Thursday, November 09, 2006

Do you want to survive in the Romanian hospital? - call the rescue service

One of the patients of Rumanian hospital was forced to ring into the service of rescuing, because no one of the medical staff reacted to its cries about the aid.

80- summer Stefan ozoshi, who suffers from the incurable disease, said that it obtained chance to live somewhat, only because of the fact that with it in the hospital there was the cell phone.

It they delivered into the hospital in Botosani and assumed under the dropper. Medicine ended, and nurses forgot to return in order to take out needle from the vein of patient. According to Ozoshi, it hopeless waited more than hour.

then in me strongly fell ill hand, 4 itself attempted to take out needle, but it left this anything. 4 it began to shout, to call for the aid. Everything was in vain. Then I set up the number of the service of rescuing - 112, and it asked them soak to me .

The chief of hospital she said that two nurses, which answered for the patient, will be punished for the appeared carelessness.

The dispatcher of the service of rescuing recalls: when I heard, which someone requests about the aid from the hospital, I thought at first that this is simple whose- that foolish joke. But it turned out that the patient actually proved to be in the misfortune .

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