephen uizers, a similar phenomenon occurs extremely rarely. "the probability of such can be one to million. This is terribly rare phenomenon ", he said.

Australians are asked not to sing long songs under the shower

A little less to sing under the shower they call Australians in order to reduce the consumption of electric power and water.

Company Energy Australia, one of the leading suppliers of the electricity of the country, conducted the study, whose results testify: the average duration of washing in the soul in Australians is seven minutes.

For the inhabitants of green continent, who traditionally begin day from napevaniya of the dear motive under the water jets, these data became its kind cold shower. Like the call of management Energy Australia - to select for the tank room shorter songs.

Long shower, emphasizes company, similar to sponge, absorbs not only water, but also electricity. In this case the organizers of campaign on the savings of resources give other examples of irrational, in their opinion, behavior in the soul, to whom they carry shave, cleaning of teeth, game and pensiveness, the BBC reports. As far as the latter is concerned, here you will do nothing, speak representatives Energy Australia, but they resemble apropos of remaining hygienic procedures: "it is not compulsory to use shower, there is indeed shell".

Now Energy Australia extends in sydney and adjacent to the city regions of 500 thousand timers for soul, which are called to discipline the amateurs of morning washing and to inculcate in them love for the shorter "bath" melodies.

Dutchmen will send prostitutes to the soldiers

The mayor of the Dutch city Of almer Anna- Mary yoritsm it appeared with the idea to send to servicemen, who pass service abroad, prostitutes.

"army must examine the ways of that how soldiers we could let out vapor", said gradonachal'nitsa on one of the channels of Dutch televiden'ya, reports publication RUS.

"there is the opinion that several prostitutes could accompany servicemen in their trips. I think, this that, about which it is worthwhile to have a talk ", she stated, after adding that this solution will repulse in soldiers the desire to be turned to the local women.

German sent a cat by the mail

The 67 year old inhabitant Of rosdorf town in Germany randomly sealed up her dear tomcat into the message, which she sent to its nephew.

Edith shonberg intended to send to nephew gift to the birthday, and, in all likelihood, tomcat climbed up into the box, when woman went away after the wrapping paper.

Animal was discovered by the colleague of mail, who heard sorrowful mewing. Colleague called the police, which freed tomcat and summoned owner.

According to Edith, to the bell of the police it did not note the loss of favorite. "I was assured that it somewhere measures off itself", said mistress

Sheriff dug out grave searching for the truth

The procuratorship of American county Lincoln not will advance charges against the people, which dug up the remains of man, who asserted that he was the famous robber of 19 centuries - bills by Kyd.

That Sullivan, the former sheriff of county Lincoln, and his friend Stiv Of sedervol they dug up John Miller's skeleton during May 2005.

Procuratorship decreed, that in the former sheriffs was the permission to these actions. They hunted for the remains of famous bandit since 2003.

It was explained that the former servants of law greater than year attained permission to raskopku of grave. Later they returned the bone, and the skeleton of robber was anew devoted to the earth.

They began search in the fort Sumner, New Mexico, where, according to the historical evidences, bills Kyd was buried after the circuit court of county Lincoln sentenced him to death through the hanging in 1881 on the charge in the murder of sheriff.

The fact is that two former sheriffs believed in the legend, according to which bills Kyd not was hung. Instead of it to death was devoted another person, and sheriff Garrett, who allegedly hung Billa, he knew about the error and it lay.

Ten-year Britons learn about the sex

Institute for the study of social order of Great Britain recommends, already beginning from the 10-year age, to explain to children the need of using the contraceptive means.

This is caused by the fact that the British adolescents are most sexually active in Europe and more frequent than others they become pregnant.

In the communication it is said, that the children must learn about the contraceptives not in the upper classes, while at the age of 10-11 years. Prezervativy must freely sell in the schools and the colleges and cost cheaply.

In the schools they at present teach sexual training, beginning from 14 years. However, 38 percent of Britons are sexually active already at the age of 15 years, and each third asserts that it used prezervativom, when it were occupied by sex for the last time.

