According to the products, which in you on the table, it is possible to determine, you are the inhabitant of what part of the light. Italian dietologists and sociologists came to this conclusion, coming out at the seminar about the science of nourishment at the Rome university "la of sap'entsa".
After studying the weekly ration of more than ten families from the different corners of peace, Italian scientists came to the conclusion that, for example, between the dinner of European and inhabitant of Africa essential difference not only in the collection of the used products, but also in the sum of money expenditures for them.
"if on the table in essence only meat and semifinished products, a little vegetables and much bread, without the doubts, you live in the rich country, for example in North Europe or in THE USA", establishes the professor of the science about the correct nourishment of university "la of Porta kanelli's Sap'entsa".
If your ration is based on the fish, sea products and grains, then, most likely, you are Japanese. But if on the plates, mainly, cereal and bean crops, then, most likely, you the inhabitant of the developing country and for sure suffer, as speak experts, in "malnutrition because of the poverty". In the opinion of Italian dietologists, most balanced and correct style of nourishment the inhabitants of the Mediterranean adhere to. Their ration is diverse, into it enter all necessary for the man products: is much fresh vegetables, fruits and verdure, fish, meat, meal articles.
Unfortunately, for populating the poor countries food ration depends not on desire, but on the possibilities. For example, family Natomo from Mali, which consists of 15 people, constantly it find "on the diet", since in the week they can allow themselves to spend not more than 20 Euro- on food. Their weekly ration without the excesses - 30 kg of corn, 20 kg of millet and rice, 4,2 liters of acid milk, 2,5 kg of tomatoes, four liters of vegetable oil, two kg dry fish let us add here 2,5 kg of salt and 200 grams of sugar.
The most economical table, according to the results of a study, proved to be the table of the inhabitants of butane (state in the Himalayas), who eat meat and fish one time per month and basic products in their ration are vegetables, fig, sometimes bananas are much sharp pepper. The average family of this state expends on the subsistence four Euro- in the week. Most expensive weekly ration, according to the data of sociologists, in the inhabitants of Australia. Australian family on the average expends on the products 297 Euro-, in the second place Japan (250 Euro-), then follow Italy (in the average 215 Euro-), Great Britain (200 Euro-), Turkey (about 157 Euro-), USA (125,5 Euro-), China (123,5 Euro-), Egypt (54 Euro-), India (31 Euro-).
In the first place on the use of meat Australia proved to be - in the week mean statistical family eats 20 kg of meat. THE USA and Great Britain, where, on the contrary, they eat meat with the small hunting (700 deg - 1,5 kg) in the week, they lead on the use of semifinished products, products of rapid preparation. On the average American family of four people uses in the week 2-2,5 kg of semifinished products.
Italy with the large detachment leads in the use of macaroni and meal articles. In the Apennines the surname of four people eats about eight kilograms of macaronis. There is one fact, which forced to hesitate in thought Italian dietologists - this is the abundance of used in Italy and other countries of Europe gassed beverages, where in the week he drinks by family on the average of 12 liters of sweet aeration. As specialists speak, everyone perfectly well knows about the harm of these beverages, but no one intends them to reject.
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