Monday, October 09, 2006

Evidence of existence of the knights of the round table are found

The ruins of building, found on the territory Of vindzorskogo lock, can be connected with the legend about king Artur and knights of round table.

In the rounded construction, built by edward III in THE XIV century, as it is assumed, was located is the round table, at which were gathered 300 authentic Knights of the Garter.

The archaelogical ruins of the building with a diameter of 61 m were discovered in the court of lock by the journalists of the British television channel Channel 4. The walls of building were not preserved, but, where they once stood, still lie cobblestones.

One of the journalists Tony Robinson said that he greatly awaited this finding in order finally to resolve the long-standing dispute between the historians. the "building of round table - one of our most significant archaelogical findings", said Robinson. - "this the very thing which will help to confirm legends about king Artur and knights of round table".

"we approached the excavations of the walls of building, and they proved to be exactly, where we hoped to find them. Scientists made assumptions about this building for the elongation it was age-long, but they could not find authentic building ".

But the building of round table - only one of the numerous findings, made since the commands of archaeologists obtained unprecedented access to three royal residences: To bekingemskomu palace, To vindzorskomu lock and to the palace Of kholirudkhaus in Edinburgh, reports The Epoch Times.

In the course of four-day excavations the graphic artists traced and drawings, as could appear building in the past, while the archaeologists energetically dealt with excavations on the royal earth, using the most diverse tools - from the excavators to the toothbrushes.

Command used the most contemporary technologies of excavations, which include geo-radar and aerial photography for locating of the building of round table.

In Bekingemskogo palace the command found diverse objects from the dorimskogo silicon to the part of the necklace of Victorian epoch.

Also they found ceramic beer to circle, dated approximately by 1700- m by year, which, possibly, was lost by the workers of that time.

Among other objects the smoking tube of the middle OF THE XVII century, on which there was the inscription, which contains "Brown's words" and "Westminster".

In the residence Of kholirudkhaus were discovered similar objects. Moreover, specialists also found the foundation of the fact that they consider the monastery OF THE XII century.

Excavations began after many-month negotiations and many refusals of the high ranking advisers from The bekingemskogo palace. In spite of fears about the fact that the ideally ukhozhennye royal lawns will be damaged by archaeologists, royal family gave its agreement to conducting of excavations, obviously, after to Tony Robinson it was possible to discuss this directly with the queen during the recent method. But prince Charles, who manages some knowledge in archaeology, as they assert, greatly it interested itself in the technical sides of excavations.

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