Thursday, November 30, 2006

Scientists in a new way substantiated the usefulness of the red wine

Researchers from Great Britain revealed in the red wine the new components, which render beneficial action on the cardiovascular system. According to the data of scientists, the concentration of useful substances in the fault significantly varies depending on the technology of the production of alcoholic beverage. Report about a study is published in periodical Nature.

Data of numerous of studies attest to the fact that the moderate use of red wine considerably decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. According to one version, reason to that is the substance by the name of resveratol being contained in the red wine. At the same time the concentrations of resveratola in the fault are so small that in order to perceive its beneficial action, fault necessary to drink in gigantic quantities.

The group of the specialists of the medical school of queen Mary in London conducted a series of experiments on the culture of the cells of endothelium (inner shell of blood vessels). In the course of experiments it was explained that the connections from the group of protsianidinov, which are also contained in the fault, were capable of suppressing in the cells of endothelium the synthesis of the harmful protein of endotelina-y, which is considered one of the basic factors of cardiovascular diseases.
According to chief researcher professor Roger Kordera, protsianidiny are contained in the fault in a considerably larger quantity, than resveratol; therefore the usefulness of wine at the small doses, most likely, it is connected precisely with them.

At the same time, the concentration of useful components can be very different in the different types of wine. Thus, in the red wine, produced in southwestern France and Sardinia, the content of protsianidinov is two - four times more than in the Spanish, Australian and South American faults. In the opinion of scientists, the reason for such essential differences consists in the fact that the French and Italian viniculturists as a rule adhere to the traditional technologies of the production of wine, which are characterized by more prolonged fermentation process.

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