Therefore institute proposes to tell children about the risk, connected with the sexual life earlier than they even begin to think about the intimate relations.

The Internet -blog became the reason for the diplomatic scandal

The government of Sudan gave to the Chief of the Legation OF UNITED NATIONS Jan Pronku three days in order to leave the country. This happened after Pronk wrote on the pages of its bloga in the Internet, that the Sudan army suffers heavy losses in the rebellious region Of darfur, and that the moral spirit of its soldiers is very low.

After the appearance of these records in the Internet Sudan army required to send Pronka, after naming its notes psychological war.

Diplomat also wrote that the Sudan army recently lost two large battles in this region, and the Arab militia Of "dzhandzhavid", which they charge with the accomplishment of crimes with respect to innocent civilians, it disrupts the decisions BY UNITED NATIONS.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sudan directed rotation Secretary General of the UN to Kofi Annan. In it it is said, that the government requests Chief of the Legation to leave the country, and established the period of its departure.

Annan's office stated that examined the letter and required from Pronka to arrive into New York for the consultation.

The resolution OF UNITED NATIONS, accepted on 31 August, 2006, provide for arrangement in Darfure of the peacemaking contingent, which could stop violence in the rebellious region. However, Sudan President Omar assan al -Bawir refused to accept this force, asserting that this would destroy the sovereignty of his country.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Fear causes cancer

The group of American scientists completed "striking", according to their own words, discovery, after demonstrating the presence of the connection between a feeling of fear and the development of oncologic diseases. Results are described in periodical Hormones and Behaviour, reports Live Science. A feeling of fear, generating cancer, does not shorten life - in the course of studies it was possible to demonstrate the absence of correlation in the lifetime between the formation of cancerous tumor and the loss of experimental animal in both groups of experimental animals - "cowardly" and "brave".

In the course of the experiments, set by the scientists of their university of Chicago under the management of doctor March Makklintok, was investigated the group of 81 female of the specific form of the rats, inclined to the development of the malignant new formations of breast and hypophysis. Was studied the "readiness" of each of the mice at the age of 20 days to study new for them, deprived of the visible threats, medium - i.e., the individual degree of the fear, to which each individual was subjected. Then, when mice reached the age (390 days) average for them, scientists verified, in what mice began the development of cancer, and in what - no.

Results proved to be impressive on the persuasiveness. Cancer was revealed in 80% of "cowardly" mice and only in 38% of those, who "brave" mastered new medium.

The results of a new study make it possible to make a conclusion about the presence of of deeper than it was assumed contemporary science before, the connection between the "personality" and the physiological processes (or, if conveniently, between the "soul" and the "body"). This makes it possible in a new way to approach the development of the connection between the development of cancer and the special features of nature in man.

Excess weight is frequently connected with the shortage of sleep

The problem of children's obesity in many instances is connected with the fact, how long child will sleep. As reports today Greco- Cypriot press, the researchers from the British Bristol university came to this conclusion.

In the children, who sleep less than 8 it is hour in a 24 hour period, differently are manufactured the hormones, which control appetite, counts Shakhrad Of takheri, the representative of the group of scientists from the Bristol university. In this case children's sleep becomes increasingly shorter because of the television sets, the cell phones and the computers, which render to the young generation the exciting action. Researchers consider that all latest achievements of technology must be removed from the rooms, where children live.

However, many parents in Cyprus are not agreeable with the recommendations of British researchers. To remove technology from the children's is impossible, they count. Contemporary children do not think of themselves without the technical entertainments: the Internet, text communications on the cell phone also of survey telecast.

In the opinion of the chief children's pediatrician on the island Of savvasa of Savvas, about the interrelation between the excess weight and chronic nedosypom known long ago. "those people, who will sleep less than 8 it is hour in a 24 hour period, more frequently have excess kilograms, if we compare with those, who rest more than this period. Sleep plays the leading role in the development of obesity; however, this illness appears as a result of the entire complex of different factors ", he said. Savva added that the best method for dealing with the unnecessary kilograms - correct nourishment and the active means of life, which assumes valuable sleep.

