Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Phenomenon of the human communication

A joint study of Harvard and Stanford University showed that the children 5-7- mi of years prefer to associate with the lucky and happy people, but not with the unlucky wretches. This phenomenon makes it possible to explain the special feature of human contact and the laws of the formation of social groups.

On one of the stages of experience to children they proposed to participate in the "drawing" of ten scenarios of contact with the adult. Child evaluated the adult actors, who developed their role - both positive and negative. As it proved to be, adult, which not through your fault burn into the heavy situation (for example, on the scenario, they became victims of the natural disaster) caused less sympathy than those, who "voluntarily" acted badly (for example, it rejected to entrust to child candy). Thus, experimental children demonstrated their ability to distinguish lucky people from the unlucky wretches and showed that the unlucky wretches cause in them the smallest sympathy.

Data of study are published in periodical Psychological Science.

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