Sunday, November 05, 2006

Britons consider safe sex the manifestation of the disrespect

British young people count the use of prezervativov by a manifestation of distrust with respect to the partner.

According to the results of the survey of the public opinion, carry ouied by the London school of hygiene and medicine, social and cultural and the factors influence the use of a "rubber thing"

The majority of Britons at the age from 14 to 25 years evaluates probability to be infected by the venereal disease by the appearance of partner and with the duration of relations.

The majorities of respondents consider that the use of prezervativa is the manifestation of distrust to the partner, although there are those, who named this habit - by sign of rich sexual experience and frequent change of partners.

In the opinion of scientists, these results can explain the ineffectiveness of the propaganda of fight with AIDS.

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