Australians found the place of the origin of the earliest life

Australian researchers revealed evidence of the fact that the pulled to 8.000 kilometers "supers-mountain", there is no time so high as the Himalayas, steel one of the first sources of life on the Earth.

These mountains covered the prehistoric supercontinent Of gondvana, which more lately was decomposed, after forming modern Australia, Africa, Antarctica, New Zealand, South America and Arabia, counts Rik squire from the department of geophysical studies Of the mel'burnskeyeo university Of monash.

Doctor skvayr together with other three scientists studied the formation of the deposits of gold in the mine Of steyvell in the West of the staff of Victorias. Specifically, there was made discovery.

Researchers with the aid of the spectrometer determine the age of the mineral of zircon. The tracks of zircon, very similar by the age and the composition, were found in the sandstone on all continents, which there is no time composed Gondvanu.

Scientists consider that probably this sand - part of the now destroyed super-mountain, which arose with the collision of the eastern and western parts Of gondvany, approximately 500-650 million years ago.

The subsequent erosion of the mountain range contributed to the discharge into the ocean of an enormous quantity of chemical elements, including iron, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. "gigantic rivers washed away this entire sand, partially washed off it into the ocean, and partially they detained on the coast Of gondvany. This changed the chemical composition of ocean ", count researchers.

"we assume that this process ensured the large inflow of the nutrients, which led to the bloom of gigantic algae and plants, which became the source of food, and it means and by possibility for a radical increase in the animal life".

In detail the results of a study are published in the last number of the geological periodical Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

Robber with the excellent taste is arrested

The robber, accused of the theft of automobile Porsche Boxster, motorcycle Harley Davidson and the bottle of wine Penfolds Grange, was arrested in Adelaide.

The property, stolen during December of past year as a result of breaking and illegal penetration into one of the houses of the suburb Of springfild, is evaluated at 250.000 Australian dollars.

36- summer criminal was convicted and appeared before the city court on Monday, on 23 October.

Law court, apparently, on the merit will estimate a good taste of burglar. It is it's a pity, which with this taste it is necessary to finish distilling that assumed in the neestetichnoy cell.

Mexico established the chess record

On Sunday, 22 October, more than 13.000 chess players conducted battle over the central area of Mexico City - they were attempted to establish world record in the largest quantity of parties, played simultaneously, also, in one place.

Enormous video the screens, established over the area, gave out communication - record it was established. However, it is officially recognized itself only if this fact will confirm the observers of company Guinness World Records, who was present on this mega-event.

Previous record was established in the past year in the Mexican city of the Pachucas, in 95 kilometers to the northeast from the capital - then their kings and the queens they simultaneously moved 12.388 players. It is earlier, in 2002, the same record was fixed in Havana, in Cuba; among the participants there were the President of the country Fidel Castro, the passionate worshipper of chess.

Present participants - from the chubby little boys to grandfather's - sat for the tables, comprised into 64 blocks, which formed gigantic black and white chessboard, it was possible to observe it from the helicopter.

To the measure of profit the champions of Mexico in this form of sport and the number of the outstanding grand masters from entire peace, including the eks- champion of peace Anatoliy Karpov, who opened several chess schools in THE USA and other countries.

The founder of the extrim sport was set up by parachute

The reason of the loss of experienced extreme-athlete, most probably, became the defective parachute, which was not opened during leap from the bridge at the popular people holiday on Saturday, on 21 October.

As the police reports, investigation will be continued within the next few days, thus far with the absolute confidence about the reasons of the loss of parachutist.

66- summer Bryan li Schubert passed away from the plural of injury, obtained with the drop into the water from height 263 it was meter. This occurred at the yearly holiday of bridge - New River Gorge Bridge. Thousands of people, which was present on the celebrations, became the witnesses of this tragedy. After body they raised to the surface, leaps... were continued.

