Thursday, November 09, 2006

Night shifts shorten the life

Work in night hours of twenty-four hours and disruption of the work of internal biological it is hour they lead to the essential reduction of life. To this conclusion came the scientists from the university Of virzhinii, after conducting experiment on the mice.

They divided downy little beasts into three groups. For one sleep periods it was displaced to six it was hour forward, for the second on so many back. The biological clock of the third group left without any changes.

Scientists were several astonished, when in the course of several months died 32% of mice, that entered into the first group. However, an even larger surprise awaited biologists, when they revealed that for the same interval of time the second group was reduced by 53%. In this case among the mice, that slept and worked in the common for them time, perished only 17% of animals.

Scientists say that they cannot accurately determine the reason for this influence of the disturbance of biological time on the lifetime; however, the results of a study speak they themselves for itself. possibly, reason consists in deficiency in the sleep or nekoyem defeat of immune system, are assumed specialists.

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