Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Fire in the house? Sit down on donkey

Specifically, this recommendation was contained in the advertising leaf of the service of fire-prevention safety of Great Britain.

The fact is that within the framework of campaign on the propagation of information about the rules of fire safety, the British fire services transferred their proclamations about the methods of fight with the fire to the arrival of calculations to the different languages, including to the language of urdu, which relates to the Indian group of the Indo-European family of languages.

Specifically, this language is native for many descendants from Pakistan and India of those living in misty Al'bione.

In the original in the advertising leaf it is written, that "never jump from the windows, without having placed pillow in order although to any secure itself from the injuries", in the text on urdu picture is somewhat different: "never jump from the windows, without having preliminarily placed itself into the donkey". Error most probably lies in the similar writing of words.
Gadda - pillow and gadha - donkey.

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