Schubert from the alto of scrap, state of California, were well known in to the circle of members of club BASE - those, who jump from the high-rise buildings, it is bridge, towers, antennas. As early as 1966 it and its friend became first, who jumped from the 900- meter cliff the ale Of kepten, located in national park Yosemite.

Schubert - former Lieutenant of the police, who served in Pomone, in 1989 he left into the resignation.

Vienna will stay without urinals

The representatives of the social-democratic party of Austria convinced local businessman to remove extravagant urinals from the toilets near the building of national opera of Vienna.

Urinal is female mouth with painted thick lips, bright language and teeth. The representatives of the female organizations of Vienna also condemned the appearance of similar urinals in the public restroom, after naming their "tasteless" and "zhenofobskimi".

The owner of the toilets Of noykhol'd Gerhard counts the idea of amusing, after expressing surprise so that for three years the urinals agitated no one. In ether of one of the local radio stations Gerhard named prohibition "arbitrariness", but he agreed to dismantle scandalous urinals during 14 days.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lilac tomatoes will save from cancer

The scientists of Oregon university derived the new type of the tomatoes, which possess lilac rind and contain a number of the useful substances, unusual for the usual tomatoes. The pigment, which is contained in the lilac tomatoes, contributes to reduction in the risk of the disease by cancer and the disturbance of the activity of heart.

Six years are shrewd to the removal of the new cultivated type. After only two years new tomatoes can fall on table to users. However, researchers report that at the basis of their experiments lie not the chemical and genetic mutations, but the real tomatoes, which grow in South America.

Several hundred years ago researchers revealed in the jungle of South America the tomatoes of lilac color, but that form tomato did not fall on tables, since fruits were very small and places even poisonous.

Already in THE XXI century a discovery the new properties of lilac tomatoes made the student of Oregon university Karl Jones. He established that the lilac wild tomatoes, in contrast to the red fellows, contain anthocyan, chemical connections, which impart to fruits lilac color and possessing the properties of antioxidants.

The professor of Oregon university, who leads by project, stated that his lilac tomatoes thus far badly are sold. It asserts that a study is not set as a goal to change peace; however, gives the possibility to make this to farmers and salesmen of vegetables.

At the same time, although the local residents already can purchase lilac tomatoes, farmers and salesmen nevertheless do not hurry to be connected with the new form of tomatoes.

Buyers are frightened, when such vegetables on the counters see, professor reported. Also thus far stands problem with the taste of fruits, which is differed from standard. But scientists work on by it and hope after several years to bring the organoleptic properties of lilac tomatoes into correspondence with the needs of users.

Ancient Egyptians respected the dentists

Pilferers led Egyptian archaelogical command to the burial of three dentists pharaoh's, which was discovered in the territory of the complex of the pyramids Of sakkara to the south of Cairo. This finding proves, that the ancient Egyptians worried about their teeth.

"it seems, for the first time, it was explained that the ancient Egyptians constructed tombs for the dentists", stated the leader of council for the ancient monuments of the culture Of zakhi Of khavass.

On the door of tomb are drawn two hieroglyphs - eye and canine tooth - the symbols, which designate dentists.

Pilferers carried out their "excavations" in the archaelogical section, until not are arrested two months ago. However, scientists must be grateful to the plunderers of tombs. They, probably, did not note curse on the door aperture, which leads to the grave of chief dentist - hieroglyphs of crocodile and snake.

Archaeologists consider that are discovered only 30 percent of burials, hidden under the sands of Egyptian desert. They believe that in the section of their Sakkary expect other surprising discoveries.

The pyramids Of sakkara are located approximately in 20 kilometers to the south of Cairo and are one of the most popular tourist places of Egypt. "guests pharaoh's" arrive here in order to look around temples, graves and funeral complexes.

