Sunday, November 26, 2006

The anti-haemorrhoidal chair is invented

Not one visitor of the international exhibition of inventions could indifferently pass past the stand with prezervativom, into which sharp-witted inventor from Taiwan managed to build-in vibrator.

The second place on the caused interest is engaged the anti-haemorrhoidal chair, designed by designer from South Korea. The seat of chair sheds the fluids of medicinal grasses, podogrevayemye by spark plug. On the idea of the author, this crafty construction will free rider from such troubles as bolt, haemorrhoid and poor blood circulation.

Generally, with this haemorrhoid - continuous haemorrhoid. Important international pharmaceutical company let out press release with reminding: cream from the haemorrhoid is intended not for face, but for the opposite part of the body. Program on the television became occasion for the unplanned lesson of anatomy. In it participated the invited stylist, who by chance blurted out, that many fotomodeli use cream from the haemorrhoid in the mornings in order to decrease swelling around the eyes. Sales of medicine immediately went off scale, so that for pharmacists it was necessary to appear with the warning. In particular the physicians request not to allow the entry of cream into eyes.

Alas, if we are introduced to the statistics, then it becomes not to the laughter. On our prevalence let us compare haemorrhoid with a cold, and many suffer this illness, even without suspecting about this, but indeed under the mask of haemorrhoid, especially with the isolations of the blood from the rectum, frequently flow such illnesses, as polyps and kolorektalnyy cancer.

Meanwhile diagnostics, both the haemorrhoid and other proktologicheskikh illnesses for the specialist -proktologa it does not represent difficulty with the presence in it of the corresponding diagnostic equipment.

Apparatus by the name computer video- rectoscope makes it possible repeatedly to increase and to process the image of rectum for the development of the smallest changes, imperceptible with the usual checking. This gives the possibility to reveal and to treat the diseases of rectum also at the earlier stage, when they yet do not cause sufferings.
For treating the proktologicheskikh diseases medicine proposes a today whole series of effective methods. In particular, the method of treating the haemorrhoid without the operation with the aid of the laser and the sclerosing therapy.

The latter is to the injection of the substance, skleivayushego haemorrhoidal knots. Ceased to function knots no longer cause uneasiness and gradually generally they disappear. This is effective even in the heavy, neglected cases, when other doctors direct to the operation.

The treatment of haemorrhoid consists of several half-hour visits to the doctor with the interval approximately during 3-7 days. During the treatment the patient completely preserves his ability to work and conducts the active means of life. If patients arrived not too late, the complete elimination of haemorrhoid without the hospitalization and the surgical intervention is guaranteed.

The international network of clinics SUN conducts free consultations both in the departments of clinic, located in 8 cities of Israel, and in regime on- Lina.

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