The wine collection of Shiraq is sold for million

The collection of faults, which belongs to Paris, was sold at the auction in France for 1 million Euro-. The collection, which consists of 5 thousand bottles, was created when the present President of the country Jacques Chirac occupied the post of the mayor of the French capital (y9""-y99shchgg.). The auction, at which were sold collection wines, was conducted two days as it notes Radio France, interest in the auction appeared a large quantity of Russians, Americans, and also Asiatics.

The collection of the faults Of zh.Shiraka was intended for the supply at the special methods in the municipality. In the sojourn of the mayor of the French capital the present President personally led the purchases of exclusive faults.

Order to release assembled Zh.Shirakom the collection of faults from the hammer gave the inspectors, whom sochli the content of rare faults by too expensive a pleasure.

Let us recall, into 200shchg. in France took place another famous wine auction. Then were sold off elite wines from the collection of the former President of the country Francois mitteran. Several ten bottles of exclusive cognac and expensive faults left from the hammer for 18 thousand dollars.

In the opinion of experts, the wine collection of the eks- President actually deserved notable person. Therefore it is no wonder that the prices of many raritetnye types of faults and cognacs rose on the tradings into dozens of times in comparison with those, which were declared originally.

In all in the collection Of mitterana were counted 50 bottles of wine, among which famous "shato d ' Ikem", "To mongtrashe" and "Merso". In the collection was also represented the cognac of 1856 and other alcoholic beverages, many of which were presented to the former President by his associates from other countries.

The most expensive lead at the auction proved to be arman'yak, spilled specially to order of the President in 1982. The starting price of bottle was 60-70 dollars; however, unknown buyer laid out for the rarity 1 850 dollars. But the bottle of self-possessed arman'yaka is shrewd for the price, 20 times it is more expensive than the starting.

Alcoholism - reason for the asocial behavior of UK women

Women in Great Britain and Ireland use alcohol more than woman in other countries of peace. The results of a global study of the consumption of alcohol are such.

Each third britanka at the age from 17 to 30 years falls under for the determination of the inveterate of drunkard, that uses not less than 4 strong beverages for one march into the bar. It is necessary to say that according to the results of investigating britanki they go in the saloon institutions not thinner than the time in 2 weeks.

These indices 11 times exceed analogous in Germany and Italy. Physicians beat alarm in connection with the increased in frequency cases of the diseases of the liver, and also the increase in the number of cancerous diseases, and premature deaths.

Female alcoholism also disturbs the colleagues of law-enforcement agencies and officials, since he leads to the asocial behavior, and to the loss of ability to work. In the police they emphasized that it is more than 80% of those subjected to sexual attacks, they find under the action of alcohol, and we could provoke opressor by their behavior.

The Vatican addressed in Arabic

For the first time in the history of its existence the Vatican let out document in the the Arabic language.

Them became the speech of the representative of the Vatican in UNESCO dedicated to scientific and ethical problems.

According to the statement, published on the site of the Vatican, the Christians and Moslems must be combined for dealing with the world terrorism.

In the speech the need for the dialogue between the representatives of two religions is separately emphasized.

Microsoft began the development of its own processors

Already two and the more of decade software Microsoft and processors Intel form the strong union, secretly named Wintel. However, source reports that soon gryadut the changes - Microsoft find in the process of development of its own processors.

Company created her own group of computer architecture (Computer Architecture Group), which consists of the research laboratories of Redmond and silicic valley, reports iXBT with the reference on The New York Times.

Prerequisite for creating the subdivision, which in the future will be able to have a significant effect on industry as a whole, became the need for the development of chip for the following generation of its console Xbox, speak Charles taker, one of the engineers Microsoft, for whom one must head subdivision in Silicon Valley. Furthermore, Microsoft pursues the purpose to attain shifts in the technologies of the recognition of voice, until now, of not too of those perfected, and this development must soak in this sphere.

Microsoft it plans to study the designs of processors and effect from the application of various ideas based on the example of the experimental system, developed for it by the scientists of the University of California, and which makes it possible to reconfigure and to experience designs without the production of chips.

Details about that which precisely attempts to make Microsoft, the company does not communicate, it is discussed only the fact that is interested in the integration of largest possible quantity of components into one chip.

It is possible to assume that this is especially important for the play consoles and the portable devices, heirs Zune, and precisely there for the first time will appear processors Microsoft. For the present project only at the stage of the development of concept and to speak about the eventual results with the confidence early.

UNESCO sounds the alarm: London Tower in danger

On Saturday, on 21 October, the experts OF UNITED NATIONS on the protection of the cultural heritage of humanity, visited London Tower. The reason for visit - uneasiness apropos of the fact that the contemporary mastery of the adjacent regions inflicts loss on the architectural monument of history.

The officials OF UNESCO note that the 900- summer fortress, built in THE XI century by William the Conqueror, can fall in the list of the objects of cultural heritage, which are located in the danger.

UNESCO notes that surrounding the former royal palace, and then prison the new high-rise office buildings darkened main building and seriously spoiled common form to Tower.

Soon it is planned to accept a number of the laws, directed toward the protection of Tower itself and regions adjacent to it. Yearly this place in history they attend more than 2,5 million tourists.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Fifty BMW M6 sold in 92 seconds

Company Neiman Marcus, which sells expensive exclusive goods, declared about the establishment of new record on the speed of the realization of automobiles. Representatives Neiman Marcus with the unconcealed pleasure reported that they sold 50 specially prepared cabriolets BMW M6 Neiman Marcus only in 92 seconds.

According to workers Neiman Marcus, they assumed that the party of cabriolets BMW M6 created on their order will be radiated sufficiently rapidly, but no one thought that for this it will be required only of 1,5 minutes. By the way, in Neiman Marcus they already stated that they not will increase the volume of the production of the tyuningovykh BMW M6, since this would be incorrectly with respect to those happy fellows, who had time to acquire to themselves exclusive

American scientists created the invisible object

The group of American scientists asserts that developed the first in the world acting raincoat -nevedimku.

However, researchers from university Duke to North Carolina explained that the microwave rays, but not visible light will deflect raincoat, and, thus, objects are nevertheless visible to human eye.

As reports B.B.C., similar to the beams of light, microwave they are reflected from the objects, making with their with those seen for the special instruments and creating shadow. Because of the new coating, the device does not reflect microwave, but it directs them around the object, and they are restored from other side, similar to the water, which flows around about the stone.

In the future the scientists hope to develop the coatings, which make possible for objects to remain invisible for the visible radiation spectrum, and this actually will make it possible to create the clothing, which hides man.

British pensioners lacked sex in youth

According to the poll, carry ouied by television channel UKTV Gold, British pensioners will regret, that in the youth they were not occupied by sex more frequently; however, considers sexual variety excess.

Within the framework of a new study of 1 500 Englishmen older than 65 years they asked to transfer 10 things, which they would change, if we could return to the age from 20 to 29 years.

70% of percent of pensioners said that they were more frequently occupied by sex; however, 23% of those interrogated would have less than sexual partners. 21% feel sorry, that they did not enter the marriage with another person.

50% would want more to travel, and 56% - to expend less than money on the alcoholic and entertainments.

Four their 10 will regret, that did not put aside more than money to the period of pension, but 77% would purchase earlier their first house.

David Bekkhem will become the knight

The player of Madrid "real" David bekkhem can become the possessor of knightly order even to the end of his football career. As report English OF THE MEDIA, Bekkhem is already carried in the yearly list of people, which are favored by the similar to honor. David bekkhem can obtain knightly title even to the completion of his sport career.

As reports Daily Mail, the prime minister of Great Britain Tony Blair is intended to include the former captain team England in yearly new-year list to the idea of the title of knight for his contribution to the victory of London in the fight for the Olympiad -2012. "Bekkhem became the symbol of our time. The leaders of Labour Party wonderfully about this are informed. Awarding To bekkhemu knightly title will become not only the acknowledgement of its merits, but also excellent populist motion before the sequential selections ", it stated to publication source in the Westminster palace.

Let us recall that David bekkhem was face of the Olympic claim of London and together with the representatives of organization committee "London -2012" flew into Singapore, where at the current session MOK was declared the conqueror of Olympic race.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Drunk politician became theYouTube star

Belgian politician Michel derden suddenly became the star of the Internet after the interview, undertaken in it afterward victory on the selections, it was lined to site YouTube.com, reports Reuters. Record at the given moment was examined about 430 000 times, which made by its one of 10 popular on this resource.

Derden, the minister of finances from the Walloon region of Belgium appeared in the television program on 8 October of this year. His speech was difficult to understand; however, it constantly smiled also at the end it stated to that leading that "on Michel derdena it is possible to always rely, if the discussion turned to the junket".

Late policy they did present the question, much it drank during the celebration of its victory on the selections, which it answered, that it drank no more than usually. Representative derdena on this Monday forewent the commentaries.

One additional secret of the other world life is revealed

the "godly comedy" of antiquity can prove to be the ancient text, to decipher which it was possible for the international command of researchers. More than forty years after finding of unique document the scientists could read the creation of the unknown Ancient Greek author, who reflected about the the other world peace.

The papyrus Of derveni - this name obtained the roll, discovered in 1962 during the excavations in North Greece near Solonikov. Finding was made with a study of tomb of one of the aristocrats, which lived and dead in the times of the bloom of hellenic civilization. The authors of discovery dated the document of approximately 340 g. B.C., i.e., with the time of the administration of Philipp THE II Macedonian, the father of Alexander the Great. However, there is the opinion that the artifact can be considerably older. Thus, contemporary Greek philosopher apostolos Piyerris are confident: treatise was written even in V v. to Christmas of Christ's.

To determine precise date is impossible. The fact is that the roll was found damaged, or more precisely, sgorevshim or burnt together with its dead owner, in whose grave it lay almost 2,5 thousand years. In other words, in 1962 was found the incinerated papyrus, which was preserved in the form of roll. At that time to read which is written on it, not there was possibility. "paper is absolutely black, by the unarmed view cannot be even determined, there is on it record or there are not", it tells Polikseni Of veleni, the director of the archaelogical museum Of solonikov.

But the manuscripts, as is known, do not burn, and today, when at the disposal of science are located highly technological methods of interpretation and the contemporary scanning equipment, the secret of ancient text it was opened. That was possible to read in the charred roll, with the interest justified forces and time, spent on a study. The creation of the ancient author proved to be its kind the "godly comedy" of the antiquity: Ancient Greek writer, who lived in one-and-a-half thousand years to Dante, carries out the reader on Aida - to the other world peace, in which believed the inhabitants of ancient Ellady. But if the hero of "godly comedy" it accompanies Vergiliy, then the author of the papyrus Of derveni in his searches uses the services of Orpheus, who studied well reign Aida, after going down there in order to save its beloved Euridice.

The complete text of roll is not thus far promulgated, since to its final interpretation the time is necessary. But, probably, already entirely soon to the most important sources, which tell us about the world view of hellenes, will be added one more.

"emotional" purchases are more advantageous than "rational"

Psychologists from the university Of ayovy came to the conclusion that the typical buyer counts more expensive article - higher-quality. A similar conclusion does not frequently correspond to reality. However, only the minute quantity of buyers they try to estimate the real qualities of goods, but not only is focused attention on its price characteristics.

Man makes purchases, being based either on the emotions (for example, on the basis of principle "it pleases itself - it does not please itself"), or on the cold calculation (a "good quality", "acceptable price", etc.). In this case, the reason frequently is inferior to the emotions: when, for example, buyer selects the model of machine, because to him in it it is pleasant to be located, but not because it possesses high consumer characteristics. Nevertheless, "emotional" purchases in the long-term outlook prove to be more advantageous than "rational". Article with the results of this study published periodical Journal of Consumer Research.